The quickest way to loose friends is to impose religion or politics on them.
I personally thank God everyday that my foreskin is intact
if god wants you to remove your or your childs foreskin why did he give you one in the first place
Well All!
It has been said that the best way to ruin any gathering or group conversation is to introduce any of three topics: sex, religion and/or politics! Well, we all here ARE the first one, and beyond!
We nudge spirituality... And we have had dust-ups before over politics and religion. So lets "calmpost" this into at least agreeing to disagree, respectfully.
Badger, with all due respect, there are 613 laws in the Old Testament that few Christians pay any attention to, other than the few that certain institutionalized churches use as social control mechanisms. I fully respect your personal choice and feelings about it.
My wife and I are church-going progressive Christians and look on the Christian covenant of love with God as the relationship that matters and we upheld that by specifically NOT having our sons circumcised. Blessings all!
I know that when Christ came, he fulfilled the old law, making them obsolete, and basically, the only commandments that remain are essentially:
1) Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind.
2) Love your neighbor as yourself.
Circumcision is no longer necessary but for health reasons, but contentment in one's condition/situation is the important thing to remember, whether you are circumcised or uncircumcised.
Thanks Badger!
Agree to essentially agree! Very happy that you found what works best for you! All the very best continuing! All the best to all seeking their best option/condition and making the most of the conditions in which they find themselves!
all the opportunities for exploration and choices possible for all
Hi all, a long while since I posted here but felt moved to add my voice to this emotive thread.
I am circumcised, a comparative rarity amongst English men. Certainly enough of a rarity for me to have a distinct memory of asking my mother, probably around the age of six, why my willy was different from those of my friends at school. I was told that the doctor had said that it needed doing because of 'a problem with it' when I was born. I was born in a military hospital in Egypt in 1951. My father was in the RAF during the war and joined the Civil Service afterwards and was sent all over the place with his family. Hence my appearance in a (British) military hospital.
Some years ago, I came across some, for me, quite disturbing information. Not all was relevant to me, some was.
1) Circumcision is BIG BUSINESS. And not only as regards the healthcare professionals. There are their suppliers of equipment obviously, but how about the cosmetics industry?
and here:
for starters, then google is your friend, if you're interested.
2) Circumcision is, certainly in the US from what I can gather, very much a tradition; perhaps perpetuated partly by Big Business, and partly by the "It didn't do me any harm" attitude from fathers, grandfathers and the very professionals who stand to benefit financially from the 'tradition'.
3) (And this, I think, applies to me) Circumcision used to be carried out out of ignorance of how the human male develops. I have read enough to discover that 'old school' medics thought that the foreskin should be retractible from birth. If it wasn't, chop it off! (Why no-one thought "Stap me! We're having to chop up a lot of willies here chaps, I wonder if they're supposed to be like that?") Maybe the RAF medic in Egypt was from that school, certainly neither of my older brothers born in civilian hospitals in the UK was circumcised. And quite why these 'healthcare professionals' thought there was an epidemic of con-genital (pun ) deformities in the human race is beyond me. There is no other species (as far as I know) that is the victim of such vehement and organised genital surgery. Imagine veterinarians or farmers having to check the retractibility of the foreskins of male foals, calves, lambs etc. And think of all those poor wild animals who do not 'benefit' from medical screening. Where would it end? Enter cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs. To quote Monty Python, "Too silly!"
4) And this is potentially the most serious and under explored ramification. Read this:
If you read nothing else of that article scroll down to the 'Pain' paragraph...
And if you're feeling brave, there's lots more out there.
Read, and those of you who are circumcised, particularly older men who may have been circumcised by some neanderthal who subscribed to 'neonates don't feel pain', look deep inside yourself and wonder and perhaps weep. I have. And I understand myself a bit better now.
