I thought about making a blog post about my last session with my Helix Trident however that does not do justice for how amazing this toy is. Its really more of a pleasure tool than a toy to me at this point. I purchased my Trident 4 months ago and really my other toys have been collecting dust since then. I have all 3 helix models. The classic was my favorite, but the handle made it rub the back of my ass raw. The syn was nice, it dried out if I didn’t pre-lube. Movement on both of these models was so so, they engaged my sweet spot on my perineum and engaged my prostate. Both supplied hands free and super o’s when asked. I really didn’t think it could get any better unit I tried the trident version.
Here is what makes this toy so much better. Straight from Aneros site “new series features our Multi-Axial Motion Architecture™ which allows greater range of movement of the head, creating a larger variety of sensations for the quickest path to the orgasmic bliss yet. New tabs and arms stimulate Perineum and Kundalini acupressure spots with a unique rocking and cradling effect, producing simultaneous stimulation with increased stability”
Here is what I noticed immediately after insertion. The improved tabs are awesome , more comfortable and provides firm contact to the sweet spot. I will actually wear this toy as I go about my business at home with not discomfort. Just tons of teasing pleasure. (this alone could be a blog post) The toy contacts the prostate immediately, without any kegals the warm deep inside feeling begins to build right away. Throwing in some light kegals, the deep pleasure build and I get the feeling my penis is leaking quickly. Within a few minutes I am dripping precum, and shortly after prostate fluid. Once the involuntaries kick in this toy rocks and moves much better than either previous version. Giving one of the most intense prostate massages I have ever had. Never uncomfortable just amazing pleasure taking me orgasmic bliss.
Thank you very much, @Iliketoplay, for a nice chairgasm from your vivid and stimulating report. Sounds like an absolute must have.
It is a must have. Its good. I thought about making a video of it in action and posting to pornhub to show how great it is.
The video is more of fun idea that I doubt I would actually do. I really want to pic up a eupho due to the extra mobility.
@Iliketoplay I wholeheartedly agree with you about the Helix Trident. The Helix Classic was my favorite; the Helix is my only Trident model now but it is my favorite! I like the tab arrangement too, the new “motion” and the way it “coaxes” precum and prostate fluid out of me so quickly! It is an awesome prostate massager! I’ll look forward to more of your posts/reviews.