• Holy crap!

    I felt horny this morning and had a little time to spare. So, I parked myself in front of the computer and looked at some erotic images. After about 10 minutes, I had major involuntaries going and was getting very intense dry-o's. I rode these for a while. Some of them were so intense that I could hardly tolerate them. They took my breath away and it felt like something was going to explode but never actually did. The pleasure got more intense than I've ever felt before. It felt so completely awesome but at the same time was a little frustrating. At one point, I had the urge thrust my hips…so I did. This led to an intense urge to masturbate…so I did. I jerked off to a very intense super-t (took only about 30 seconds). I ejaculated at the same time as the dry-o peaked and it felt awesome. However, after I was done, I felt strange…almost nauseous. I think I strained a lot during the ejaculation. The feeling passed after a few minutes.
    FYI, I am finding that ejaculating doesn't seem to interfere with my anerosless sessions. I neglected to mention my previous entry that I ejaculated after that one. I still had this incredible session this morning. And, as I write this, I'm having some pretty good involuntaries and p-waves. I don't make a habit of ejaculating after a session, but these days, I don't worry about it if the desire is strong. I just do whatever I want to do.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/07/2010at1:22 am

      No clue as to the cause. I'm not going to worry too much about it unless it happens again.

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