Old Wolf
Curious on how your progress has been since your first post in this thread? Are you still using the DTR device? It does seem like the best one since it states it grows both inner and outer foreskin. But it seems uncomfortable wearing it under clothes. I've been once again thinking about restoration though I'm not sure if it's possible in my case. And if I do I've been leaning more towards the O-Ring method instead of the DTR since it would be easier to wear with boxer briefs on since I have a problem with rashing if I try free balling it or just wearing boxers.
For people here using the O-Ring method do you have any recommendations?
Hi BIlly11
You say
I've been once again thinking about restoration though I'm not sure if it's possible in my case.
I am not clear why you are not sure if it (restoration) is possible for you. Is "rashing" your only, or only major, problem or is this one of a number of doubts you may have? You may like to elaborate.
I have been in a serious player in the FR game and after 3 years I have now reached a coverage with which I an happy and have basically become a social player ie I have bursts of (say) a month or so when I will tug seriously and then nothing for a period.
At the moment I am exploring the aneros and KSMO worlds and I am probably entering a long term cessation of FR activity!!
In relation to your direct Q re O-rings, I have little experience as my circumcision was relatively "loose" and I had enough skin to move quickly to the tapless devices. A little experimentation with O-rings, t-tape amd manual methods in the beginning.
Without knowing how much you have researched the various methods available for non-surgical FR my comment is that the O-ring method is one of the slower methods of restoring (aren't they all!). Some of the manual methods may produce results more quickly - these usually rely on applying higher tension for much shorter periods of time each day/session than the dual tension devices like the DTR, CATII Q, TLC and TLC-X which all work on the basis of mild tension over a significant period of each day.
Use of the tapeless devices requires enough freely moving skin the to be able to apply the devices.
A brief summary of characteristics of many of the various methods/devices can be seen at
Hope this is of some assistance to you.
Hey inc63
I am not clear why you are not sure if it (restoration) is possible for you. Is "rashing" your only, or only major, problem or is this one of a number of doubts you may have? You may like to elaborate.
Well my first post in this thread on page 1 kinda basically tells why I'm not sure if restoral is such a good idea for me. (Read that post to understand more fully the following)
But there's another couple factors that have me thinking it's not such a good idea. I've had nearly 11 reconstructive surgeries on my penis and the last few when I was about 18-19 had really taken a toll in making the skin on the underside of my penis from about half way down to the tip pretty sensitive and easily irritable. When I was 21 I had one final surgery by a different doctor to complete the reconstruction and to remove internal scar tissue from previous botched surgeries. So all this has made that skin on the underside of my penis very thin and tender.
Besides this thin tender skin which I feel may be a problem with the restoring I have another issue which I think is the bigger problem.
After the last surgery I was left with a small fistula (tear or hole) in my urethra and another fistula on the underside thin skin of my penis. So that basically when I urinate or ejaculate fluids come out the that fistula as well. The strange part though is that when I urinate sometimes nothing comes out, sometimes a few drops will come out, and sometimes it will come out in a stream. Why the variance I have no clue.
So I'm concerned that if I try to restore, that when I'm growing this new skin that maybe it'll grow over the fistula and actually maybe heal this opening that's exposed but i'll still have the fistula on the urethra so urine or semen will still get through that but then have no way to exit out of the body and will cause a problem.
Now I know what you're going to say. You should talk to your doctor. Well I have about the fistula way back after the last surgery and he said that he would have to do another surgery to fix it but told me to give it time and if it didn't heal and I was comfortable with it, that another surgery wasn't fully necessary since it really wouldn't cause any health problems. I decided to not have another surgery because they just suck. Not just the pain of it which really sucks, but having to take off a month from work and so on, but the worst is no sex or masterbation for about 5-6 months which is just maddening. I've spent close to a couple years if not more of my adult life not being able to ejaculate let alone touch my penis without extreme pain so basically another surgery is just out of the question. lol when you think it's difficult to go more than a couple days without ejaculating try 5-6 months at a time. Not fun.
