• Knowing my moods

    Well I have been so overwhelmed with work and obligations I have not found the time to up date my blog. The night of the blood moon I had the best session to date. I knew I was going to enjoy the ride. I did have 3 more sessions before last nights and I am so enjoying my rewiring and Aneros moments. Last night I awoke as planned and lubed and went down to the couch for my quiet time. I did have an exhausting day and I am also leaving on vacation. This was the last time I could spend time with my Syn for about 2 weeks. I had taken a days break so I knew I was good to ride even though I wanted to sleep. The ride was absolutely the best yet and there is still more super-ness to come. I am very happy with my rewiring and knowing how I feel during the process. I am beyond excitement to get back from my trip and take Syn for the ride after the long break. It will be mind blowing more so then last nights. And that is so good. Got to go pack and be back in 2 weeks with the results of riding a well rested bum. SoFunLoving

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