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What are your anal erotic practices? Poll is created on May 24, 2011

Poll results: What are your anal erotic practices?
Voter(s): 11
Poll is created on May 24, 2011
None - Aneros only  -  votes: 1 / 9.1%
Manual prostate massage  -  votes: 2 / 18.2%
Electro-stimulation  -  votes: 0 / 0%
Dildo  -  votes: 4 / 36.4%
Analingus  -  votes: 2 / 18.2%
Intercourse  -  votes: 2 / 18.2%
Pegging  -  votes: 0 / 0%

What are your anal erotic practices?

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So, you're saying that I should have included "Virtual/Mental Group Sex" as an option in the poll? That practice is so obscure that it might well be in the Guinness Book of Records under sex acts with insufficient data to report.



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Hi guys.
Rook in answer#4 ?
You mention fisting..
Well I saw a photo on normal tv (not pay per view) oh, about 10/20 yrs ago or so.
Well it showed a guy in a photo in (I think )
in a New York gallery ,
or where ever.
This guy had massive muscles an he stuck his arm up some geezer right up to his elbow.
(or was it his shoulder?
Can't remember)
I do recall it saying this practice could be fatal.
I'd imagine to the to bloke who's getting an arm up his butt.
I'm not checking any fisting websites out,
and I'd imagine there are some, if not hundreds...

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Hi guys.
Rook in answer#4 ?
You mention fisting..
Well I saw a photo on normal tv (not pay per view) oh, about 10/20 yrs ago or so.
Well it showed a guy in a photo in (I think )
in a New York gallery ,
or where ever.
This guy had massive muscles an he stuck his arm up some geezer right up to his elbow.
(or was it his shoulder?
Can't remember)
I do recall it saying this practice could be fatal.
I'd imagine to the to bloke who's getting an arm up his butt.
I'm not checking any fisting websites out,
and I'd imagine there are some, if not hundreds...

[COLOR="blue"]Mick - to minimize the chance of disease ...

and maximize pleasure for the fistee

... it is recommended the fister wear a boxing glove

- rip 😀

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Hi Dave!! 😀 😀


So, you're saying that I should have included "Virtual/Mental Group Sex" as an option in the poll? That practice is so obscure that it might well be in the Guinness Book of Records under sex acts with insufficient data to report.



It is not at all complex, if one is accepting the ancient Taoist energies-at-a-distance possibilities of this working, or the potential quantum bio-physics explanations I have been working on! Just do not worry about the how. Just relax, be open and see if you can be energies sensitive with another male virtually, at a distance.

Not all are easily adept, butt those that are open to this can make extraordinary progress. Recently a new member, early in his exploration of his bisexual nature, asked to attempt energies sharing. We did make a connection and he was getting it quite well, when we each started to get the signals of VMI setting in and he was soon very ecstatic and celebrating "f**king while being f**ked" and the high intesity close cycle energies link that this established for some time!!! 😀 :D... Spectacular first time for an unusually open newbie!!!

I think that this is beyond being a "sex act" at all. This is energetics ecstasy with a great sensual eroticism without any physical contact by either party. You can do and enjoy this fully, fully clothed. I doubt that this will remain "obscure" for very long Dave!

Certainly infinitely more civilized, effective and safely, easily, painlessly practised than fisting guys!

all the best being open and energetic, and pursuing your energetic possibilities all


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[COLOR="blue"]Mick - to minimize the chance of disease ...

and maximize pleasure for the fistee

... it is recommended the fister wear a boxing glove

- rip 😀

'King brilliant rip.
We don't want the fister getting broken knuckles on the fistee's chin, huh?
Health & safety nowadays.
It's also recommended that the fistee where a hard hat in day glo'....
And I bet that's all he wished he had up his hole was a hard helmet 😉

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Looks like I really should have had an "Other" category in the poll just to cover all the bases.

Fisting could be considered a form of manual prostate massage, so I would encourage fisting fans to check the "Manual" box, if they haven't already.

The virtual sex thing, exchanging energies or whatever you want to call it could be categorized by what sex act the participants were imagining. So, if the guys were getting off on imagining anal intercourse, that box would be checked off, etc.