Without knowing how much you have researched the various methods available for non-surgical FR my comment is that the O-ring method is one of the slower methods of restoring (aren't they all!). Some of the manual methods may produce results more quickly - these usually rely on applying higher tension for much shorter periods of time each day/session than the dual tension devices like the DTR, CATII Q, TLC and TLC-X which all work on the basis of mild tension over a significant period of each day.
I was interested in the DTR device because it says that it grows both inner and outer skin which I think could be useful in my goals.
My one hope of restoration is that maybe it will heal all these problems but I don't see how it could heal the fistula in the urethra.
I'm hoping that maybe I could grow a thicker layer of skin on the underside of my penis making it less tender and irritable as well.
For me restoration isn't just about trying to make it look intact and make sex and masterbation feel better which both would be very nice, but I'm hoping it'd heal these other problems of mine as well. I just don't want to make things worse than they already are by trying to restore so I just don't know.
At the moment I am exploring the aneros and KSMO worlds and I am probably
entering a long term cessation of FR activity!!
Why is this making you decide to take a break from restoration? Do you feel that the restoring process could hinder your aneros and KSMO progress? Curious of your reasonings why?
Thanks for the links and info inc63
Sorry for the very long rant of very personal things. I'm sure it's too much information. Sorry.
Hi Billi11
Heck sorry for not having found your original post before I asked about elaborating. I did a search for all your posts but obviously did not go far enough back to get to that post. If I had done so I would not have asked. My apologies.
However, given your reply I obviously understand your situation much more clearly than if I were aware of only your original information.
My one hope of restoration is that maybe it will heal all these problems but I don't see how it could heal the fistula in the urethra.
I'm hoping that maybe I could grow a thicker layer of skin on the underside of my penis making it less tender and irritable as well.
I am with you regarding the urethral fistula. In general terms non surgical FR relies on the sustained tension applied to stimulate the growth of new cells of the same type as the existing adjacent cells. Thus inner foreskin cells produce more inner type cells and outer (shaft) cells produce outer type cells, nerve cells produce nerve cells etc.
Given this situation, even with tugging inner and outer skin, I would not expect any effect on the urethra in general, let alone in specifically repairing the fistula.
Concerning the possibility of a thicker layer of skin on the underside of the shaft. Can't see how the existing skin could become thicker per se. If this skin is currently thin because it is under tension then maybe growing more cells and thereby allowing some "wrinkling" could at least simulate thicker skin.
If you have some length of less sensitive (normal??) shaft skin and could apply tension specifically to that section (manual techniques) then you could most likely increase that section thus increasing the proportion of less sensitive shaft skin.
It seems you have a very difficult situation regarding FR and any action, even if acceptable to you, probably will be require a long period of dedication to the procedure. If you have not already done so you could explore a number of FR sites to see if there is any discussion of hypospadias and/or ask on the sites if there are any folk with experience or knowledge of the conditions you have.
Regarding my taking a break from FR - as stated I am happy with my progress (consistent flaccid coverage) and really moving on to the MO issue. Currently my level of interest in Aneros/KSMO is much greater than in FR and as a consequence further FR will be off the agenda.
Do you feel that the restoring process could hinder your aneros and KSMO progress?
I am not far down either the Aneros or KSMO at present, and under those conditions I think serious FR would be an unhelpful "extra" to fit in. With increased experience/familiarity/responsiveness with the MO techniques it could be that FR would fit in OK - but for now no.
Heck sorry for not having found your original post before I asked about elaborating. I did a search for all your posts but obviously did not go far enough back to get to that post. If I had done so I would not have asked. My apologies.
With a thread that's 5 pages long it's easy to overlook a post mixed in it all.
Ya like normal I end up writing way more than I had planned. What I posted in my last post I could had related in a lot less words but I've always had a problem with putting in too much detail regardless of what I'm writing about.
Thanks for your detailed response. It's helped me understand the restoral process better.
