Taller men
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Taller men

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I would suggest taller men {I am 6'2"} try the psnew from the HIH side or I think it is the classic on aneros.It reaches farther around the prostate.It also has more aggresive ridges by the stem which feel sublime when it starts moving on its own.I also have some of the other models but this one has become my favorite. Till later Evergreen

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At an even 6 ft. I also like the Classic and find that those nibs do stimulate some neuro-ensors that other anal toys don't reach. It might be a good idea to check out the number of Lumbar vertebrae on one's spine. A few of us have four or six rather than five which is the norm. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumbar_vertebra -- . Perhaps the lumbar vertebrae count is as important as overall height in selecting an Aneros toy. ... rook

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I think you guys are on to something . I too am a tall man 6' 2" !! So I hope you find the answer.
