orgasm master
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orgasm master Poll is created on Jul 07, 2019

Poll results: orgasm master
Voter(s): 25
Poll is created on Jul 07, 2019
super-o (aneros)  -  votes: 15 / 60%
super-o (a-less)  -  votes: 10 / 40%
super T.  -  votes: 16 / 64%
male squirting  -  votes: 2 / 8%
amygdala tapping/clicking  -  votes: 2 / 8%
edging/ruined orgasm  -  votes: 11 / 44%

orgasm master

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Except for the traditional ejaculatory orgasms. who here has mastered it all the orgasms. is there someone out there who can do it all

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i forgot to had handsfree orgasm

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I have only been at this two months. I never thought I could ever feel this much pleasure. The journey is great I am just enjoying the ride.

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I've been at it around half a year, but I've had way more different types of orgasms than the ones listed. Some I've had to give my own names to because I don't know how else to categorize them. I guess many could just be a subset of "super O?"

That said, I would say I only have mastery of edging. That's not to say I don't experience the others (I've had around 3 aless orgasms today already). It's more that... mastery would imply I have complete control over them, and I really don't. Sometimes I'd really like to have a super o while waiting on the bus, but unless my body is in the mood nothing will happen. My orgasms show up to my doorstep whenever they choose to, and then I decide whether or not I want to let them in. Even then, until I invite them inside I don't even know what type it will be. I must say I prefer it like that.

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This is my first week with aneros and I am a absolutely stunned. I was fortunate enough on my first time using it to have had a series of rolling orgasms which was incredible. I thought that was it and then the another one came and it threw me into a place I did not know existed. This orgasm was several orders of magnitude stronger. I was convulsing, seeing all kinds of colors and patterns with my eyes closed and screaming and moaning uncontrollably. Hands down the most powerful sexual experience that I ever had.

Last night, I had another session and I had several of these super orgasms. Each one was stronger than the previous one and after each one I was more excited to get to the next one. The 'afterglow' seems to last for hours if not all day; that may be my favorite part.

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Hey@ Amazinganeros Good to hear you have experienced the amazing sensations aneros can provide! Learn to exercise your pelvic muscles and you will progress in intensity. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Been at it for 10+ years, lots of small forward progress and back sliding. I've now mastered super-O on demand. Always pleasurable!

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Voted - basically, aless and aneros Super O

Not sure what they others are?

What is a Super T?

What is a hands free orgasm?


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I am uncomfortable with the competitive nature of this post. Every adventure is personal. No one is a "master" if they have had all the above orgasms, those who haven't had them aren't inferior in any way.

@Katzy description of Super-T is found here:

male squirting:

ruined orgasms are getting to the PONR, starting to ejaculate just barely but stopping all stimulation at the right moment so your orgasm is... ruined! you ejaculate some but not fully. some enjoy it a lot. type it in youporn.

amygdala tapping...? no idea

I agree wholeheartedly with @Mumbo 's post. Can't categorize all the different orgasms, and none are mastered because the idea of having an orgasm is submitting to pleasure, not controlling it.

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Edging is different from a ruined orgasm

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It makes me uneasy to know that I will be competing with other people for this post. Every journey is a uniquely individual experience. Those who haven't experienced any of the orgasms listed above are in no way lacking in any way, nor are they considered to be "masters" by anyone who has. 

This post was modified 1 year ago by Aneros Team

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I enjoy reading these posts while I have my aneros provides some real time guidance. I don't think I've had a super o--in fact, i'm sure i haven't. but i love working my nipples while inserted along with some pelvic really take me to a higher level of pleasure. I'd be happy to chat with more experienced users to learn some of their tips. what i really like about this is that it's sexually bonding experience for men regardless of orientation or preferences. 

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