Hi people! It's strange to write a post here after all those years
lurking around this forum, I don't even know when was the first time I
have find this forum, I remember I just clicked some banner and went
to a site talking about a device that could make some incredible
things to man, read the testimonials and I said to myself, nah....that's bullsh*t. Man I was
wrong, so wrong.
But all this don't matter anymore, what matters now is that I became a
believer in this so called Super-O.
I will try to be short here, and say how I did it, what helped me,
what didn't work and give some tips. I don't know how discussions are going here cause I
haven't read anything around herefor a good time, so if you all
already know this let me just try to help the people who hadn’t any success yet.
First, a Dry-O has nothing to do with penis stimulation. Believe me, I
have tried everything, stimulating your self to the point of no return
and try to use aneros to bring you over this point will make you have
a ejaculatory orgasm, it will be a nice and powerful orgasm but it has
nothing to do with a Dry-O, for short, if you are trying to have a
Super-O, don't touch your penis for nothing, pretend you have no penis.
Second, Stop masturbating, Really this helps a lot, this was what
helped me to reach the glorious Super-O. For me, I just needed 4 days
and 3 nights without monkey spanking action. I know it's hard,
specially me who can't sleep without relive the pressure. To help you
with that keep saying to you self how a Super-O was gonna be better
than 1000 average orgasms, and again pretend you has no penis.
Third, Keep it simple. I know how many strange and bizarre techniques
this forum have, you will go crazy if you try to remember all then
during a session, most of then will only distract you, all this thing
about syncing your respiration with your pc muscle contraction is just
too distractive. I will say what really works, holding a constant
small pc contraction really helps, not a strong one, but a really
subtle one, just like 1%,is sufficient to make your muscle quiver. And
let's be frank, staying lay down in a bed for hours spec ting something
happens from nothing don't helps much, so if you insert aneros and
don't feel at least some little pleasure or P-wave immediately after
insertion believe me, you are doing your session in a wrong time, when
you feel how a Super-O start you will understand that to reach this
level of arousal just doing some contractions or breathing exercises
will take hours and maybe in the end you may not reach success,
and this is a little frustraiting.For me the most important thing was waiting
for the call, when your body begs to feels aneros inside him and when
inserted if it respond positively ,just hold a small pc contraction and
let your body do the rest. Don’t hold your breath or try to control it,
you can try breath quickly, it may helps.But if everything goes right you
won’t need to force yourself to breath quickly cause you in be almost
fainting What I have found that really helped and was the difference between
a Super-O and a Super-failure was something I read here in a
post ( if someone could point me to this post I will be gratefull), in the post
someone talked about to treat P-waves as a orgasm, like if your
feeling a P-wave just pretend this is not just a P-wave but a orgasm
say to your self that the pleasure that you are feeling is good enough,
you don't need anymore, you just want to be in the same place,
nothing more and nothing less. This will take off
the pressure of your mind to reach something forcefully and will make
things happen. That was the final step that had let me freed my mind
and reach the mythological full body non-ejaculatory orgasm.
Fourth,No porn. I don't know why this work, you people must know why,
cause I have seen some big discussions about it, my theory is that
your brain is used to do a association to porn with ejaculatory orgasm
and this is counter-productive, cause when you use aneros and watch
porn your body will try to have a ejaculatory orgasm, it's not a bad
thing, but it's not what you are trying to reach. If you are looking
for something to increase your arousal and get things rolling a good
thing is stimulate your anus externally or just a little bit
internally, especially in a sweet spot that I have found near the
entering, Just put the tip of your finger in your anus and make the
"come here" movement and look for a sensitive spot just above the anus
internally. Put some pressure and you will fell like you are
stimulating your prostate directly. Other good way to do that is to
use a Bidet if you have one in your bathroom, I have discovered
that when I was kid, that a good, strong, hot, stream of water in the
right place mixed with masturbation can make you have a strong
orgasms, at the time I didn't know why this worked, now I know this
stimulate the prostate indirectly and is perfect for a warming before
a aneros session.
Sixth, No special preparation is needed, Really now this enemas only
did bad things to me, it just irritated my anus and induced diarrheas,
argh, not a good thing. Two days ago when I had my first Super-O, I didn't did a
enema and only used some vaseline over the aneros as lube and things went
perfect.In the past I have tryed a lot of different lubes from the
good ol’ K&Y to the notorious J-lube. They all have made aneros move
perfectly, but may be moved it too much, cause when I had a Super-O the
aneros just moved a little, specially near the orgasm, when my body
just thrusted in all the way in and stayed there until the orgasm come.
Seventh, Drugs are fun. One of my biggest surprises was when I got high
with some friends and when I arrived in home I felt extremely horny
and decided to do a aneros session, it’s was incredible! I got
involutaries as soon I inserted my aneros, I felt a lot of pleasure
that day, my body contorted and quivered. I had reach multiple times a near
Super-O, but it never really happened, I tried this thing of been high many times after
this event, but hadn’t had any success, Maybe the cannabis helped with
arousal but at same time suppressed the ability of the body to have a
Super-O,but it helped me to learn how to focus in those pleasurable
and subtle feelings and in staying relaxed during the sessions, it was
a very useful tool. I have tried poppers too without any success, it
just made more easily to insert the aneros and enhanced the ejaculatory
orgasm. One of the most bizarre events happened when I toke Salvia
while using aneros,if you ever used Salvia you know that strange
things can happen when you use it, well what happened was that right
after I ended smoking my dose, I felt like been raped by something
cause the aneros started thrusting involuntary and forcefully in my
anus, It was somewhat scaring, but I was able feel some pleasure, the most
strange kind of pleasure I ever felt, well maybe this will be useful
to someone who like this kind of stuff, it just don't worked well for
me. But when you reach for the first time a Super-O, you will see
that no drug is so intense or pleasurable as a Super-O, not
even having sex on marijuana was nearly as intense. It sounds like too
much to believe, but trust me I not making up nothing here.
