• product inserts

    since last saturday am's watershed event had several opportunities to park my pro in its favorite garage …
    no repetition yet of reaching the crest butt there's been sufficient rewiring that – if i'm hightly aroused – the prostate now begs for a little attention
    … is this how gay guys become bottoms?
    4play and arousal are definitely keys – as they always have been and will be
    – rip

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/24/2011at8:18 pm

      hi rip. This date is my girlfriends
      No, i'm not gay. (maybe bi curious)
      But however i've been to bed with some guys in the past, maybe i was wanting they shag my arse, 'butt' never did. I could'nt shag them coz i don't get sexual attractions from big fat blokes, but still i'd loved to be rogered by a few.

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