• New Years Eve morning session, December 31 : incredible Aless following

    Hi guys,
    It is hard to believe that my last Aneros session occurred a week ago on Christmas Eve. I must have had a lot on my mind in the interim, or it could have been just the weather.
    After running a couple errands mid morning, I decided to have a New Years Eve session. Errands done, my mind was freed from concerns. My body certainly craved or lusted for a session.
    I used the usual models of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. My session lasted about 45 minutes.
    What impressed me most about about this session is that each of these models moved within me rhythmically and fairly slowly. I just laid back and let these models do their own thing. Post session this sort of movement continues unhindered producing exquisitely sweet, yet profound Aless.
    I may have a celebratory, leisurely masturbation session with lots of edging later today.
    Take care, Happy New Year!