• Gotta take the Bad with the good!

    Lat night, I had a good session with my Progasm Ice and really enjoyed it. After this session I wanted to finish off the evening with a Super-T so with the toy still inserted, I worked ever so slowly on my penis. The climax was good but not exceptional and my ejaculation was surprisingly minimal. It was certainly not a Super-T but rather a dismal-T.
    I attribute this failure to my overdoing things; I had 4 Aneros sessions in 4 days coupled with one or two edging session per day over and above my semen retention for two weeks.
    This morning, I wanted to test my situation so I attempted one edging session. I struggled to even get a semi hard erection, got to the edge once and held the flow. I considered it somewhat successful but I need to give my body, my mind and my prostate some time off to recuperate. This is a case of ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ but without The Ugly. Oh well.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/14/2016at8:40 pm

      @GGringo, that was my experience over a week ago, when I had Aneros sessions nearly every day, and nearly every night attempting a Super-T. My body said no!

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