Foreskin Restoratio...
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Foreskin Restoration - Restoration of the World Poll is created on Jan 11, 2009

Poll results: Foreskin Restoration - Restoration of the World
Voter(s): 14
Poll is created on Jan 11, 2009
Circumcised  -  votes: 12 / 85.7%
Uncircumcised  -  votes: 3 / 21.4%

Foreskin Restoration - Restoration of the World

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Well, as the title states I am almost a month into beginning my foreskin restoration process. I understand that some people may not care about this type of thing and that it's your opinion on the subject. However, the fact is we circumcised males were mutilated and robbed of A LOT of pleasure. I know it's hard to believe and imagine, but that is the simple truth.

Try this:

- Touch your finger to the palm of your hand.
- Now touch your finger to the back of your hand.
- Feel the difference?
- Which felt more sensitive?

Correct!! The Palm is more sensitive because there are more nerve endings and are closer to the surface.

Why this silly example? Because it's the only thing we can relate with to get an idea of what was lost during circumsion. According to my online research, there are over 20,000 nerve endings on the foreskin of a penis and 4,000 nerve endings on a woman's clitoris. Sadly, these are gone for good.

Or are they?? Did you know you still have nerve endings on the glans (head) of your penis that have just been desensitized due to a process called keratinization?

Keratinization, also known as cornification, occurs because the unprotected, circumcised penis is constantly exposed to the drying effects of the air and rubs against clot*hing and undergarments. An extremely thin mucus membrane covers surface of the glans penis, which was never intended to be exposed. The glans penis should reside in a warm and moist environment, protected from chafing against clothing and drying from exposure.

The exposed glans develops layers upon layers of protective tissue of a tough and fibrous protein called keratin to respond to the harshness of the foreign environment. The process of keratinization and the resulting layers of tissue serve to protect the glans from abrasions and drying but at the same time deaden the highly sensitive nerves on the glans penis.

However, we can restore the glans (head) to it's "covered" state. Thereby, increasing it's sensitivity through a process called de-keratinization. This will allow for the development of a new thin mucous membrane layer as a result from the restoration process and protect the glans. Another benefit is the aesthetic appearance of having a foreskin. This one tends to have a HUGE psychological benefit.

Finally, the best part is it restores the "gliding" action that was lost. "The foreskin's gliding action is a hallmark feature of the normal, natural, intact penis. This non-abrasive gliding of the penis in and out of its own shaft skin facilitates smooth, comfortable, pleasurable intercourse for both partners."

This is the main reason why I'm restoring. The gliding action alone is probably the best benefit for comfort of both partners. I welcome all the other added benefits of increased sensitivity and the outer appearance, but it's this gliding action that sold me on the idea of restoring.

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For those that have made it this far, I thank you for your time and consideration of this subject. I myself was like you in this position not knowing a thing about what circumsion actually did and the damage it caused (Physically, Sexually, and Psychologically). Foreskin Restoration is not spoken about a lot because it messes with the idea and self-esteem of one's own penis. I have accepted that I was circumcised and know there was nothing I could do to prevent it. The good news is I can do something about it and that's what I have done.

I have done a great deal of research on the devices and techniques used for foreskin restoration and found the best device that offers the best results in less time than others. Currently, I am using the DTR (Dual Tension Restorer) device available from:

I won't go into too much detail about this as there is a great deal of information offered on his website. (And I'm getting tired of writing... 😯 :lol:)

All's I can say is his is the best device because it is so easy to use, painless, and comfortable. It takes about 5 seconds to put on/take off (once you get the hang of it) and you can wear it all day while doing whatever it is you do. Just make sure you wear boxers or boxer briefs or go commando style. The DTR device offers the highest tension settings due to it creating a "Push-Pull Effect" which is what makes this device unique and cuts the restoration time down to less. (Read the website for more information)

No I'm not trying to sell anything to you. I'm just spreading the word of what's working for me. You can take all this information in and do what you want with it. I just thought it would be nice to spread the word to inform my other fellow male counterparts.

Hopefully, this information has been useful and you understand a little bit more about yourself. Here is some more information if you're interested (I suggest to read the first link as it will give a great deal of information on foreskin restoration):


If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask. Once again, thank you for your time!

- ArcticWolves

P.S. Thank you Rumel for giving me the idea and being supportive of me to post this information for all to see. Also, thank you for the wonderful title!!

