Regarding an ALUMIN...
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Regarding an ALUMINUM ANEROS Poll is created on Mar 09, 2009

Poll results: Regarding an ALUMINUM ANEROS
Voter(s): 7
Poll is created on Mar 09, 2009
No  -  votes: 1 / 14.3%
Yes  -  votes: 6 / 85.7%


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I was looking at several threads recently that heralded the coming of the Peridise in stainless steel. While I'm excited by that prospect, I would like to see some of the other models in metal as well. Given the size of the Helix and Progasm it would seem that stainless steel would be totally out of the question. It just too dense and would make for very heavy, unresponsive massagers.

For this reason I was thinking that aluminum would be the way to go! It's light, highly conductive of heat and when anodized is extremely resistant to wear or corrosion. I recently saw this on another site and was inspired by it. (Once there click to enlarge to see it up close.)

What do you guys think?


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💡 As I mentioned once before, I'd really like to demo a helix that contained liquid mercury. My wild imagination tells me that the mercury sloshing around inside would generate some incredible feelings. 😈


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Hello MarkM,

Problem with aluminium is toxicity. Actually there are very few materials that are perfectly safe, the plastic that the Aneros products are made from, medical grade stainless steel, gold, and maybe titanium, to name a few. Choices are quite limited considering toxicity, weight, strength, and other material properties essential for safety. Gold plated alloy would be possible but the plating would have to be pretty thick and would probably be expensive.

I know that HIH have been looking into different materials for a while. We can be sure that they are doing their very best to come up with the finest products possible.

Best wishes,


B Mayfield
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I think it's important to keep in mind that what were considering here does NOT involve consuming aluminum as say in the millions of tablets of over the counter antacids taken daily! The issue here was never with solid metal, but powdered forms of it that could be ingested or aspirated. Aluminum cans have been used for over 40 years now and I'm not aware of any convincing evidence that would link them to toxic side effects.

I don't see that there is anything wrong with an aluminum product like this, particularly one that is anodized. Theoretically there shouldn't be any possibility of absorption. Furthermore, I don't think that a company like Tantus, arguably one of the biggest names in high end adult toys would introduced their entire Alumina line if it wasn't safe. (They were the ones who cut their teeth by taking on manufacturers of toys containing pthalates).

I can definitely see the practicality of using this material. It's light weight would allow it to be used in even the largest Aneros models, while affording that wonderful conductivity of heat that you find in metal.

I say bring 'em on!

BF Mayfield

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Ok, how about this... mold the plastic around some heavier material such as: Aluminum, titanium, stainless steel, tungsten, lead, bismuth, etc, etc.


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Don't know if you guys remember the big hipe, that aluminum causes alzeimers' desease. My grand-mother had Alzheimers for more than 10 years in a hospital. Our family avoided aluminum at all cost, during the hipe.
"Most researchers no longer regard aluminum as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. However, some researchers are still examining whether some people are at risk because their bodies have difficulties in handling foods containing the metals copper, iron, and aluminum."
I guess, there is no evidence that aluminum increases a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Bottom line, just don't forget it's in there. lol (making a funny Markm)

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Yes, I remember the study (I think there was one that made a big splash that at the time played into the hysteria about the disease) which found higher levels of aluminum in the brains of the Alzheimer's patients that were examined. There was never any connection made between this discovery and the disease with respect to causation.

If you were to have asked how these men came to have these higher levels I think it's likely from their consumption of certain plants and vegetables which seem to accumulate it or perhaps as Mr. Mayfield mentioned, Maalox! These would seem to be the most available forms of it, not solid metal.


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If aneros is interested in an alternative material, I'd suggest stainless steel. Now, not everyone will be into the weight, but weight can be enjoyable for some. I love my aneros, but I love my njoys as well!

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