Neros was around from 2014 to 2016 and became an Aless expert. This is a forum post he made back then. I don’t know if it’s still accessible, so I am putting on my blog. But all the credit goes to him! Thank you, neros, wherever you are!!
    Now I’m gonna preface this by saying this is just my opinion based on my experiences BUT that said the principles I’m going to talk about are ones that tantric sexuality has been talking about for centuries.
    Plus, I know I’m not unique in my experiences. There are plenty of men on here who have experienced the same things I have and have experienced success using stuff I’ve talked about before.
    So, try what I suggest in this post and you’ll probably be pleased with the results.
    So, let’s get into it.
    We are all pretty much the same physically.
    Some of us have different positioned prostates or different sizes BUT we are all pretty much similar
    Barring any traumatic injuries, physically we all have the ability to have the super orgasm.
    In the same way that men who have a healthy functioning genitals will be able to ejaculate if stimulated in the right way.
    BUT, ejaculation is EASY. It’s an instinctive thing that most of us discovered by sheer accident at a young age.
    This incredible pleasure becomes the focus of all our mastubatory sessions. Every other tiny pleasure that comes with building arousal is overlooked.
    When we are horny we focus on getting a full on erection and then stroking one out.
    As we grow older we begin to have sexual partners. Our focus then becomes giving her (or him) sexual pleasure. We hold back our orgasm because we don’t want to ejaculate too early.
    We may begin to masturbate slowly in order to increase our stamina aka edging.
    But again, these sessions start with an erect cock and the urge to “get off”.
    We ignore and gloss over all of the subtle sensations in out lower stomach, anus, perinium and cock that happen as we start to get aroused. We skip over it and don’t FOCUS on it because it’s not really that exciting compared to the pleasure at the point of no return and past it.
    And this is where we have problems when it comes to the super O.
    Physical arousal in men starts long before you get an erection. And it’s these sensations that build and build into the super orgasm.
    You are already rewired
    Your body is already giving you the sensations required for super orgasm.
    You just aren’t aware of them.
    You’ve spent years skipping over these subtle sensations. You’ve ignored the twitches and aches and growing warmth in your lower body as you become aroused because you rush the arousal.
    Take note of that – you rush your arousal.
    You hurry to get an erection for sex and for traditional masturbation. Because you erroneously believe there is nothing pleasurable in the arousal building process at the early stages.
    Well, this is where the super o hides.
    Most people think a man is only physically aroused when he has an erection. But that’s not the case.
    We as men are very disconnected from our bodies when it comes to sex. We are goal orientated – we drive towards orgasm. In fact not just men, but there are a lot of women who are like that as well. Plenty of women just want to hurry to penis in vagina sex rather than revel in the arousal building of foreplay.
    But, to reach super orgasm you need to be VERY in touch with your body.
    The reason people can have aless orgasms is because they are now (thanks to the aneros) aware of their rectal and adominal sensations.
    It’s not that those sensations didn’t exist before – it’s that they didn’t notice them.
    Here’s an example in a different context:
    You may have heard of vipassana meditation – it’s all about (like most meditation) bringing your attention to the subtle sensations in the body.
    Awareness the breath is a traditional exercise.
    Now, most of us can become aware of our breath. If we focus on it then we can become aware of our breathing in and out and the movement of our chest/stomach.
    We feel the expansion etc.
    That’s about the level of sensation we can feel at first. I have never done this meditation so that’s all I can feel as well.
    But, the more people practice it, they report feeling more subtle sensations. They become aware of the feeling of the air over their upper lip as they breathe. They become aware of the sensation of air moving down their throat into their lungs.
    Their awareness gets deeper and they pick up on subtle sensations they have never been aware of before.
    Those sensations were already there but their mind wasn’t focused enough on it.
    The “Recticular Activation System”
    Your conscious awareness can only be aware of so much. It’s not really important for your life to be aware of the sensation of your heart beating (for example). So, your conscious mind doesn’t focus on it. It’s got more important things to worry about.
    It uses something called the Recticular Activation System (RAS) to choose its focus at any given time.
    But, if you focus on something you’ll become more aware of it over time. And the more time you spend focusing on it the more that awareness continues throughout your day to day life.
    Ever bought a red car and then suddenly become aware of how many red cars are driving around your town? They were always there but you didn’t pick up on them because you weren’t focused on them.
