• Out of a relationship, into a new journey

    I’ve been using an aneros since I turned 18. I’m turning 25 this year, and I think only now have I really understood my body and how it responds to the prostate and the aneros. I’ve used a good amount over the years but I had long stints of no anal play. I’ve had a ton of dud sessions but I’ve had a ton of amazing sessions where I learn so much about myself but also life kind of. I have never yet had a super o, but I feel like I have small dry wave like orgasms, but I feel like I am getting closer.
    I’ve been in a relationship for nearly 4 years, but we broke up a couple months ago. Before that I was single for a year and in a 3 year long relationship before that. Way too long for a young person. I’m not going to go into details, but I think only just now have I been realizing that I need and WANT to be able to do what I want more often. I feel so free and able to do whatever I want. Especially since I don’t want kids. I have also come to the realization that I am bisexual. All of these things together have really put a hamper on my aneros use. For months I would jerk off like normal. I’ve always wanted my prostate and ass to be my only source of pleasure. Because I am single now, I feel like I can be me now and I can do what I want.
    Today I used my helix, my day-1! I used it yesterday too but I wasn’t able to focus and relax because my phone kept going off. I haven’t masturbated in like a week or two also.
    First I went outside and smoked some weed and meditated. Then i came back and cleaned my aneros. Laid a towel down on my bed as usual, and laid down. I found for myself that laying down in a neutral position is best. It allows me to focus and feel myself the best. I did some more meditating, and did 4-7-8 breathing. I find 4-7-8 breathing has a certain tendency to spark my prostate really well. I also do the do nothing method to completely relax my butt. Once I started having feelings of p waves and or involuntaries, I then keep doing 4-7-8 breathing but I played and danced around with my muscles deep in my prostate area to run against my prostate. This felt so good. As it kept growing, I felt this feeling deep inside me, it felt as if I needed to like let go completely. I was shaking a lot but then when I did that my body calmed down, but the strange but pleasureable feeling kept growing. I was able to really ‘let go’ during this specific stage of pleasure.
    It all came it waves. Starts for good few minutes and then calms down, and then starts again. I have really come to understand how to not seek for the feelings, but to just let it come and enjoy what does come.
    I’m trying a no fap thing for 90 days so we will see what that does to my prostate. Since I broke up, I started using my helix again (2nd use after a break), meditating more, working out more, stopped jerking off all the time (zero now) eating healthier so i can have more enjoyable prostate massages. I feel like a different person!


    • Avatar for aneros_user14212


      04/19/2018at2:24 am

      Forgot to mention that I inserted my helix after about 15 minant of meditation, and my session also got cut short by roommates entering the house… haha.

    • Avatar for aneros_user14212


      04/19/2018at2:24 am

      Forgot to mention that I inserted my helix after about 15 minant of meditation, and my session also got cut short by roommates entering the house… haha.

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