• Messages to self

    You are convinced excessive stimulation of nipples and / or arse leads men into another dimension of orgasm experience, whereas excessive cock stimulation always ends in ejaculation, stimulation of nipples and / or arse can side step the termination of pleasure caused by ejaculation and instead let you expand into further dimensions of pleasure.
    You feel deeply masculine and happy to be a man, but you've integrated your feminine side and your body is beginning to show you, you can make love to yourself, you look at other guys initially for what you would want in your twin lover, perhaps, youth, maturity, a bigger dick, a better body – you seek the ideal 'you' to have as your lover, but now perhaps you are seeing that it is more about wanting to experience the constant pleasure other guys seem to be capable of, not actually wanting the guy.
    Your key references:
    "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia
    "Prometheus Rising" by Robert Wilson
    "Undoing Yourself with Energized Meditation and Other Devices" by Christopher Hyatt

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