• more rewiring!

    Session #1:
    So, last night, after not having ejaculated for a few days, I decided to have a nice, regular old wank. As I started stroking myself, I immediately felt something like p-waves. I've felt this before in the shower but this time, they were a bit more intense. I proceeded to stroke myself and tried to "redirect" the feelings away from the normal ejaculatory path to the path I take with KSMO. I tried to do this just by focusing my mind on the p-waves and trying to amplify them. I did make the KS a few times but it seemed to be more of a distraction than a help. Anyways, I spent about 20 minutes stroking myself (quite vigorously at times) and seemed to be able to partially redirect the feelings. At least I didn't always feel the strong urge to ejaculate that I would have in the past. It was a pretty interesting experience. The "slogan" for KSMO is "Last longer in bed". I honestly never understood how KSMO was connected to this as I viewed it as a way to have multiple orgasms without penile stimulation and have been using it for this purpose. Now I think I'm starting to understand that the rewiring that's happening is starting to "connect" penile stimulation to the MMO response as opposed to the ejaculatory one. Anyways, after about 20 minutes, I ejaculated.
    Session #2:
    The last few sessions, I've masturbated to ejaculation afterwards. I thought I was beyond the need to abstain and, for some reason, after these sessions I just felt the urge. This morning I had a short but very intense session. No aneros, no KS. What made this session slightly different than prior ones is that the orgasms seemed to come more gently. It's not that they felt less intense, but my body didn't seem to be working as hard to get to them. It's very hard to explain. It was just a more gentle, relaxed, peaceful buildup. I guess it's just my body becoming more adept at all of this. I wonder if having a few sessions without ejaculating was helpful. It seems like it may have been since my last few sessions were not much different than earlier ones. In the future, I think I'll be following a plan where I avoid ejaculation at least on every other session. This is kinda what I've been doing over the last couple of months and it seemed to result in lots of progress.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/04/2010at7:18 pm

      IMO it's not the sound itself that has the power, but the breath and the bearing down. The way I'd do it is first do your KSMO session. And when you start getting the spasms, start friggin away. Focus on the euphoric energy and circulate it thru your body and continue the orgasmic response of the ksmo

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/04/2010at11:02 pm

      A few comments:
      -When I do KSMO, I don't do anything I'd call "bearing down". So, I'm not quite sure what you mean.
      -In any case, I have done something similar to what you describe (do KS, wait for the effects, then stimulate). So far, this hasn't really produced the desired results. But, I will certainly try this again.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/05/2010at10:58 am

      The last part of the ks, when your lower abs expand and the way I experience it, it's like youre pushing the sound/energy thru your groin and out thru your dick…and then get echo effects doubling over coz I get involuntary contraction of the lower abs, this forces me to bear down and intensifies the energy in my groin.
      I bought a fleshlight STU and it really is more than a masturbation tool, the suction stimulates the entire shaft. The first times I tried it I lasted perhaps 3 minutes. But using the bearing down motion and circulating the energy you can really go on fucking indefinitely. It's like mental pingpong.
      If your awareness is continously honed in on the energy and the circulating, although a very pleasant feeling it's going to take away the sensation from your dick so it won't stay hard.
      So you pingpong between the lust and the energy. This I understand now, to be the art of brinkmanship…Getting totally engrossed in lust taking yourself to the brink and then focussing on the energy and the bearing down motion. True I didn't last indefinitely, only 45 minutes, but it was one of the best traditional orgasms I ever had. And the main thing I was completely in control, I could have gone longer but I really wanted to come then

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