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Good day dave.
What about footsying?
I could be just making it up, butt, if someone can stick an arm in,
then why not a foot or leg?
They may have to take their boots off, butt hey!
An if they've a big butt hole, an whole head maybe inserted on a good day. 🙂
Let loose dave

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Hi again ten_s_nut et al!!! 😀 😀

Before clarifying VMI further, since that seems necessary here, let me add another anal erotic gift I have from peridise practice; Smoke-ring Ping!-Os!!! >^>^:D>^>^:D>^>^!!!>^!!!>^!!!................

SrPOs are really extended anal orgasms that travel up the ano-rectal tube and beyond like a reverse peristalsis of ecstasies. Here is how I described them last night in the chat when Spyderman64 asked about peridise-based Super-Os, not available from aneros models:

• I think my Smoke-ring Ping! orgasms with the peridise qualify as Super-O class!!
• SrP is like a rolling donut of energy - like a smoke-ring someone blows revolving rapidly on itsself...
• that begins in the anal sphincters and then moves up the rectal tube walls and hits the sequence of peristalsis nodes...
• ...at which point there is a "Ping!" of energy and oragasmic rush, like a bell being struck that resonates for some time...
• as the smoke-ring of thrilling tingling energies continues on up through the colon and onward Ping!... Ping!... Ping!...
• An amazing experience that lasts echoing through you for quite a while.
• Anyway, I have not had anything like the SrP-Os with aneros models, just peridise.
• It really is an extended anal orgasm, moving in reverse up the digestive tract and "Pinging at the peristalsis nodes...
• ...which are linked via the Vagus Nerve system, a great orgasmic channel.

So there is another anal erotic practice from exploring the peridise possibilities!!!

all the best stairways to peridise anal erotic paradise all


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Hi again again ten_s_nut et al!! 😀 😀

Further report on the emerging VMI Playbook League Playbook:


Looks like I really should have had an "Other" category in the poll just to cover all the bases.

Fisting could be considered a form of manual prostate massage, so I would encourage fisting fans to check the "Manual" box, if they haven't already.

The virtual sex thing, exchanging energies or whatever you want to call it could be categorized by what sex act the participants were imagining. So, if the guys were getting off on imagining anal intercourse, that box would be checked off, etc.



Emphasis added, af.

Thanks Dave for further clarifying your thoughts on VMI! Two more examples of the actual practice, and its fundamental mechanism of operation and range of felt/experienced nature for the participants, help further explain and classify this unique phenomenon.

I believe that the more rapidly growing evidence supports my contention that this is not a "sex act"; that it is way beyond sex! I say this not because there is anything wrong with sex!!! Butt, I say this because there is so much more to be experienced/appreciated in this practice if one does not go into it thinking it is just some fancy cyber-sex, or grows beyond that conceptual limit in developing one's energies exchange practice.

Yesterday I had two fabulous VMI energies exchange sessions with two different Anerosians, one was his for the first time. The other is a guy with whom I have been experimenting with VMI variations, and we deliberating tried taking it the cyber-sex route to see how that would shift the experience/phenomenology.

( Gotta go... Details to follow...)

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Well VMI fans everywhere!!! 😀 😀 😀

Over this past weekend two guys approached me about an energies exchange as a group of three. This was not new, there have been energies exchanges informally and formally on occasion in the open general Chat room: 3, 4, 5 or more and it all works in a civilized manner, even with apologies to perennial chatguest and any newcomers.

Both of the guys had already experienced VMI exchanges and although that was not the immediate focus, attentions began to be suggestive and we decided to experiment. Rather than just generally exchanging energies among the three of us, we articulated the mechanics/visualizations/energies-intent required for a true three-way VMI: each guy participating in double penetrating energetically the other two!!!

Closely felt high energies cycles, the nanocosmic orbits, set up by each in "groinjoin" with the other two set in. It was ASTOUNDING!!! It worked in unbelievable ways!!! It was initially more pure energies and then expanded into an erotic aesthetic theatre of high sensuous energetics. These are felt sensory sensations that are not physical or physically assisted, all hands-free, and are not living out desired physical acts one actually does; not some cyber-sex way of "getting off". This is SO far beyond anything physically possible at all, as to be surreal, and yet it worked energetically with great power and great aesthetics.