    The same with rectal abdominal sensations. Spending hours at a time focusing on your rectum and genitals during an aneros session will cause you to become increasingly aware of the sensations down there.
    Those sensations that we use to build into super orgasms have ALWAYS been there. You have just rushed through them.
    Using your mind
    If you want a super orgasm you are going to have to play in the lower stages of arousal.
    And you are going to have to take pleasure in the little sensations that are there. Because, although those sensations are subtle at first during a session, they grow into bigger pleasure and eventual super orgasm.
    If you are feeling sensations down there during a session (or outside a session) but they aren’t building into anything then it’s likely that you are not relaxing and amplifying the sensations mentally.
    Twitches and warmth and aching etc. in your anus and body is not necessarily “arousing” in and of itself. Certainly not in the same way as penile stimulation.
    It’s your mental reaction to these sensations that determine whether you will orgasm.
    An orgasm is mostly mental. It’s why things like KSMO work.
    You could already be feeling all of the nice sensations that aneros gives you but if you don’t focus your attention on them and ALLOW yourself to be sexually pleasured by them then you will struggle to reach orgasm.
    So, if you are feeling twitching or throbbing or warmth down there then focus on it and tell yourself how good it feels. Relax into the sensations like you’d enjoy a massage.
    Don’t try and force them to get stronger or bigger or start worrying if you are going to reach orgasm.
    Your mind and body are linked in a feedback loop. If you tell yourself you are aroused and you act as if you are aroused then you will get aroused.
    Slow Down and Don’t Try to Have an Orgasm
    This is an exercise that will enable you to build your awareness the arousal of your rectum and lower belly.
    Please note – don’t be disheartened if you don’t feel anything much at first. Your awareness might be too low or you might be focused too much on building arousal to actually notice things.
    And, sometimes you might not be in the right headspace to feel much.
    For example, yesterday I felt loads from my rectum and had some mini aless orgasms but this morning I’m feeling not so much despite my focus on rectum and lower stomach. Why? Well I have a lot of work to do this afternoon and I’m a bit preoccupied.
    So, just keep at it.
    Remember – you aren’t creating sensations. You are just becoming aware of these sensations that already exist.
    Step One
    Find a comfortable place to sit or lie. Don’t make a big deal out of it. If you take this exercise too seriously then you’ll probably not experience much.
    Stay clothed. No need to get naked.
    Step Two
    Just be aware of the whole region from your belly button down to (and including) your rectum, penis and balls.
    That’s where you attention needs to be focused.
    Forget about everything else but that area.
    Ignore your mind, ignore your thoughts. Focus on experiencing the physical sensations.
    Step Three
    We are going to just dip into our mind for a second to kick start our arousal.
    Pick the scenario that turns you on the most. A fantasy, a kink, an image or whatever that gives you a sudden jolt of arousal.
    If you are anything like me you’ll suddenly get a rush of butterflies in your stomach. Or a jolt of excitment. Or a jolt of “oh fuck that’s really hot”.
    Your cock will be flaccid at this point but you’ll feel aroused, a bit horny.
    You might get an urge to get hard and wank.
    You might feel a jolt of electricity in your ass. Or a throbbing.
    Whatever it is, you’ll feel some physical response to the you’ve briefly thought of.
    The intensity doesn’t matter. Don’t try and force a physical sensation. If you’ve chosen your hottest fantasy then you WILL have some response to it (however mild)/
    THIS is the sort of physical sensations that will build into orgasms with focus.
    It’s pretty “nothing” right now isn’t it? It’s just a physical response to an arousing mental image.
    It’s nothing compared to the intensity of stroking your cock at the point of no return and then ejaculating.
    That’s why we men always skip over this when we are having normal sex or masturbating.
    But awareness of these sensations and allowing ourselves to be aroused by them is what will drive us to non ejaculatory orgasms and super orgasms.
    Step Four
    STOP the mental fantasy the instant you get a physical response. Again, if it’s your hottest fantasy/kink then you will have a physical response within a few seconds.
    REMEMBER – physical response DOES NOT mean an erection. You will start getting hard as your arousal builds BUT there are plenty of sensations even before your cock responds with slight stiffness.
    Now FOCUS on that physical response and enjoy it.
    It feels nice.
