First Super O Succe...
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First Super O Success

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In the past several months I started to explore my pspot. Before that I had only dabbled occasionally with exploring anal options.

I wanted to spice up my sex life and started looking at a lot of things with a fresh openness to new possibilities.

For a while I kept reading great things about Aneros, but I tried a 4 or 5 different pspot products. Some I bought locally, others I'd buy off of a well known adult store online. I had a lot of problems and only a few semi-stimulating moments over several months.

I kept reading about Aneros and finally decided I'd at least test out a few products. I got the Helix Syn and the Helix Trident. I had no idea that Aneros had such excellent partnership with their customers by providing a forum, a wiki, and so forth. I did quickly skim one of the main pspot guides, but just to see if I could pick up a couple of pointers.

I'm extremely happy to report that I have had the most amazing orgasmic experiences with 2 hours of using ths Syn for the first time.

Imagine a rolling wave of toe curling dry orgasms periodically over 4-5 hours. That was when I finally knew I was getting close. Having the right environment, a bunch of high quality porns subscriptions, positioning my body in different ways, and not pushing myself is what really helped. I literally laid in bed with the Syn for an hour or two, just gently manipulating the Syn internally without manual assistance. While watching a video that really turned me on, I was orgasming with the ladies vocalizations. After it happened once, it became easy in that session and I did it until I had to be somewhere else.

I suspected more was possible. I've heard of near mystical experiences people have. So in my most recent session I took my time and was able to reproduce and then exceed what happened the first time.

For at least 4 hours I was in a constant state of orgasm. It ebbed and flowed, but oh my it was life changing. Time flowed so quickly... And I know I'm fortunate to have picked the right product. I've dabbled with Tantra, edging, and a tiny bit of self pkay with anal over the years. And even though I failed with other products, I learned a lot along the way, which probably played a key role in my quick success with the Syn.

The jury is still out on the Trident. I had some dry O's with it but never could chain everything to the same extent as the Syn. I think it requires different body positioning than the Syn.

Also I need my seratonin and dopamine to have a little time to restore... Or maybe not, I'm almost scared for it to be something I could do all the time. I probably wouldn't want to leave the house again

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I'm almost scared for it to be something I could do all the time. I probably wouldn't want to leave the house again

One severe side effect. 😉
Hi, @PSpotWhisperer, what a great choice of a user name, thank you for sharing your inspiring and vivid report, what a great first post too, leaving me full of anticipation for your further posts. Welcome to the forum!

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So, would you say that your experience with other toys was what led you to your first orgasm with the Helix during your first session? I had a really enjoyable wank with mine in last night, after watching a 45 minute long video of a guy cumming while his was inserted and while I definitely felt some stirrings down there, I didn’t feel anything particularly orgasmic..

If it’s not the prior experience, what did you do, what advice would you give a fellow Aneros n00b who has tried a couple of other toys with little success, also?
