• Kundalini the serpent hiccupped and sent me to hospital.

    Kundalini the serpent hiccupped and sent me to hospital. Yes it is no joke, two years ago I was experimenting with pelvic muscle exercises combined with deep breathing and specific breathing forms all while being in a particular pose with the rest of the body….

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  • My one and only Full Body Multiple Male Orgasm before the Aneros

    Quote [I]“No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.”[/I] (James Arthur Baldwin) There is a first for everything and somehow these firsts are remembered for ever. Parents remember the fist…

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  • Introduction

    Well, some members were very encouraging and suggested to start a blog, well here goes: Quote: [I]… unfortunately national traditions are handed on like a hereditary disease from generation to generation through the workings of the educational system.[/I](Albert Einstein, 1931) As for the title of…

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