*Long term Benefits...
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*Long term Benefits of Aneros use? Poll is created on Sep 02, 2010

Poll results: *Long term Benefits of Aneros use?
Voter(s): 7
Poll is created on Sep 02, 2010
YES I now have longer harder erections  -  votes: 3 / 42.9%
NO my erections have not changed  -  votes: 3 / 42.9%
YES I now get lots more spontaneous erections  -  votes: 2 / 28.6%
NO the number of spontaneous erections has not changed  -  votes: 1 / 14.3%
YES I now have dry orgasms during intercourse or masturbation  -  votes: 2 / 28.6%
NO I don't have dry orgasms during intercourse or masturbation  -  votes: 1 / 14.3%
YES I now have multiple orgasms during intercourse or masturbation  -  votes: 2 / 28.6%
NO I don't have multiple orgasms during intercourse or masturbation  -  votes: 2 / 28.6%
YES I now have wet dreams more often  -  votes: 2 / 28.6%
NO I have not had an increase in wet dreams  -  votes: 1 / 14.3%

*Long term Benefits of Aneros use?

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Just wondering what benefits people have found after using their Aneros over a period of time longer than a month, but NOT when actually using it, and NOT as part of the day after effects? I guess I am wondering what the longer term health benefits people have experienced

For example:

Longer harder erections
Spontaneous erections
Spontaneous ejaculations
Increased wet dreams
Dry orgasms during intercourse or masturbation
MMO's during intercourse or masturbation
Increased seminal fluid in ejaculate
Other etc

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This poll is starting to take shape, I hope there will be a lot of useful and insightful data that can be gleaned from it. I think a study into long term benefits would be great, I am only a new user myself (My first Aneros was delivered yesterday). I have high hopes of better sexual and general health as a result of long term use of the Aneros.

Please leave comments on the benefits you have noticed and or expand on your poll responses. I would have put more choices in the poll but it is limited to 10 by the system. We can never have enough data (oh I'm not a nerd even though I use the word data a lot lol).

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Big WELCOME Paulie to your Aneros journey and this great community!! 😀 😀

This is quite an ambitious and needed addition to the Polls! Great début. Thanks very much.

Initially, yes, I did have better erections, butt as my practice progressed "Penis NOT!" and the shift to a greater prostate focus has meant fewer erections. Being on ED-inducing medications has been a factor all along. Nevertheless many guys here note a gradual drift to fewer erections during practice and after-effects, more flaccid times and great enjoyment, even to penis retractions. Perhaps more so in we senior members. 63 here.

Please everyone post your age with your comments. Better data richness for cross correlations.

I voted YES to dry-Os and Multiples during both masturbation and intercourse, as well as more wet dreams. I had never had them until I began with Aneros.

I came to aneros for its initial health purpose: treating prostate conditions such as BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) and Prostatitis. I have had chronic BPH for years before beginning my Aneros practice 3+1/2 years ago, and occasional bouts of prostatitis and aneros therapy sessions do work wonders. I have found over these therapy years that the time between need for a session has expanded as the therapy effects last longer. Further, as the muscle memory of aneros sessions becomes a habit and kicks in regularly, these aneros-less sessions actually have a therapeutic effect too decreasing symptoms noticeably for a few more days, and thus even further extending the time between required aneros therapy sessions.

There is a further great area of health benefits possible from aneros practice! That is the full "awakening" of a man's prostate acting as the sensor, sensitizer, and call centre for the bio-energetic energies now subjects of western scientific research, yet part of Taoist Chinese medicine for millennia: Chi/Qi, the Life Force; Jing, the Orgasmic Life Essence, and Shen, the Spiritual Bliss and Beyond energies. My Aneros/KSMO practice drives my qi accumulation and storage for not only my full range orgasmic adventures, but also the application of qigong healing techniques for myself, my family and friends who have benefited and/or are benefiting.

Although there is a Spiritual Orgasm practice Poll here: http://www.aneros.com/forum/f6/%2Aspiritual-orgasm-interest-experience-12443/ , perhaps we need to add a health oriented one to complement yours here. Recently I summed this all up in the Male Whole Health Ecstatic Cycle of Aneros thread in General Discussion: http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/male-whole-health-ecstatic-cycle-aneros-14737/

I look forward to your further thoughts and contributions here. How about your own blog here in the Blogs section?

all the best developing experiences ecstatics observations and understanding here all


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Yes, longer, harder erections. Yes, spontaneous erections. Yes, dry o's during intercourse. Yes, MMO's during intercourse. Yes, increased seminal fluid in ejaculate.

I swear I can now last 10 times longer than I used to during intercourse. I seem to be shooting a LOT more cum. And, during intercourse the last several times, I have been having dry 0's and mini-o's. Those are really fun because the shaking of my body while inside my wife creates some cool sensations.

I have also been able to have all the Aneros associated O's without the Helix in me. Just this morning after GREAT sex with my wife (including several dry o's while having intercourse), we finished (we finished = both orgasming) and cuddled. My wife then played with my pubic area, balls, and perineum (all external prostate massages). That lead to some more dry 0's with her. She got up and I then had about 20 minutes of dry and super o's by myself. I think I made my quota of orgasms for the day!

I'm 53, married 26 years, and been using the Helix for about five months now.

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Hi again brianadams!! 😀 😀

. ...And, during intercourse the last several times, I have been having dry 0's and mini-o's. Those are really fun because the shaking of my body while inside my wife creates some cool sensations.

I have also been able to have all the Aneros associated O's without the Helix in me. Just this morning after GREAT sex with my wife (including several dry o's while having intercourse), we finished (we finished = both orgasming) and cuddled. My wife then played with my pubic area, balls, and perineum (all external prostate massages). That lead to some more dry 0's with her. She got up and I then had about 20 minutes of dry and super o's by myself. I think I made my quota of orgasms for the day!

I'm 53, married 26 years, and been using the Helix for about five months now.

It is always wonderful to see another couple getting into the great range of enhanced intimacy possible with Aneros. Congratulations!

Mrs. a and I have been enjoying this now for 3+1/2 years of continuous opening up to more possibilities. Some great things can happen being still while inside you wife. A number of further ones are discussed in my blog: http://www.aneros.com/displayblog.php?id=3544

You might also enjoy STARR831's great blog of the adventures here he and his wife have enjoyed: http://www.aneros.com/displayblog.php?id=6964

all the most exquisite ecstatic bliss and energetic openings and expansions for all aneros couples all


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Thanks Guys For the posts and that is a good point artform about adding your age to the post and how long you have been an aneros user..

I would love to do a more in depth poll or survey at some stage

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Hey Artform,

I'm checking out the blogs you recommended. Thanks!

Love your salutation, "all the most exquisite ecstatic bliss and energetic openings and expansions for all aneros couples all."


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