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How long does it take you to build up enough arousal for an Aneros session? Poll is created on Nov 03, 2010

Poll results: How long does it take you to build up enough arousal for an Aneros session?
Voter(s): 6
Poll is created on Nov 03, 2010
I have to wait til a day after ejaculation til horny enough for Aneros  -  votes: 1 / 16.7%
I have to wait 2-4 days after ejaculation til horny enough for Aneros  -  votes: 2 / 33.3%
I have to wait 4-7 days after ejaculation til horny enough for Aneros  -  votes: 1 / 16.7%
I have to wait about 2 weeks after ejaculation til horny enough for Aneros  -  votes: 0 / 0%
I have to wait over 2 weeks after ejaculation til horny enough for Aneros  -  votes: 0 / 0%
When I "aneros" a day after ejaculation, I have P-waves, mini-Os, or Super-Os  -  votes: 1 / 16.7%
When I "aneros" 2-4 days after ejaculation, I have P-waves, mini-Os, or Super-Os  -  votes: 0 / 0%
When I "aneros" 4-7 days after ejaculation, I have P-waves, mini-Os, or Super-Os  -  votes: 1 / 16.7%
When I "aneros" 2 weeks or more after ejaculation, I have P-waves, mini-Os, or Super-Os  -  votes: 0 / 0%
I don't have P-waves, mini-Os, or Super-Os.  -  votes: 0 / 0%

How long does it take you to build up enough arousal for an Aneros session?

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I will signal the bits of this post you can skip:

My libido is like a ghostly presence: It is felt at times!

- like when I had my girlfriend with me (after months of performance anxiety, H-OCD? (if I had that, and if it exists)/sexuality confusion anxiety, OCD surrounding female pleasure compared to males, etc),

- or maybe after weeks of seeing really hot girls constantly (like when I was at uni, etc).

But usually, for me to get to a place where I am ready for an Aneros session, I generally have to watch a few hours of porn. Sometimes, that still doesn't put me in the mood. Seeing my ex GF for 20 seconds was usually more arousing than 2 hours of porn.

I have never been a regular masturbater, coz I never feel that much pent up arousal. I only do it for the orgasm. I have abstained from wanking for about 3 months. If I were any other man, I would have sperm coming out my ears. Not me, I'm not too bothered - maybe coz I spent from 1997 (aged 14) to 2008, suicidal and depressed, so that side of me (the horny, red-blooded male) never fully developed?

I am going to go on a little hiatus and have a traditional O (with ejaculation), and was just wondering, if I were normal, how long would I have to wait til I can return to anerosing?

(After ejaculation) How long does it take you to build up enough arousal for an Aneros session? (1 day, 2 days, 1 week, 10 days? 1 month...?)

What's the shortest time you've had between an ejaculation and a successful Aneros session (pleasure waves, mini-Os, Super-Os, etc)

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Interesting! Call me weird but I use my Progasm almost every day. Super O about 4 times a week. Once I had my first super O they seem to happen fairly easy. There are some days that after I insert the Progasm, I can just tell it's not going to happen. So I just lay back and enjoy whatever feelings I will get. I thought this whole thing was a joke when I first started. Man I couldn't have been more wrong!

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Interesting! Call me weird but I use my Progasm almost every day. Super O about 4 times a week. Once I had my first super O they seem to happen fairly easy. There are some days that after I insert the Progasm, I can just tell it's not going to happen. So I just lay back and enjoy whatever feelings I will get. I thought this whole thing was a joke when I first started. Man I couldn't have been more wrong!

You are so lucky, Bluesman. I wish I had your success!

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Me, too, Bluesman. I use many times a week, and I always have a great time.

I have posted repeatedly that Super O is a different experience for every man. As long as one is achieving a level of success that is satisfying and stimulating, let's call that a milestone.

The quest for the perfect Super O is WAY over emphasized here, and needs to be seriously reviewed.

I'm in it for the pleasure, at whatever level I can achieve.

The quest for Super O as defined by leg tremors and all that shakin' goin' on tends to dull guys' awareness of what is ACTUALLY happening with their bodies.

Try non-aneros sessions, you'd be surprised what you can achieve with just your mind and your muscles!

Super O is over rated. Pleasure is what we seek, at whatever level it comes.

Enjoy the events...the journey is long.


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Somewhere down the path (about four months after my first Super-O experience), the need to get horny with well 'plumped-up' prostate and Seminal vesicle faded out. The whole 'semen conservation' bit is now long-gone.

My 'prostate horniness' and 'horniness for ejac' are now two separate sensations. The desire for a dry orgasm now seems to be a very 'level' desire and is not connected with sexual appetite. A year ago I used to not desire an Aneros session unless I had stored a semen load for three or four days. Now, a few hours after a complete ejaculation, I'm gtg for any Aneros action even though I may still be in refractory from an erectile viewpoint.

While my desire to ejaculate is still dependent upon an awareness of stored semen I'm less impulsive. I no longer suffer the dilemma of saving myself for my wife or for dame Aneros.

Life is good!

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I agree partly with others. Whereas I've never experienced ejaculation where it wasn't sexual, with the Super O it's all about extatic pleasure, a pleasure more pleasurable and complete than the base sexual level.

So I suppose it's back to what beginners are taught here, namely to seperate the orgasm from ejaculation, as I explained above I'd go further and seperate orgasm from sexual arousal. Like ejaculation it's far too limited an experience

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Vaping weed always gets me in the mood to use the aneros.

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As long as I haven't masturbated to ejaculation several times in one day, which hasn't happened in a long time now, then I can typically have a good Aneros session the next day. And sometimes a few hours later on the same day of ejaculation.


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You left off "I can get effects on the same day after an ejaculatory orgasm", which is what I would have chosen. I'm not very far along on my own journey, but I've long since stopped worrying that ejaculatory orgasms or penile stimulation is counterproductive to my progress. On the contrary, I've found that denying myself that kind of pleasure only serves to make me less sensitive to any effects, and more likely to push too hard during my sessions. I'm starting to find that not worrying so much about what I should or shouldn't do during or around my sessions is the best approach.

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Any of the pleasures associated with Aneros use are worthwhile. I have had a great journey. And it continues with many new things to enjoy. In the last few months I have been relishing non-Aneros orgasms - p-waves, dry-o's, and supers - all without the Helix in. My wife's touch in the right places at the right time sends me into convulsive orgasms all over the spectrum. This makes our intercourse really exciting. There is nothing like the feeling of being inside her while my body shudders with a dry-o. Lately (in the last two weeks or so) I have experienced something very new and exciting. When my wife and I make love, the foreplay leads to multiple orgasms for her and for me. Then we have intercourse. It lasts a long time, I'm harder, stay hard longer, and have a much larger ejaculation. Sounds good, huh? Well, it doesn't end there. Usually after a traditional orgasm/ejaculation, we men go through a refractory period, for some it is short (minutes to an hour), for some it is long (more than a day), where we "recover" for our next orgasm/ejaculation. For me it is usually a few hours. Well, I'm finding something different.

In the last few weeks after tradition intercourse and orgasm, I pull out and within a minute or two I begin to have p-waves and dry o's as intense as always. My wife touches my pubic area and my balls/perineum. I end up having several dry o's in succession and a few super o's. Many times I am energized enough to return to pleasuring her to more orgasms. And we then have intercourse again, maybe after an hour, and I shoot again. Unusual for me, and NO complaints here. Or from my wife!

The journey takes so many courses, relax and enjoy it all. You never know what will be around the next bend in the road.

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