• Long time, no aneros

    Well it has been a LONG time since I had my last aneros session – several months? I ripped the patellar tendon off my kneecap in February, had an operation to replace it, and promptly developed acute urine retention. Great! Better still was the assumption by the doctors that this was due to an enlarged prostate. I had a feeling it wasn't, BUT I didn't feel like using my aneros, whilst I was having tests to work out what the problem was, plus being catheterised for nearly 3 weeks, meant that I had been "peeing razors" for some time afterwards.
    As I suspected, it wasn't my prostate that was the problem – though appreciate from guys on the forum, that this wouldn't necessarily have been the end of my aneros career. It seems to have been a sensitivity to opiate anaesthetics.
    Anyhow, in the meantime, I concentrated on my nipple inspired dry orgasms, which have been developing well.
    So the other day, after months, I felt like an aneros session, could feel my anus, PC muscles, and prostate vibrating and pulsing in expectation, and thought this was a good sign. I was not wrong!
    For more or less the entire time, I had regular and repeated dry orgasms, that grew in intensity and duration as time progressed. There were several periods with an erection – unusual for me – and a feeling that arousal was building from my being aroused – effectively escalating. There was a sense of euphoria that also seemed to be escalating. The only thing that stopped all this, was the demands of normal life.
    My long gap between sessions seems to have resulted in some more rewiring. I was worried that my lack of use, would result in the loss of my shiny new skills, but I am now wondering if that is in fact possible?
    Onwards and upwards!

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