• New levels

    Generally when I use my Aneros toys I start with my Eupho and move on to the larger ones. Each one gives different sensations. Usually I'll use one and after a period of time it'll get played out so on to the next one and so on. Today after using the Progasm I thought I'd give my Eupho another ride. I just didn't quite feel done. Boy was I right. Today this thing launched me into an extreme orgasmic state. I was getting full deep prostate contractions and I was feeling like I could cum at any time. A few previous sessions when I had attained this level I actually had hands free ejaculations. This time was different. The feeling of on the edge remained but no ejaculation. I think this lasted for about 3 or 4 minutes and I was able to totally relax and enjoy it. I just let it happen. It was the best feeling I have had to date. It was the new level that had eluded me for some time. The funny thing about the Aneros toys is that there always seems to be another level. You get comfortable at one plateau only to reach another one at some point down the road. The only thing I can attribute this session to is the fact I usually use Aneros every 3 days. This time I went 4 days and everything seemed so much more sensitive from the get go. Hopefully this new level will become my norm as the other levels have. LL


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/29/2010at7:23 am

      Hey Liv'n – – don't you just love it!! The aneros does seem to have a mind of its own – – when you give in to it shows you something totally new and moves you to new heights. What pleasure. Keep rock'n man!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/29/2010at12:20 pm

      Hello LivingLarge, 🙂
      I can attest to always seeing new and often surprising levels with the Aneros journey. And that for me is with out having achieved super-O's yet. That's cool that it is still very much the case afterwards!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/01/2010at10:19 am

      Congratulations LL!! Another higher plateau indeed! Your observation on timing and finding your better levels of sensitivity are great for all to see too. Thank you. Onward!!

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