Porn with Aneros Us...
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Porn with Aneros Use ...Yay or Nay Poll is created on May 05, 2019

Poll results: Porn with Aneros Use ...Yay or Nay
Voter(s): 37
Poll is created on May 05, 2019
I never look at porn. It just doesn't interest me  -  votes: 2 / 5.4%
I look at porn occasionally. Really.... I could take it or leave it.  -  votes: 8 / 21.6%
I look at porn regularly, but it doesn't really affect my aneros use or life style.  -  votes: 7 / 18.9%
Porn helps me get ramped up for aneros use and sometimes for sex.  -  votes: 6 / 16.2%
I look at porn a lot when I'm horny  -  votes: 7 / 18.9%
I look at porn every day. I love it.  -  votes: 5 / 13.5%
I'm addicted to porn.  -  votes: 2 / 5.4%

Porn with Aneros Use ...Yay or Nay

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Hi guys
I'd like to start a discussion about what part (if any) porn has in your aneros use or your life in general. We all know porn can be fun but we also know how detrimental and harmful it can be when used to excess or if one becomes addicted to it.
Feel free to cast your vote and discuss whatever you're comfortable with....

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Voted. I tried using it in the beginning,but I sacked it off,I felt erotic fantasy in my mind worked better. Whether it was the distraction of scenes ending and new ones having to be put on,or the fact that when you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all,I don’t know. I guess I’d rather do than watch someone do.

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Have not looked at porn for over 50 days now on NoFap. My erections are just fine, thank you!

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I find that porn proved to be distracting to my Aneros sessions. For me, aneros use and prostate orgasm are non-sexual. It is simply a tool and method for achieving mind-blowing pleasure. The ability to reach pleasure / orgasm is tied not to sexual arousal, but a ramping up and appreciation of the unique nerve stimulation of the prostate area. The fact that I can orgasm in a non-sexual way is truly fascinating to me.

Bill Bately
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Interesting topic. I'd like to hear more feedback. I like to read something before my session, (not during, as it's distracting), to help my sessions, but deep down I wonder if it really helps. Not sure. Tend to think it does. Does it though?

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Sometimes. I'm on six months of NoFap now and sometimes I worry if everything's working or not, so i watch something just for a quick function check. I've been avoiding porn more and more now just because its depressing. But that's a whole other matter. For aneros sessions, I don't really look at anything special. It's just distracting, and I have a tough enough time keeping my head all in one place.

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I never look at anything during Aneros sessions. I used to for years and realize since I finally started having prostate Os that porn or really anything on a screen is not allowing me to zone both out and in on the matter at hand: my naked body, me on the floor, me breathing, and me with a wonderful toy in my ass! I have tried some binaural stuff and that has gotten me to some amazing places, but beyond that, no porn for Aneros or anal play with me. I do watch some light porn though, when I'm masturbating and not doing anal play. When I'm at home all day I'll usually check something out for a few minutes a couple times a day and get hard while doing so. But not all my boners are in front of a screen!

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