• My first videoclip

    As promised, I have made a videoclip with highlights of a recent 45-minute session (20 minutes preps, 25 minutes on camera):-
    There were two constraints on my time – needing to go work afterwards and having only 30 minutes of high quality video available on my camera.
    For my next video I will film the tail-end (pardon the pun) of a longer session.
    To be honest, I felt a bit self-conscious making this. I was not embarrassed at all as I've made plenty of other clips before and enjoy doing so, but I was conscious of the fact that aspects of the session might look forced or fake.
    And in editing it I was aware that there's not much excitement to be found in watching someone from behind grind his crotch into a pillow LOL.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/10/2008at11:51 am

      That was good. Interesting that you and ArcticWolves both get the "shakes".
      I might post a video, too.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/10/2008at5:33 pm

      Keep making more videos man. You can put as many and as long as you want on Xtube.com. So please, record all your sessions for us to learn from. I think the Progasm causes the shakes more than the other models. I believe it has something to do with the k-tab and it probably somewhat massage the internal tailbone area since it is thicker.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      09/10/2008at5:43 pm

      way to go on making a video!!!
      how about you post this on the forum?
      besides the shakes, were you having orgasms? looking over your blog, doesn't seem like you often have dry-Os, or do you?

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