• How long I've been at this.

    So today, during some back forth e-mails with Aneros Support. I found out that they have on record the date of my first Aneros purchase, the Helix. Turns out my prior estimates of usage were short by about 3/4 of a year. I purchased my Helix 12/04/06. So it's been close to 2 and 3/4 years I've been using Aneros prostate massager's. And still I'm grinding away towards super-O achievement. 😀
    If I had known in advance it was going to take this amount of time, I'm not sure I would have started the journey. Thankfully I'm in a good state of mind and can just chuckle about it. And it's been fun and down right fascinating to observe the changes and sensations in the mean time!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/26/2009at9:12 pm

      Fortunately, the journey is not without it's rewards!
      Besides, you are not alone my friend.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/27/2009at3:10 pm

      Thanks J4!
      I always appreciate friendly encouragement. 😀

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