Apologies here if any of this is TMI (too much info...) But as more and more men are finding energies exchanging, and this most concentrated form to date among men virtually, the experiments are continuing and will be reported, here or in any appropriate location.

all the very best energies development and sharing all


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Art you are a genius and mentor to so many! Thank you for encouraging so many on their journeys in this wonderful new life.


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Sounds like you guys had fun in your 3-way Virtual Mutual Intercourse ("VMI") session, "...each guy participating in double penetrating energetically the other two!!! "

Perhaps you can help clarify my thinking regarding VMI. How is it not cybersex? (...and, I don't see anything wrong with cybersex.)



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Hi again ten_s_nut!! 😀 😀

I wrote a brief overview post earlier today with four key definitions with qualifiers. When trying to actually post it, the site or something rebelled and the text disappeared into the ether...

It seems to me that there are at least four major groups of sexual/erotic/orgasmic stimulae and responses, and that they rely upon different bio-communications systems that render them qualitatively, significantly different kinds of human experience events. I hope we can discuss both the sexual and energies traditions of various cultural traditions and also bring under the lenses of science.

1. Anticipatory sexual arousal and imaginative visualizations in many multi-sensory mixes: racing heart, all kinds of groin stirrings, head spinning, elation/depression, at times solo contact sexual play et al

2. Physical contact sexual activities of all sorts: foreplay, oral, intercourse, afterglow, dry and wet, wetness as interface/goal, reproduction as goal/danger risk/reward (its own whole vector...)

3. Aural/visual specific stim to trigger/augment solo/group self-physical-contact sex play: porn, phone sex, cyber-sex including sexting, sex computer games and/or environments; typically seeking enhanced isolated physical wet orgasms

4. Energies exchanges, including VMI (virtual mutual intercourse) one of the most complex and intense forms of exchange: dry, hands-off/hands-free, texting only, visual linguistic, minimal to more descriptive communication, no physical contact, along with remote accessing and connecting using the Taoist traditional sexual, life-force, spiritual/healing model/practice. This is the at-a-distance energies spectrum of Jing(orgasmic)>Chi/Qi(life-force).Shen(spiritual, healing, universal union and beyond), perhaps becoming interpretable through emerging facts and hypotheses in quantum bio-physics and entanglement at-a-distance energies/behaviour alignments. Instead of physical depletion and refractory times, net far greater energies for each participant is the typical result and these are sustainable and transferable to one's sexual partner(s).

There have been many experiments since one other Anerosian and I began this research project here, 1+3/4 years ago. He has since left the project for personal reasons. Many others have shown an interest and joined in with almost universally very positive results. More on the things that have been tested generally in energies exchanges, and the special case of VMI, which is of course modelling something not physical possible, never physically experienced in this simultaneous configuration, particularly the recent 3-way experiment with its very powerful results for the three participants!!!

In many respects this related to the difference between aneros-in dry orgasms all along the scale of intensities and types, compared to anerosless dry orgasms an their subtle to significant differences.

The other spectrum is the range and effect of the varied levels of biological communications systems; from sensory/hormonal, through electro-magnetic to symbiont bacterial/human cells communication, mitochondrial coupled oscillator systems and the quantum effects potential outlined in part above.

Any comments and questions most welcome as this post grows!

all the merging of cultural traditional wisdom and the keen analytics of science collaborating to bring new understanding in our realm of orgasmic possibilities all


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Wow, that's quite a treatise on energy and sex. You should write a book.

Your definitions reminded me of the apocryphal story about Eskimos having 32 words for snow. With regard to sex, there are many men who have only one definition: intercourse. Obviously, you're at the other end of the scale. Most of us are somewhere in the middle.

In my world, any time one or more people exchange energy or information electronically and it leads to any kind of orgasm, that's cybersex. If somebody in the Aneros chat room has an orgasm, wet, dry, mini or maxi, that's a cybersex outcome, pun intended. You can redefine it any way you like, but as the old saying goes, if something walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

Best Regards,


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Hi Dave!! 😀 😀

Any phenomenon/technology can be either the content of some other media, or the media for some other content.

