• Now I've really done it! (Aneros for BPH)

    Quite a few months and posts back I posted a blog about a friend of mine suffering from BPH. Well thanks for all the suggestions and I finally had the balls to take Love_is suggestion and send him info on highisland.com Being guys and how we are brought up I just found this awkward. Well thanks Love_is because your suggestion worked out well. I wasn't sure if I was going to lose a longtime friend but that hasn't happened. I guess dealing with BPH and the now traditional "take these pills" method hasn't worked for him either. He stopped taking flomax because he had to make a decision between a sex life or BPH. He chose BPH. I did the same thing. Sex is just to important in my marriage and to me. So in my e-mail I just stated, "you can have both". I personally feel better and when we did talk about it I just told him because we're friends I wanted to pass this along but I was hesitant because something like this is pretty personal. I got a genuine thank you. So I guess it's only a matter of time before he finds me out here. Let's see how things go. This is a great forum and I feel like I have some partners in crime here! LOL LivingLarge (in my own small world)


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/24/2009at12:40 pm

      That's great LivingLarge!!! 😀
      Friends help one another. You did just that, with a gentle suggestion.
      Good for you and your friend!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/24/2009at4:44 pm

      tks for sharing… great thread

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