• Full ejaculation

    This is a first for me. I have had many hours of precum leaking and small orgasms with hard-soft cycling (posted vids even), ending with jo. This time those built into two violent hole clenching orgasms. Then a final one with a complete release of Ejac. All hands free. Video is posted if that is helpful.


    • Avatar for GGringo


      10/29/2017at2:50 pm

      @cremaster1973 thank you for sharing your video! It’s always interesting and inspiring to watch another member’s experience over and above reading about them. Keep writing!

    • Avatar for cremaster1973


      10/29/2017at7:47 pm

      Thanks. I posted my early aneros sessions a couple of years ago. I had lots of aneros fun for a year or so but then used it a lot less. Recently I took it up again using a different position and BAM! what you see is the result. Once it started in seemed I couldn’t stop cumming.

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