A duck can be an egg, a walking swimming quacking living creature, or my next delicious duck a l'orange! Or it's carcass is next day's garbage. So, I have to respectfully entirely disagree with your argument and analogy.

a) Sex is essentially physical reproduction by the exchange of DNA, and all the arousal, hormonal and physical intercourse to enact the bio-chemical exchange of DNA! The biochemical hormonal arousal is a function/servant of the biochemical reproductive imperative. That is fundamental, "natural".

b) Same-sex intercourse is non-reproductive, or indirectly reproductive according to some theories of male sperm sharing, and is by some practitioners seen/felt to be allegory or parody rejection of the original purpose, and deemed by some forms of fundamentalism as "unnatural".

Butt there is good anthropology and more current sociology and surveys suggesting that male/male same sex intercourse and its associated foreplay, have other non-sexual social organizing and cohesion functions in evolution, for group organization/survival by food gathering success and tribal defense. So the sexual signaling system is also employed by evolution for non-sexual purposes.

c) Taoists centuries ago realized that sexual energies go well beyond reproductive roles, and group social organizing roles in males at least. They found that there are methods for accessing and utilizing these sexual triggering energies, by discernment and self-discipline, to access the further capacities of our bodies as media for a wide range of signaling and communications goals. So these too are exogenous, nonsexual uses of sex-related triggers to initiate other forms of communication with entirely other goals and functions than sex in any form, other than by way someone's choice of metaphor. This is the great Taoist practice gift.

d) It turns out that the media of sexual to higher energies, this full energies spectrum, is initially at least most easily accessed through sexual analogies and metaphors, and none of the wet sex parody activities are part of the experienced events. This is in no way a criticism of the joys of gay and lesbian sex enjoyed by its practitioners.

Eros and eroticism is well recognized to be a phenomena that goes well beyond anything reasonably described as sex. These energies can easily transcend even eroticism. This access to the universal energies spectrum of communications for purposes well outside of sex, through the media of metaphors of actions employed at another level to further the purpose of sex, does in no way make that act a sex act!

Our friends the Inuit have 32 words for snow because that is a matter of survival for them being that knowledgeable about their environment and needs. Each form of snow has different characteristics and utility for them. Make a wrong choice and your igloo falls to pieces and you die.

We need to explore, and much more fully understand, the great range of signaling media functions our so-called sex signaling system actually has for us. There are already great established precedents. Marshall McLuhan also said: "The medium is the massage"!!!

We may have 32 words for non-physically-focused, dry energies orgasms that celebrate life essence and our generative capabilities in all fields and walks of life, enhance our life-force vitality and happiness, and take us into spiritual realms of great bliss and peace, or active through-the-body adventures including universal union.

Just because I attend a seminar and exchange seminal ideas there with others, does not make that intellectual discussion of great creativity and energies exchanging; sex, does it?? I kept my semen inside and used its energy to help feed my enthusiasm and contributions to the seminal discussion... however powerfully the sex act analogy may be felt, if at all.

So my friend, consider the courtesy of not having your feathered friend walk onto my table and dump on my culinary feast! 😀 😀

Thanks again for asking! You are welcome to stay: some duck a l'orange??

all things in life are truly intermingled as we cum to understand as our rewiring reintegrates us all


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No problem, man. Enjoy your energies exchanges and VMI sessions. I promise I won't equate them with anything as mundane as cybersex.



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i ordered the tempo. it looks more like a rectum stimulator tthen a prostate stimulator. i used my vice last night and the vibrator on setting #3 set my whole track throbbing!

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HA.. I think this is a great poll.... hopefully every guy participating has something unique to add.. I guess i missed this one when it was first added.
Here are a few of my other anal proclivities....
When I'm alone... of course the aneros... but
I love a lubed finger.... gives me the shivers...
I like the way a smooth wax candle glides in..... yum.
I love my silicone dildo. lots of good lotion. taking my time to just let it enter on its own.... hehehe
and when i'm not alone..
Mutual fingering... such a turn on.. exploring all those intimate spots.... keeping each other on the edge..
Rimming.. after a good hot shower... squeaky clean.. feeling a tongue open me up.. and knowing i'm gonna do the same... damn what a rush.
Feeling a guy slide a finger in and out of my hole while i'm massaging him.... awesome.
showering with another guy.. feeling his erection against my butt, anticipation... and then feeling it slide inside while under the hot water..... ecstasy..
and after the shower some slow hot 69. with the obvious result...
OK.. now i'm turned on... better cool it and just post....

