• My all-round, round the clock fuck, memoirs of a rapist

    Of all the Super O's I have I wouldn't say this one was the best, but I think it will be one of the most memorable as this was the first time I combined different parts on the tantric wheel to really have a full experience.
    As explained on DTM's blog I've been experimenting a lot recently with a 4 sec KSMO and been trying to combine it with theory from Mantak Chia's "orgasmic man" this probably coloured my Aneros Experience.
    One thing that wasn't in it this time, although abundant in previous sessions before I started with KSMO, was: dry orgasms, but as I'll explain below the combination made this session very special.
    From the KSMO I learnt the 'Orgasmic Reflex', (perhaps learnt is a misnommer as I'd already experienced this during a Super O with the Aneros but thru KSMO I learnt to recognise this orgamsic reflex.
    From Mantak Chia I learnt the 'cool draw'.
    The novelty was that this session it actually worked, I could bypass my ejaculatory response. I was ploughing my cunt and was using the orgasmic reflex to cycle energy all around my body, pervading every cell with orgasm.
    This was working so well(normally I have to hold myself in after 3 minutes now I could keep fucking hard, deep long strokes for hours without getting blue balls….Everything was tinteling and I was filling with energy. In fact I could save up energy into my head and then blast it,. right thru my crown into space like a laserbeam….So I'd be the active particpant with my Helix up my ass and then I'd lie back again still buzzing all over and I'd lie back and feel the Aneros move back and forth leaving me tintelated and prostate horny.
    And back into the passive role with Helix frigging my asshole.
    Even as I write this orgasmic waves are moving up and down from my toes to my crown and flooding my navel, I imagine energy gushing like water down the drain after the plug gets lifted.
    The first time I did this with my fleshlight I clearly had a choise to either keep on the orgasmic response of the ksmo or go down the traditional circuit. I kept fucking for about an hour using the orgasmic reflex of the ksmo in combination with the cool draw. I found I could switch circuits whenever I pleased, it was a bit like that picture of that danser that's turning round, at first you only see it move in only one direction then after getting cockeyed you can move the danser at will with your eyes using either left or right brain. So I could bring myself to the brink using the ejaculationary circuit and then I could switch again at will to the non-ejaculationary one.
    The second time however was a bit worrying as it felt like I only had 1 circuit I could follow(non ejaculationary one)..so after ploughing a way going back to the passive role again lying back and let my Aneros fuck me….I decided with the third time just to ejaculate and it worked. All's well that end's well