Had an intense expe...
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Had an intense experience last night. What happened?

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Hello! Long time lurker, finally posting. You guys have helped me out a lot on my journey. Thanks for that 🙂

Quick backstory. I'm 25 and I've been experimenting with prostate stimulation for about 6 months now. Started with fingers, then I got the Njoy Pure Wand, and in July I got the Aneros Helix.

I've had a dry o once with the Njoy but I didn't like how much effort it took, so I decided to get the Aneros. I've been using it about once a week since I've gotten it, and each time has been more intense than the last, but all sessions were mostly the same. I've been practicing breathing and contractions for the most part which led to small hits of pleasure, but nothing near an orgasmic level.

However, last night, it got really intense.

I decided to mostly do nothing. I focused only on breathing, no contractions. This was about 90 minutes into my session. After breathing into my stomach for a while, I felt a small bit of pleasure rising in my abdomen. I applied a very small contraction and kept breathing.

Eventually, I got to a point where my hands and legs started to feel like pins and needles. I also felt as if I wasn't breathing enough (even though I was). This feeling startled me, so I stopped and collected myself.

I told myself to allow these feelings to happen. I calmed down a bit and started again. Breathing for a while, light contraction and continuing my breathing. Also, I'm laying on my back with a pillow propping me up.

So once again, the tingles kicked in. I kept breathing. Allowing it to happen. Then I started shaking. I've had the shakes many times before, but this one was so fast it felt as if my ass was vibrating. I kept breathing. All of a sudden, the vibrations stopped. I could feel that energy go into my body.

The tingles massively increased. First my abdomen tingled. Then my chest. All the way up to my face. To me, it felt like I was going numb. Still no intense pleasure at this point, but INTENSE tingling. I've never felt tingles like this before in my life.

After a few minutes of the tingles, I couldn't handle it anymore. The incredible sensation of the tingles brought on a very very mild anxiety attack. I pulled the aneros out and sat up in bed. My entire body was pins and needles. My palms were slightly wet and possibly a little numb. I stood up and went to the kitchen to get a drink. I wobbled the entire way over.

It took about 5 minutes of cold water to my face and drinking a lot of water for me to calm down. Eventually the tingles dissipated and I was left with shaky legs.

​​​​So basically, that was the most intense experience I've ever had with my prostate journey so far. I feel like I was close to something special, but it was so new and so intense that I couldn't go through with it to the end.

My question is, how close did I get and are these tingles normal? I'm definitely down to see this through to the end, but I will admit, the tingling sensation threw me off a little bit. It was just so intense.

Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you guys soon!

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My question is, how close did I get and are these tingles normal? ... the tingling sensation threw me off a little bit. It was just so intense.

It sounds to me like you experienced what Jack Johnston of KSMO fame labeled "Terror at the Gates". The intense feelings you generate in the buildup to a Super-O can be very unsettling the first time you encounter them, hence the tendency to shut the whole process down as you did. I too experienced these same sensations in my first Super-O but fortunately had read about this phenomenon prior to my own experience of it and was able to transition into a Super-O. Rest assured that those "tingles" are quite normal.

Soooo... how close did you get, well... you were there, you were in the early stage of experiencing a Super-O but you cut yourself short of transitioning into the deep pleasure zone of the orgasm. You should understand that your body will NOT generate sensations which will ever harm you in these situations. It is only your ego consciousness stepping in to wrench control away from what your body wants to provide you. Learning to "Just Let Go !" is your key to progress at this point.
Good Vibes to You !
