• Monday morning session: "Really into you!" : September 19

    Washington DC weather is one of extremes. We have had several months of relentless heatwaves, but hardly any rain. Recent weeks we have had drought conditions. So today we are having a rainy day for a change with very high humidity. Even the keys of my PC keyboard are laden with yucky moisture!
    Also I had mostly a sleepless Saturday night/Sunday morning, so church was a huge drag. I finally arrived home at 3:30 p.m. exhausted, but managed to hang on until I went to bed just after 10 p.m., my usual time. I craved rest and slept like a log until just after 7 this morning, very unusual. I rise usually between 5:30 and 6:30 a.m. I laid in bed this morning and listened to the radio until just after 7:30 a.m. I had serious Aless and really wanted a session.
    The session lasted about 1.5 hours with the following models: Progasm Ivory, MGX, Maximus, Progasm ICE.
    Since my breakthrough last Friday morning with Super-O’s and MMO’s, I am “really into” my Aneros tools. “Really into someone” is an expression of developing intimacy in a couple that leads to sex usually, but most so intimacy that leads to communion of souls. It seems that I am really getting to know my Aneros tools and they are getting to know me. Such knowledge leads to intense, sweet pleasure which leads ultimately to Super-O’s, MMO’s, and even beyond!
    This morning I attempted to use Program Ivory to open my session and even. He inserted easily and he produced some sweet sensations, but really little happened. I should have had more patience with Progasm Ivory. “Hey guy, I’ll use you again soon!” However, when I switched to MGX, that was when fireworks began. Just as what happened in the Saturday midday session, MGX hooked around my prostate and seemed to grab it. Paroxysms of intense pleasure ensued, again waves, absolute surges of pleasure! MGX is certainly an Energizer Bunny. I let him do his own thing with me. When I withdrew MGX this morning, there was a surge of liquid energy, much of it localized in my penis which felt like it was going to cum! There was however a copious ooze of viscous precum! Maximus also operated in the same way as MGX. My bunghole and prostate had that delightfully well-exercised, sweet soreness of a thorough plowing too!
    I finished the session with Progasm ICE which worked better than ever before! However, its sleekness still provides a risk of slipping out.
    Update early Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. I am so happy that my Aless made a quantum leap into higher orbit with my breakthroughs into achieving Super-O’s, MMO’s, and discovering that knack of interacting more directly and naturally with my Aneros tools, all this done through my most remarkable session early last Friday morning! Now whenever I sit my chair at my PC and I experience Aless, I can enter into my Aless in a most powerful way as I feel most profoundly the pulsations of my anal tract and prostate.
    Late Monday night, we residents of our apartment building had our power turned off for a seven hour maintenance by our local power company. Actually the outage lasted about an hour in the midnight hour Tuesday. About 2 a.m., I had an impromptu session with Helix Classic during which I used the do-nothing technique with that tool. Helix Classic interacted with me in a more direct way, similar to MGX. I look forward to similar sessions with Helix Classic in coming weeks.
    Tonight I plan to have a session with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic models in the 10 o’clock hour.
    Finally Aless is a powerful meditation tool in which I focus your mind and breathing upon your Aless. This meditation tool can be applied to your Aneros sessions as well during with through the do-nothing technique and calm breathing, you open yourself up to what your Aneros tools and body have for you. Can’t wait for my next session. Take care!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      09/20/2016at10:23 pm

      Wow! @BigGlansDC it’s obvious your recent breakthrough sessions are making ALL of your sessions more enjoyable; it’s as if you escalated into another level in your journey. I’m happy for you and I sincerely hope your progress continues. You continue to be more inspirational to me.
      Your Progasm Ice must be a new device for you; I knew about your P-Ivory but not the Ice. I absolutely love mine.
      Good Blog!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      09/20/2016at11:18 pm

      @GGringo, I purchased my first Aneros devices in late December 2011 over the Net, a good six months before I attempted my very first session in early June 2012 with Helix Syn. My first three Aneros models purchased were MGX, Helix Classic, and Progasm Classic. Then I was one of the first customers of Helix Syn in March 2012 when it first came out. I got Maximus and Progasm Ice I believe in July 2012. I began using Progasm Classic and Progasm Ice in September 2012, but it took a good six months before I could use them with comfort. I got Progasm Ivory when it first came out in June 2014 from Aneros.com. I like Progasm Classic because of its rugged traction. Program is a little sleeker, but still gives good traction. Progasm Ice is has a sleek feel and tends to slip out. I intend to master Progasm Ice someday soon.
      While I have found the technique for working with my Aneros tools, I must allow myself to accept each session as unique. Some will be more successful than others. The key to a good session is be open to what Aneros and your body has for you. The do-nothing techique is a great help. Also just enjoy and have fun! 🙂

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