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Great menu steveg2611 for you guys!!

When you are "mutual fingering" simultaneously, do you ever take the very slow and gentle route for however long you can go, giving each other chains of multiples, dry-Os and Super-Os, until you can't take them anymore?? My wife and I are good to 2-3 hours at this!! 😀 😀 And have been known to mutually ejaculate as a grand finale!!

We are on our backs, head to other's toes, knees up and feet flat on the bed and spread. her finger(s) up in me on my prostate, and and mine vaginally in on her prostate, and~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!~~!~~!~~!~~!!!!!~~~~~~etc......... ahhhhhhh~~~~~~.......

Can you share more about your mutual fingering?

Thanks again for your post above!!

all the very best mutual prostate massaging in all body locations with all


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Of course i can Art...
I've been doing massage for over 15 years and have become pretty good at P massage over the years if i do say so myself.. I start with a well lubed finger lightly tracing the guys hole. I increase the pressure then back off then increase it again.. taking my time to feel his sphincter begin to contract and relax... and as it relaxes i push a knuckle in letting it just rest then i feel the muscle tighten around my finger.... i let it slip in to the next knuckle.... then relax... if the guy is on his stomach I can't expect him to return the favor.. but once he's on his back with his dick twitching as my finger probes he can emulate the moves on me.. grin....
the finger goes in... i search lightly not to hurt but to find the Prostate..... I begin rubbing from side to side... sensing his response.... and of course enjoy the same feelings myself. after the back and forth across the gland.... i let the finger go lengthwise up and down.... slowly increasing the pressure until i see a deep uncontrollable response on his part... the most obvious of the cues is pre-cum beginning to form .... big and gooey drops oozing.... yum... then a definite thickening of his dick... and usually a full blown hard as hell boner... it all works..... physically and visually.. I can then concentrate more on the task at hand.... up and down.. back and forth... switching from finger to thumb and back... taking my time to let him really experience what P massage is all about.... not to mention my own feelings as he continues to probe ... HAHA....
I have one client that has the most amazing sexual/sensual response. I can make his whole body spasm uncontrollably. we can go for up to 30-45 minutes, just moving up to and backing off from the edge. keeping him aroused as am I.. over and over bringing him to the edge with just an educated finger. HEHEHE..... and feeling him duplicate the move on me.. and then eventually i feel the deep spasm coming from inside my body or i feel it happening to him.... If the session goes the way we both like it, we can almost plan on having the most incredible hands free mind blowing simultaneous wet orgasm. Recently to my surprise he's initiated meetings that have had nothing to do with massage, just getting together... getting naked and taking each other to the edge with just touch.. he's learned a lot about the art of p massage.
hope this helped Art.... let me know...

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Thanks for the graphic description of P-spot massage. I wish my wife was as talented as you are at that.

As for how the poll is going, I'm surprised that only 16 guys admit to being regularly pegged.

Best Regards,


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This sounds absolutely delightful, I have a massage theapist who has also helped me with this and who recommended a friend who was a urologist who informed me about Aneros, or rather HIH. All professional and very supportive.

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Hello, Geogio;

Seems like I'm acquainted with you just from reading all your posts in the Forum threads.

Do you mean you've been to a massage therapist who stimulated your prostate?

Best Regards,


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Well men all and all women members here equally!! 😀 😀

The Chat room conversations and some threads strongly suggest that this Poll and thread, with no responses in over a year, since January 2012, now in March 2013 needs to be bumped into high visibility and used as a reference in giving detailed answers to frequent current questions anywhere on this site, including blogs.

Several men in chat recently asked about VMI. The conversation in this poll thread gives a good overview of male to male at-a-distance energies sharing, of which VMI is one pinnacle. Enjoy your read. Post any questions you might have and answers will be attempted! 😉

all the best shared open enquiry by all here and elsewhere into whole male health and ecstatics and being all


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we are all reconnected

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Thanks for bringing this thread back up, enjoyed reading the post from the beginning, got my precum flowing, always a good thing, lol. What a great group of men here! What a blessing.



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