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How old were you when you discovered nipple stimulation or diddling? Poll is created on Jun 22, 2017

Poll results: How old were you when you discovered nipple stimulation or diddling?
Voter(s): 133
Poll is created on Jun 22, 2017
Age 0-11 : early childhood  -  votes: 4 / 3%
Age 11-16 : puberty and adolescence  -  votes: 12 / 9%
Age 16-29 : early adulthood  -  votes: 31 / 23.3%
Age 30-65 : middle age  -  votes: 62 / 46.6%
Age 65- : retirement and old age  -  votes: 16 / 12%
Not Yet  -  votes: 9 / 6.8%

How old were you when you discovered nipple stimulation or diddling?

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Posted by: @fred27

recently discovered nipple stimulation and all the pleasure it can provide! Since becoming rewired over a year ago, nipple play is a part of almost every session. Every tweak of my nipples generates pleasure in my perenium and movement of whatever Aneros I am using at the time. As pleasure builds, I experience what I perceive to be one long orgasm and total bliss!

@fred27, I recommend that you diddle your nipples in bed at night. You may know that I enjoy doing that. There is a direct connection between my nipples and my prostate, and also my perineum. That is why I so enjoy diddle my nipples at night. This direct connection in various parts of my anatomy is so sublime!

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Sadly,  nipple-play does nothing for me at all.  'wish that was something that I could cultivate further but so far it's just not something that my body responds to.


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Posted by: @tpanero

Sadly,  nipple-play does nothing for me at all.  'wish that was something that I could cultivate further but so far it's just not something that my body responds to.


Don't give up! You will find as you continue your journey things will begin to happen! You never stated how long you have been pursuing a response to your nipples or anything else - takes time to get responses but learn to totally relax and follow the feelings you experience, no matter how subtle they may be! One day, out of nowhere you will experience the most prolonged and intense feelings you could ever imagine!! Speaking from my own experience, after five plus years I'm still advancing and continue to get intense Os in response to my nipple play and Aneros or Aless!! 

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I haven't figured this out to date. Do I need clips or something? I tried the rubbing and they do get erect . I am curious. Any help is appreciated 

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acum 2 ani I am 54 years old happy now due to the discovery of the play with the nipples are younger brothers of the prostate. The left one is amazing, unfortunately I had surgery on the right one

This post was modified 2 years ago by Axii007

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