• Introduction

    Well, some members were very encouraging and suggested to start a blog, well here goes:
    Quote: [I]… unfortunately national traditions are handed on like a hereditary disease from generation to generation through the workings of the educational system.[/I](Albert Einstein, 1931)
    As for the title of by blog – yes it is true the Energies have done some crazy things to me and I have come to some remarkable personal conclusions some of which I shall document here. When I talk about Energy I mean Life Energy. About six weeks ago I received my Helix and Eupho and using them I quickly concluded the Aneros effect and its after effect is all about Energy flow in our body. The Aneros is the most crazy and most enjoyable experience.
    My Energy journey started exactly two years ago, with many bizarre experiences but these were outweighed by the many life encouraging and life revealing experiences. Why I am sharing this with you – I always wanted an outlet but so far have not found one. So far I did not want to belong to a particular group as I found that each support group has a particular interest in mind and they are bound to their self centered interest and are closed in their way of thinking and will not allow new directions of thought.
    To my surprise I found some very interesting and thought provoking comment in this community and I have come to the conclusion that we all must be open minded to be able to stick something up our butt, enjoy it and talk openly about it; we have cured some of the hereditary disease passed on to us and laid the restrictions of convention aside. I trust that this is a community, that hopefully, will understand and enjoy what I will write.
    So, I hope to share my Aneros experiences here as well as the Energy experiences; many blog entries will be off topic, that is they will not feature Aneros. Nevertheless, I hope you will accept, enjoy and contribute your comments to this blog.
    Let a new chapter in my life begin, for the first time my own blog and that after 57 years on this planet.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/21/2009at10:56 pm

      HaHa….I am 55 and this one (Aneros) took me by surprise. Blog on my friend but remember this,"Dogma is the sacrifice of wisdom to consistency." I would like to think we are all wise here. 🙂 We seem to be a very diverse group.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/21/2009at11:16 pm

      You are most welcome blogger alv!
      I look forward eagerly to your stories of your adventure thus far: both Energies and Aneros! Trust us all on this I trust. You too have already contributed very interesting information, experiences and perspectives in the Forum. Great quote from Big Al above!
      I am curious about the beginnings and history of your energies quest or curiosity to date…

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/27/2009at11:55 am

      Glad to have the opportunity to read your thought Alv.
      You have always been a light post on the forum.

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