Another question I have is concerning what skin eventually is the skin that will cover the tip of your penis. This is kind of hard to put into the right words. What I mean is, is the skin that is lower on your shaft the skin that will eventually be part of the skin that will cover the tip since it's the skin that is being pulled over it during the tensioning process? And the new skin that grows will be the skin that basically replaces or covers the area that this old skin that is now covering the tip used to be? Does that make any sense?
Or will the new skin be distributed all around?
Concerning the possibility of a thicker layer of skin on the underside of the shaft. Can't see how the existing skin could become thicker per se. If this skin is currently thin because it is under tension then maybe growing more cells and thereby allowing some "wrinkling" could at least simulate thicker skin.
Well the underside is thin I believe because thats the side that had to be cut open. So It's sort of scar tissue which is obviously the reason for the tenderness. I'm thinking maybe with the growing the inner and outer new skin cells that maybe it could help with the tenderness and maybe reduce the scarring by growing the new skin but maybe I'm wrong on this.
I'm wanting to try this restoring process as almost a experiment now just to see what will happen. I'm very curious about it.
It seems you have a very difficult situation regarding FR and any action, even if acceptable to you, probably will be require a long period of dedication to the procedure. If you have not already done so you could explore a number of FR sites to see if there is any discussion of hypospadias and/or ask on the sites if there are any folk with experience or knowledge of the conditions you have.
Yea I was thinking that It may take me a lot longer to restore because of this. I've only looked at sites selling FR devices. Haven't looked for a community style site like this one. I'll have to search around a bit to see.
Again thanks for your response
Hi Billy11
I was thinking of forums, not device sites per se.
I have only a short time at present but briefly independent forums tend to come and go as the dedication of the person hosting the site changes. I have been using a forum hosted by the producer of the TLC range of devices. While there is no (as far as I can tell) host bias towards his device I guess there tends to be more comment by users of TLC devices than comment relating to other devices. However, as in (say) aneros, discussion about other techniques and topics are not blocked or subject to editorial comment.
I will try to find links to other forums later but for the present you could try
As with all forums, if you want to post you will need to join, but anyone can view. Somewhere in that forum I am certain there are links to similar forums but I could not find them quickly.
Thanks for the link and info inc63.
I'll be checking into it as well as searching more for info regarding my circumstances.
*sigh* Okay. . .
1. I am opposed to male circumcision
2. I consider it a form of genital mutilation
3. I was circumcised as a child and am now committed to foreskin restoration.
BUT. . .
anyone who compares male circumcision to what is euphemistcally termed "female circumcision," and considers them to be the same, needs to educate himself or herself. Yes, we suffer the loss of sensation and experience other issues in regard to the loss of our foreskins. Yes, it is an atrocity in this day and age to visit this mutilation upon innocent male children. ..but until a man has his glans removed along with his foreskin he has NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to compare what we endure to (let's call it what it really is) female clitoridectomy. I'm circumcised, but I can still experience sexual arousal, sensation, excitement and orgasm (albeit muted in terms of what theintact male experiences). friend Ayesha, who experienced so-called female circumcision as a child, and women like her, will never even know that modicum of sexual pleasure.
Not this thread again - sigh indeed. They're the same in that they're both genital mutilation and that they're done for the same reasons. If you want to get technical about it, female genital mutilation is not circumcision but a clitoridectomy. One could argue about how many nerves or how much pleasure is lost between the two. But that's not really the point is it?
This thread is way off topic by the way. The thread is supposed to be about restoration.
Please create another thread asking the question as I do not want this thread hijacked. Thanks.
Like Badger I was circumcised as an adult.I could have elected to put up with the yeast infections and the urinary tract infections but at 40+ years of age I told the surgeon I had had enough. So I went in one day and was circumcised. I dont have any regrets at all. Ok sometimes when I am masturbating I would like to have my foreskin to play with but in reality sexual intercourse with or without a foreskin is great. In actual fact I have to say vaginal penetration without a foreskin is much better. However jerking off without lubricant is not as good.