Eighth, Training your muscles. I have done PC exercises for a long time,
I think I started with 13 years old and now I'm 23, but I have done
those exercises in wrong way for a long time too, only 1 or 2 years ago
I discovered that too much of this only make your muscles sore, then I
learned the right way was to do the exercises one day and in every
other day, in that way pc muscle has time to heal and gets
stronger. Other thing is to do reverse pc contractions, that is simply
pushing the muscles instead of normal contraction. A combination of the two done quickly and alternating will
really workout your muscles. In me this exercise sometimes make me
start feel a good prostate stimulation with presence of a erection
and with a good production of precum. Train hard,train good and you
will get some very responsive muscles.
Ninth,Practice,Practice a lot, wait some time between sessions, when
you start feel this peculiar feeling in your belly you know your body
is ready, Don’t force anything, only help things happen in a subtle
way. Set your mind in autopilot and let things happen. And one more
thing about positions, the old knees in chest worked perfect for me,
but really, when the first strong feelings start any position will do.
Tenth,Be good,I know this sounds strange and you may think it has no
connection with aneros use, but I want to belive it has. When I say be
good, I'm talking about to be good with yourself and to the others,
like if you are trying to accumulate some good karma, I like to think
that doing the good to the others make good things happen to us.Good things attract good things. So try to be good to everyone and make everybody around you happy, I think this also helped me.
Now about how my first Super-O happened. Five days ago I had put in my head that I won’t masturbate for some days and only have a orgasm that was induced by aneros.In those four days a barely touched my penis and tried to focus on any different sensation I felt trough my body.In the third day I felt this strange sensation in my belly, the kind of feeling you get when you body ask for sex or masturbation. So I decided to wait one more day to let this feeling to get strong. On the forth day I felt that my penis was very sensitive, just underwear rubbing my penis when I walked made me horny,I felt that my prostate was really sensitive too. So when I got home I took a quick shower, lubed my progasm and inserted it as quick as possible. Immediately after insertion I got a great feeling on my prostate and a partial erection and my body only wanted to lay down and relax. When I layed down in my bed, my heart started beating rapidly and my breath was getting rapid too. Then a very quick kind of involuntaries started,it had no pattern, my anus was just quivering like crazy,my breath was very short and rapid, my heart pounding in my chest. It was like the begin of panic attack induced by some drug, but then some different feeling was growing in my prostate, it was like if my prostate was getting bigger and bigger and I had a vision of a white ball getting bigger too. I tried o focus on the sensation and stay on this level but suddenly the progasm had gone all the way inside me and stopped moving but the feeling was getting stronger, then I exploded, my body was quivering, like I was having a convulsion, I felt a strange kind of pleasure in my whole body and covered my mouth with my pillow to not scream,time just disappeared, I lost control of my body and everything. But in same way it came it went way,I was breath less and not believing in what just happened, the first thing I remember to do was to thanks God for giving me this, I waited for so long but I finally did it, really that was one of the most intense things I ever felt and it was just my own body pleasuring himself.
Nice testimonial. Alot that you say is good advice. I have been an Aneros user for about a month and have had 1 dry-o. I've had some nice sensations and enjoy exercising my pc-muscles but am still waiting for consistent sessions. I agree that the slight movements seem to start the feelings that truly count.
Your an encouragement in knowing that if we don't give up and if we relax and "just let it happen,' we will get there eventually. Much of our problems with our Aneros journey is found within our minds.
Again, thanks for your post 🙂 LryDee
I think what blocks people from getting Super-O's is the fact of them been to focused in tryng to get one! There was some times in past I was so obsessed in getting Super-O's that I just keeped reading about it everyday and used aneros everyday too, then I just tried to forget about it, some time later I got the call,had a session and here I am! A little guy with big smile! So the secret is let's things happens!
Thanks for your lengthy explanation. This evening, after quite a while, I had what I would describe as a micro-o. I experienced the emerging white ball you referred to and involuntary but pleasant Aneros movement. I like your suggestion to avoid stimulation until getting back to the next session. Again, thanks.
Completely agree, Sidus. The best sessions I have had are the ones when I had no expectations and just relaxed. Always, new and more intense things happen when I just let it happen as it will. Enjoy the journey.
I think what blocks people from getting Super-O's is the fact of them been to focused in tryng to get one! There was some times in past I was so obsessed in getting Super-O's that I just keeped reading about it everyday and used aneros everyday too, then I just tried to forget about it, some time later I got the call,had a session and here I am! A little guy with big smile! So the secret is let's things happens!
Congratulations on your super O achievement! It really is quite an amazing achievement! As for some, maybe most, it does take a while to reach. You have to take some personal time to develop a understanding of how your body & mind work in a response to anal stimulation. Force nothing and just allow yourself to indulge in every ounce of sweet pleasure every step of the way! No shame here... it really is ok to be sensual... to be vocal... to get down and dirty with yourself as you'd like! We were created with the ability to experience pleasure, so experience it already! There are some very helpful tips here on this forum for which I am most greatfull for. However, as the post says, keep it simple... Don't go into it with "blueprint" expectations or with the intention of reaching the plateau on the first try... not on any try for that matter... For however long it takes, just let it happen... The journey is the payoff! Milk every session for all it has to offer. Your job is to just relax... Just Relax and Enjoy riding the Wave... One session at a time. The Super O will present itself whenever it feels like it or when you might least expect it!