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How Am I Doing? Let's Compare. Poll is created on Jun 17, 2016

Poll results: How Am I Doing? Let's Compare.
Voter(s): 31
Poll is created on Jun 17, 2016
1 - Rewiring with a few good feelings but nothing more  -  votes: 3 / 9.7%
2 - Some P-waves and involuntaries and possibly a few Mini-Os  -  votes: 8 / 25.8%
3 - Mini-Os and some Dry-Os  -  votes: 6 / 19.4%
4 - Achieved some Super-Os level with plenty of Dry-Os  -  votes: 4 / 12.9%
5 - Regular Super-Os and Much more including good Aless sessions  -  votes: 10 / 32.3%

How Am I Doing? Let's Compare.

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I invite you to select your current level and then write a post to include a few detail including how long you have been having Aneros sessions and your thoughts about your progress.

Some newer members may think they are almost by themselves in their categories specially after reading many success stories in the forum.

This might put things in perspective for me and them.

Thank you for your participation


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Difficult one to answer really. I've downgraded what I previously thought of as super-o's to dry-o's... even though they'd be super-o's by many definitions. I'm holding out for the moaning and thrashing orgasms :rolleyes:

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I've been using aneros since 2009. I started having O's about two months after I started. My sessions were every day at first; but, then I went to an every other day routine. I have my sessions in the early morning when I'm well rested. I use a water-based lube called "Slippery Stuff". Usually, I just use a finger to lube up my hole --- managing to tickle my prostate in the process; but, when I anticipate a longer session, I will dig out my simple plastic lube injector (I purchased from Aneros), fill it 3/4" full and slide it into my hole (which feels quite nice in itself). When not using my injector, I also put a dab of lube on my tool also. My sessions usually last an hour: starting out with either my mgx or eupho and then I change for my progasm ice. Once I finish with my progasm, my hole is well relaxed; and, I slide in a few fingers to further massage my prostate. Early on, the aneros sages advised my to clear my pipes after each session --- just to help calm down my after glow so I could focus on something else the rest of the day! Being a dutiful student, I have a jo session just to finish things off well. Of course, being frugal at 66, I don't even let a drop of precum or cum go to waste --- mmm. Even after all this time, I can honestly say that each of my sessions is different from any before. Usually my prostate will immediately grab my tool; and, we're off and running. I focus intently on each sensation as it starts to grow until the super-o takes over --- causing me to tremble throughout my body. I have a lot of self-movement with my tools --- which adds immensely to the cascading sensations that start to come from my self-clenching hole. While I could go on and on here, I will end by saying I'm at a point in my journey where mere words can't even begin to describe the sensations I get from my aneros sessions.

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@STARR831.,.My current level after 3 years using Aneros is identical to yours my sessions are typically 1 - 1.5 hrs max at least 3 to 5 Super Os each session. I only ride 2-3 times a week...more frequent use never paid dividends for me...I lube just like you described and I use Slippery Stuff it! I prefer not to jerk off after a session for fear of tampering with my rewiring...thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for sharing your experiences @STARR831 and @Jaxsun. I sure look forward to reaching your level. It proves that sometimes, there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow; worth putting in the time.

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I put myself at a 4 in your poll survey. I have been on my Aneros journey five plus years. Three weeks into my journey, my prostate began to awaken with P waves. A few weeks after that I began experience Aless and also chairgasms and walkingasms. However it took me a good three years before I began experience Super O's which was on July 4, 2015. Since then I finally began relaxing in my sessions and just enjoying each session. Another thing is that every guy's Aneros journey is different. Typed while enjoying Aless!

P.S. While it may be useful to compare each other's Aneros attainments, I think that approach is frustrating. That is why I look upon my Aneros experiences as something for ME and for my benefit. Also I have come to believe the health benefits of Anerosing and Aless!

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@BigGlansDC Thanks for participating in the survey. It was not meant to frustrate anyone, I appologize. The responses are showing me that not everyone are at the top level and I'm not alone in my category. Curiosity more than anything else on my part.

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@GGringo I put myself at a 5 in your poll survey, focusing on my tremendous aless sessions. Otherwise it may be between 4 and 5 or there is missing a 5+ or a 6, I guess 😉
On one side my journey may have been very short compared with others, on the other hand your poll can not represent reality perfectly neglecting the wealth of experience aquired through other sexual practices, which may have paved one's or another's way. I myself can already look back on four decades of experience, including first anal play with ma's vibrating massager at the tender age of 14, it has been pink and was of hard plastic. And massaging my perineum with my bike saddle on the way to and from school, I used to enforce to get a hard-on each time. Enjoying a thai massage now and then I would also count as a milestone of my ability to let go and focus on inner senses. Last but not least since about four years I now and then collected some not very convincing experiences with a Nexus G-Rider. I can hardly believe that the Eupho helped me over the last hurdle not before the 15th of october this year.
Alltogether and as curiosity is my second prename I thank you for your poll and thanks a lot @all for your answers. Good Vibes!

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Mine's a 0. A few involuntaries but no P-waves or higher, after just over 2 years.

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@SOwithoutAneros thank you for your interesting post! I did overlook tying the level of experience to the level of rewiring progress as it would be impossible to compile. My interest at the time was to take a snap shot of the members in attendance to, hopefully, show members in each categories were not alone. Sometimes, it can be encouraging knowing one (I) is not alone in his journey.

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@GGringo, since achieving my first genuine Super-O's and MMO's, I have passed from level 4 to level 5. The most wonderful thing about the Aneros is that there is always something new to experience and something new to learn. Every session is unique and I just love Aless now because it is sublime and sweet.

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@GGringo, and you did it right as nobody must feel to be alone. The first 20 votings are spread almost evenly. Okay, there are some more experts, but what could be better. As long as they stay here we can be sure, there might be a 6 or 7, they still are searching for AND we newbies have someone to ask and find help with our own journey.
As the last sentence of my comment should have shown you, it was not my intention to critcize your poll, I only wanted to show up some interdependencies to reletavise my own or another's "short" journey as well as heighten the value of one's or another's efforts and progress.
@all Live long and prosper and may your prostate be with you! 😀