But life in general is so much easier without a foreskin.
Now I have a large prostate and thats my next problem so hopefully prostate massage will help.
Hello, all.
Interesting thread. I studied up on the publications and data for both sides of this issue before having my sons circumsized (as am I). The evidence for health benefits seems compelling to me. I understand others arrive at the opposite conclusion and I respect that. (BTW, my sex life has been and continues to be active and satisfying.)
This is one of those cases where time will tell who is most correct. If STD rates rise or decline significantly among "un-cut" individuals and couples with a "natural" partner, we'll have our answer in about 20 years.
Data coming out of Africa suggests circumcised males fare better in regard infection.
BTW I thank my parents for my circumcision. I have never regretted it, my partner likse me this way, our sex life has been really great for 50 years, I have never had any problems with that bit. Clean and neat. It is always ready. I admit I have had no before and after comparison.
I hesitate to post on this one, as it's a subject I feel rather passionate about and I don't want to come off unpleasantly. I feel I can add to the question of whether or not intact men suffer more from stds/infection more frequently though. The united states has one of the larger problems with sexually transmitted diseases of any industrialized nation, and among sexually active males today, those without foreskins are still firmly in the majority (I'm basing this on circumcision statistics from the past couple decades). In western europe however, where almost no one is cut, std rates are lower (far lower in some countries). That (obviously) runs contrary to the idea that circumcision helps prevent std transmission. Condom use and sex education seem like far more sane ways to fight the spread of sexually transmitted disease than circumcision. By that logic, we should be removing the breast tissue from infant girls as prophylaxis against possible future breast cancer. After all, it's something like the fifth leading cause of death in women (no stds in the top 5).One more thing, and I'm done, why doesn't it ever come up that the penis evolved the same way as the rest of the human body? It's supposed to be there, and works great by the account of the majority of men on this planet that aren't muslim or american.
I never saw this thread before. I only have one question now. It's been three years since this thread was created. I'm not sure if @ArticWolves will be around to answer this or not, but: How is the process three years later AW? Have you had success?
I was fortunate that my parents left my foreskin intact, and I have done the same with my sons. However, if you are one who has been circumcised, and are upset about it, my advice is get over it. Human sexuality has an infinite number of variations, and ways of coming to the surface. I think too many guys get obsessed with tugging and other methods, and should just enjoy what they have.
I'm uncircumcised, but when I was younger I did some foreskin restoration exercises for maybe a year to lengthen my foreskin a bit. It worked great.
I did it because whenever I got erect, the penis skin was cut so tight that an erection really stuffed my penis, and the pressure always aroused me more, so that it took a long time to get rid of the erection (USUALLY when I really wanted to get rid of it - grin).
So I stretched it to the point that now when I'm really flaccid, it just pulls over the end of the glans, but most of the time, there's a small bunching up of the foreskin just under the glans.
Really comfortable now. My erections just go away automatically when not wanted!! (No trouble with ED, so this is great with me.)
@ltg, is that phimosis? A friend just had a partial circumcision for that condition, it was such a problem! He asked to retain as much foreskin as possible.
euphamistic, no wasn't phimosis. I was circumcised as a baby. I think the Dr just cut it too short.
I saw a comment once where one Dr said he thought the dick's would look a lot better when erect if he cut the foreskin shorter. And I saw that other Drs thought the opposite. So I guess it depends on who you get. Maybe in 2015 there's some better standard.
OTOH, If I wanted my dick to look like a stuffed sausage when erect, maybe i'd have been grateful!
Gosh, I can't imagine what it must have been like for your friend. Only that it must have been painful and frustrating not to be able to slip the foreskin down over the glans. Great that he could get an operation.
It's also pretty amazing that you can partially regrow the foreskin if you need to...
[Hate this forum comment editor. It always deletes my posts and then won't let me edit. The last post with two quotes is an example. Have to type my post in a text editor, then paste into the comment to make sure it gets entered... ]