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HOW LONG BEFORE YOUR FIRST SUPER O? Poll is created on May 18, 2007

Voter(s): 95
Poll is created on May 18, 2007
Eupho Syn  -  votes: 12 / 12.6%
Helix Classic  -  votes: 12 / 12.6%
Helix Syn  -  votes: 25 / 26.3%
Maximus  -  votes: 28 / 29.5%
Progasm Classic  -  votes: 20 / 21.1%


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I'm a bit surprised at how many people fall into the 1-30 days category when it seems there's been a lot of people who've come here complaining that the device won't work for them right away like they expected.. The good thing this poll is showing is that even if you don't get to the super O in the first month you're more than than likely to get there within the first year (a 78% chance of this according to the poll results) which isn't terrible considering you've already spent your whole life not experiencing super O's/mmo's anyways. So to get there in your first year of practice seems reasonable to me. Plus more than half the users are getting there within the first 6 months (67% according to the poll) which is a decent % considering everything.

One thing I can see though that may skew these results is people who haven't achieved a super O yet so can't vote. If it's been over a year for them then we could just throw that vote into the 1 year or more category (as in let them vote in that category since it's the last one) but that's assuming everybody eventually will be able to achieve super O and has the patience with themselves to keep at it. So there may be a lot of people out there who weren't able to achieve a super O who's vote will never be counted. There should maybe be one more category to this poll which is after 3 years I've not been able to achieve a super O. That and more people need to vote in this poll over the long run to get a more accurate reading. It's easy to vote when you've achieved a super O in the first month. But when it's been a year or more an you've lost interest and are disappointed you're one of the unlucky ones who didn't get results, it's easy for those votes to never be cast.

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Very happy to report that after last night's session, I fall into the 1-30 category (3 days, 4 sessions). 🙂

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First mini-O (involuntary), ten days in.
First multi-mini, twelve days in.
First Anerosless mini, five weeks and five days.
First Super, six weeks and five days.

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It took about three months. The first time really took me by surprise!

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Almost 50 years ago. Sensual training from Maxine Sanini; super-O's from wet orgasms. Less than 30 seconds duration from bearing down when orgasm was starting. Taught it to a lady, and she started having 2-minute orgasms almost bouncing me off the bed. You lost a few orgasms until you got the hang of it. Feels like my consciousness blows out through the top of my skull, splatters on the ceiling, drips down the walls and flows back to me.

From a few years ago, I started being able to have MMiniO's from nipples stimulation and sometimes when Vixen at AnyWebCam would give me a certain look. She used to do that when we were chatting just for the hell of it because it gave her a kick. She used to show off from time to time with her hubby.

I got interested in Aneros when I suddenly realized I could get MMini's at will by tapping my prostate four times with my PC's to start a P-wave. I had been thinking of them as steps on the way to a wet one, difficult at times at my age owing to lack of fluids. I looked up multiple male orgasms on the web and found this fellowship, for which I am most grateful. I had been thinking i was a rare bird.

My current super-O's from the helix syn or peridise flow outward and fill the room, lasting a minute or two, culminating in a convulsion.. I close my eyes in orgasm, and everything goes white.

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