Intercourse and Sup...
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Intercourse and Super-O

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Today I had my first super O during intercourse A-less! So I was having a great morning with my wife. We took a long hot shower together and and moved to the bedroom afterward. She started a very slow frenulum stimulation with her tongue and I already had a couple of A-less O's during that session. I got rock hard and felt that it was the right time to penetrate her. I moved in a very relaxed and slow motion while she diddled with my nippels. Right of the bat I felt a nice tingling and quick, strong buildup to the point of no return. Then suddenly I started to see sparkles and my whole abdomen was tingling. Waves of contractions kept on rolling over me. This went on for over a minute or so. I was totally blown away and so was she. Amazing experience and I'm only 6 months into the Aneros journey. Wonder what else is possible...will it get even better?
