• Friday & Saturday morning sessions, "Average?" : But wow! What Aless!

    Hi guys,
    I hungered for an Aneros session early this morningand so did my body. Once again I slept just a few hours last night, coming fully awake at 1 a.m. this morning. Once again I let the hours pass by by listening to programs on my small walk man radio, news programs from the BBC and religious programs of an Evangelical nature from WAVA just outside DC in Arlington VA. Sometimes I have to shut the cacophony of bad news and the earnest jangle of preachers out my mind! No so this morning.
    So finally just after 5:30 a.m., I had an hour’s session with MGX and Progasm Classic. Both Aneros tools were not the Energizer Bunnies this morning as they were previous sessions in the breakthrough week. But they rode me well and I rode them well too. How? Through calm rhythmic breathing, focusing on their slow “f**k” motion within me with a periodic gentle Kegel thrown in. The “do-nothing” approach is focus and attention upon how they do me and in “communion” I have with the Aneros tools used.
    I still prefer using a smaller Aneros tool such as Eupho Classic, MGX, Helix Classic, or Maximus to begin a session to prep my bunghole for the big bruiser Progasm. I think it is still better that way.
    On the surface, it seemed an “average” session this morning. It was a good ride, but certainly no dud. But wow, what Aless that followed when I returned back from the 7 Eleven with my breakfast. I had an intense attack of chairgasms, surges of pleasure that I had to take them in stride. The chairgasms were my way of celebrating the arrival of Fall here with a touch of autumn in the air. The Aless is strong as I write this. Take care!
    P.S. I hope to have a more leisurely session tomorrow morning in the 5 o’clock hour. I plan to use MGX, Maximus, and perhaps Progasm Ivory. The apartment building staff doesn’t arrive until late Saturday morning. I have a meeting to go to mid morning.
    Saturday morning, I had 1.25 hour session with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. The session went well. As always I enjoyed the action of these models. I was able to work with these models in a more leisurely model. Well the session seemed uneventful, I had wonderful Aless the whole day following!
    This past Saturday we had a drastic change from summer weather to definite fall weather. My body began feeling these changes yesterday morning Sunday and even more so this morning with weather definitely colder. Yet I had surges of delicious Aless during the last couple days.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for GGringo


      09/27/2016at1:31 pm

      @BigGlansDC iti is apparent that your Aless sessions have escalated in levels of pleasure since your week of epic achievement. It is encouraging to read about what might be in store for me. I have yet to have a multi-tool session . I find I already have numerous interuptions as it is without creating more. Maybe as I progress further in my rewiring will I try it. Enjoy your Aless!

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