• New nipple diddling technique applied to Thursday November 8 Aneros session!

    Hi guys,

    Some guys have suggested recently a nipple diddling technique on our forum. In the diddling technique what you do is place your left fingers upon your right nipple and vice versa, your right fingers upon your left nipple. Somehow this technique really revs up the effect of nipple diddling.

    I first used this technique upon myself when I went to bed Wednesday night. It really felt good as I wore my BIKE CUP Supporter Unit no. 85. My diddling felt real good, my jock and cup felt real good, and my prostate and anal musculature felt real good especially when I Kegeled!

    Actually what I was I doing throughout the night until when I rose the next morning was engaging my body in foreplay. I was making out with myself.

    I was really horny when I came to my Aneros session Thursday morning. I used yesterday the “do nothing” approach and just let MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE do all the work and work their magic on me. Oh yes, my gentle, deft nipple diddling and occasional Kegels revved up the sweet Aneros pleasure.

    Composed while sweetly diddling myself early Friday morning. Take care!


    • Avatar for Turnrow


      11/09/2018at1:09 pm

      Hey bro. While you are in nipple heaven. Let me ask you. Are there certain areas on your nipples which are more erogenous and helpful to advance MMO orgasms? Are there also certain techniques or methods you use on your nipples for better arousal to orgasm?

      Long ago in a thread, I saw Rook talk about sections of his nipples. Do you think we need to start a thread on just how we men work with sections or areas of our nipples or techniques we use for maximum pleasure??

      You are the nipple guy, so I start with the top in these questions.

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