• New highs.

    Things keep getting better. Tired of posting this repeatedly but, it’s the truth. This was my first session in almost a week.

    Wife had to be out of the house this morning at 0800. Knowing morning sessions are better for me I took advantage of the opportunity and had some solo fun. Well, this was a session to beat all the others. Amazing where I’m at with SO intensity. I’ve learned to manipulate the Progasm to a small and highly sensitive area and work it back and forth. I had been tightening up and pulling it in further as the O built pulling it off this area but now I’m resisting that impulse and hitting that little spot. I was actually physically exhausted after this session today! I’m going to be sore tomorrow. I’d consider today’s intensity with my pulse elevated a good aerobic workout.

    Had another twenty minute session this afternoon. Not near as good as this mornings.

    Nipple O’s keep getting better too. I’ve learned to stop trying to force them and just let them happen.



    • Avatar for evergreen


      03/28/2019at3:29 am

      Your experiences will vary but by and large it never gets old,the excitement you feel when things start happening and the thought that this is just getting started will cause your pleasure to feed on itself.The big thing is to accept that this amount of bliss is atually yours to enjoy.

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