• Helix does it tonight

    After a lackluster session two nights ago with this device, it sure got me there tonight! It definitely does it much more gently than the Progasm Black does. Progasm gives me these deep, throaty moans and when I hit the big SO there is no doubt it’s the Progasm putting the pressure on my prostate. Helix is less intense and feels more like a traditional O without the ejaculation. I’ve got an afterglow burning too. Nice! Wife and I are supposed to have traditional sex tonight. I predict a Super TO.


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      10/20/2018at12:55 pm

      Sex with the wife last night was great. Since using the Aneri I’ve found I get better erections and stronger orgasms. Actually, if it wasn’t for the Helix session I had I don’t think I would have lasted three strokes with my wife. It really lowered the pressure so I lasted longer.


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