    Perhaps you feel an ache in your perinium.
    You might feel tingling.
    What’s your lower abdomen feel like? Is it warm?
    If it is, enjoy that.
    Perhaps you can feel an aching or throbbing behind your cock. That’s your prostate.
    Enjoy these subtle (or not so subtle) sensations as the blood begins to flow into your lower regions.
    These sensations have always been there, you’ve just rushed through these less “exciting” levels of arousal when having sex or wanking.
    Just breath and relax.
    If you are struggling to “enjoy” them in a sexual way then imagine these sensations are being caused by a sexual environment. If you feel a tingling over your balls that perhaps imagine that the tingling comes from a lover’s fingers gently tickling them.
    Don’t worry too much about creating an indepth fantasy – your focus needs to be on the physical not the mental. You just want to ensure that you are enjoying these sensations in a sexual way so adding a slight sexual twist to them is all you need.
    FOR MOST people though, the fact that these sensations are genital and anal that have been caused by a sexual fantasy is more than enough to enjoy the sensations in an aroused way.
    At the end of the day, these sensations ARE sexual arousal. You’ve just never noticed them before.
    Step Five
    As you enjoy this low level arousal you’ll probably find your cock SLOWLY getting hard.
    DON’T force it to get hard. This is all about ALLOWING your body to slowly get aroused.
    So stay relaxed and just feel it slowly growing in size.
    You’ll probably start to feel some wonderful sensations in your cock – tingling, liquid feelings.
    You’ll also probably start to feel some pulsing and twitching in your PC muscles as your cock pushes it way upwards.
    Notice all the subtle sensations in your penis, perinium and anus as your cock grows. And how good they feel.
    You’ve skipped all of this for so long. Who would have thought that this low level arousal would hold so much wonderful feeling?
    Are they “orgasmic” feelings? Nope. But they feel good.
    Arousal feels good. And it’s that good feeling that will build and build into orgasm.
    Step Six
    IF AND ONLY IF the sensations in your abdominal/genital area are disappearing then feel free to quickly (literally 1 sec flash thought/image) think about your hottest fantasy from time to time. But not for too long. Remember the focus is on the physical sensations of arousal.
    Once the sensations themselves come back the STOP thinking of the fantasy and focus on the sensations of arousal. That is more than enough to sustain you – remember the physical sensations of arousal are themselves arousing.
    At NO point try to “hurry” the arousal along.
    Think of it like a manual car (stick shift for you Americans).
    You need to manually go through the gears – you can’t jump from first to fourth gear. If you do you’ll stall the car and have to start again from the beginning.
    In the same way, you need to SLOW DOWN. If you try to force your arousal to a peak you’ll end up losing your arousal and having to start over.
    The whole point of this exercise is to build your awareness and enjoyment of the subtle sensations of arousal. It’s those sensations that build to super orgasm.
    Trying to rush it or skip steps will end up ruining your arousal.
    Every single step feels nice from those small little twitches in your perinium through to the growing cock through to the warmth in your belly through to the etc. etc.
    The instant you feel impatient is where you’ll ruin it and you’ll have to start again.
    Think of it like you are walking by foot for a mile. But instead of running or even walking you are creeping as SLOW as you can. And the slower you walk the better it feels but the instant you speed up you end up back at the start of the mile again.
    End of exercise
    Now, you’ve been doing this exercise without an aneros in your ass. Guess what – this is what I do when I have an aneros in my ass and it gives me super orgasms.
    I’ve also started doing it without an aneros in me and what do you know – I’m having mini orgasms and dry orgasms and am very close to a super orgasm (it just requires a bit more focus when you don’t have an aneros in).
    So, take this exercise and do it without an aneros in your ass. SLOW DOWN, RELAX ENJOY THE AROUSAL BUILDING PROCESS.
    Then next time you have a session with your aneros – DO THE SAME THING.
    NOTE – your cock will become flaccid again during an aless or aneros session EVEN though you are highly aroused. It just happens as you focus on the sensations in your ass and body.
    Having an erection is not really necessary for a super orgasm. So don’t think you’ve failed if your erection waxes and wanes. As long as you can feel things in your body that feel good then you are on the right track.
    I hope this makes sense, I’ve tried to condense a lot of thoughts into one concise post so if you have any questions then let me know in the comments below.