• Orgasm after radical prostatectomy

    This is my first blog ever. I had nerve sparing radical prostatectomy about 2.5 years ago. A great deal of time is spent talking about erections, but I was at a loss when it came to information on pleasure and orgasm. The only results I got from Cialis or Viagra was partial erections while urinating while sitting down, for a few days following. I also tried pumps but was not a big fan. Through it all my wife has been supportive, but I was left feeling that she was more on the sidelines waiting for me to figure it out leaving me frustrated and unjustifiably angry with her. The stress on our marriage has been extreme. I was given very little support from my doctor other than erection pills, penis injections or surgery to put a pump in my testicle sac to pump up an erection. Nothing addressed sexual pleasure other than being told the only kind of orgasm I could have would be a dry orgasm. “WTF” does that even mean.
    After 2 years of trying, failing, and doing my own research to address the fact that there seemed to be some correlation between my erections and stimulation of the internal nerves that were spared during the surgery. I researched prostate massagers to if any might stimulate the spared nerves even though the prostate was removed. I discussed the possibility of benefit with my doctor’s office and had a very difficult discussion with my wife. I was so relieved when she responded that she loved me and would work with me to figure it out. I settled on the Helix Syn V and Progasm. I found the Progasm comfortable enough to wear while slept. Within a week or so of leaving it in all night every night I started getting erections while peeing sitting down even though I hadn’t taken any erection medication.
    I have been able to give my wife orgasms without having an erection, but I was denied any form of physical pleasure myself. One night lying in bed on my stomach facing away from my wife, my legs spread and the Progasm inside me, I asked her to roll over and put her leg over mine. When she did I my body responded and did it ever. Every muscle in my body was contracting, my toes curled, I started panting and maybe even whimpering. This built up for several minutes until I was able to catch my breath and relax, but not for long before I started to blast off again. I not sure but I think this rolling orgasm lasted more than 30 minutes. We were traveling the next day and that night it happened again. So much of my frustration and anger was feeling that sexual pleasure was something that I would never experience again. I can honestly say that I have never had an orgasm as intense or satisfying. Any more my wife can roll over and rub my ankle and get me fired up. I feel the sensations when on my own but never to the extent as I do when my wife is with me.
    At this point I’m looking for some counseling. I’m still frustrated with the medical community for their lack of help finding quality of life solutions for their patients. I shouldn’t have had to spend the amount of time I did in pornography to find medical information that the medical community is to squeamish to talk about. Grow up already!


    • Avatar for Ghusa


      06/11/2022at5:05 pm

      Thanks for putting out the blog. Keep it updated on your progress.

    • Tbob

      06/13/2022at7:33 pm

      Heh Ghusa, saw a like from you on the forum, thanks man. Thought I;d drop you a line to give some good news about your prostate nerve bundle, and nerves in general. I speak from some experience. In 2013 I had Brachytherapy for PC. And in 97, I severed my finger to thepoint that was holding it together was a single tendin. Took 7 mths of therapy to get it moving and feeling again, and another 5yrs before it really felt normal. So I can tell you that although they strive to save the nerve bundle what they don’t tell you is that they have been also been severally agravated. Which leaves them in a kind of dorment state. What I can tell you is that at your stage connections are still being made and as time goes by it will get better and better. My nerves over my prostate seem to have seperated, now I have contractions on each side seperately. So don’t be discouraged, the body is an amazing organism. JUst be patient. Also I don’t recommend you sleep with it in, as it can result in over stimulation, where as you don’t recognize the progression as good feelings only feel normal or dull. One part of rehab was not overdoing it, the body needs time to rejuvinate. I look forward to reading your blog, as time goes by, us PC survivors seem to have the most peculiar exp.

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