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way to go. i will be quite interested to hear about your results.

i have two things to offer. one, i broke the cycle of damage, at least, by not circumsizing our son. i am philosophically/politically unhappy with the argument for circumcision that "he will be upset to be different." that kind of thinking serves to perpetuate many bad things. (also, for all you future parents, there is no significant medical reason for circumcision).

second, i have seen some videos of guys whackerbating who have their foreskins. i noticed that they don't need to use lube, and that the their foreskin goes back and forth over their head (which you mention above). i was quite fascinated by this, and so, gave it a try myself. i don't have a foreskin, but, i was able to gather a ring of skin, even when fully erect, enough to use as a mini-foreskin. it goes back and forth over my corona. well, here is what i can report. this feels *very* good. i think it is because of the contact of penis skin to penis skin. so, based just on that, even with my poor keratinized head, i can see that a foreskin will augment pleasure. i also read that the extra skin feels good in the vagina, staying stable while the penis goes back and forth.

based on this, will i go restore my foreskin? naw. i'll leave that too you. i am glad you and others are doing it. but, my penis has been kind of deemphasized now that my butt has been brought onto the scene, so i don't care that much about the lost sensitivity.


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Thanks AW for bringing this up and for your videos, which inspired my first superO last night as I told you in chat.

I have been restoring my foreskin for some time. I have regrown a significant amount especially in the last year, including inner skin which is where the nerve endings are and which I had very little left of, and I can feel the difference.

This is not "weird": it's a movement that's snowballing, especially now that the data has come out on all the nerve endings that are lost during circumcision.

I highly recommend online community for tips and support on foreskin restoration.

Check out my page there,

... as well as my restoration method, which is an easy way to get started if you have little skin left:

It's understandable that many do not want to mess with this, especially since it involves getting in touch with feelings of loss and that's not easy, but you're better off facing those feelings and restoring your foreskin sooner rather than later, because:
1) it's easier to regrow the younger you are
2) the more years your glans spends being rubbed by your underwear, the more sensitivity you lose, and then you get to a certain age and wonder why your penis doesn't work like it used to.


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Isn't Rumel great! Very intelligent, open, supportive and encouraging. I wish I had an uncle like him!

As an uncircumcised male I am ecstatic to learn of the difficulties you are going through to obtain a foreskin. Being the youngest of eleven children (nine of them boys), I was the only uncircumcised member (or had the only uncircumcised member) in the family and was intimidated to the point of being ashamed of my appearance. Not only did I look like someone lopped off my glans, there was always the hygiene issue....and the female acquaintance who mentioned she wouldn't know what she would do if she saw an uncircumcised male -- probably scream, or something! Yeah, that was a confidence booster. It took years before I could walk through a locker room without a towel to hide behind. Even asked a urologist to remove it, but he politely refused. And, of course, there was the premature ejaculation thing from the increased sensitivity of the protected glans.

Eventually I got to the point of 'so've only got to look at it. I've got to live with it...and life's too short'. Now, I hear that it's truly a benefit and that other's wish they could have kept their prepuce. Thanks, ArcticWolves, you've made me feel a WHOLE lot better!! (Plus, Buttmasterflex, it appears to make the jelqing process easier!) No pun intended, but I'm pulling for you in your latest endeavor.

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Been working on my restore for about two years. It's been a slow process, as I've not use any mechanical devives. It HAS been well worth the journey. A lot more sensitive at the glans as well as the entire shaft skin. So, saying that , AW, I think you'll like the results, take it slow!

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I applaud you who are all restoring i find circumcision a harsh and Medieval people who do this to poor babies should be ashamed for mutilating the kids.

I can tell you that having a very sensitive penis only helps me control the point of no return i can feel it way before i explode giving me plenty of time maybe 15-20 seconds till i hit the point of no return in which i pause and clinch my pc muscle to control any involuntary pc spasms and after 30 secs to a minute or so i continue and i can last a long time and then when i cum its still as intense as if i just had inserted her because the foreskin keeps the fluids in and that keeps us well lubed hehe.

So yea foreskin premature ejaculation is a myth you just need to know how to control it and when to downshift the knob then gun it back to the redline over and over all night hehe.

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I'll re-post what I wrote earlier in the jelqing thread:
I consider myself lucky that I wasn't circumcised.
Whenever I read about men having to use lube just for regular penile masturbation it astounds me since I've always been able to just use the mobility of my foreskin.
As for difference in sensitivity, I wouldn't know from experience, but it makes sense that an uncircumsised penis would have greater sensitivity at the glans because it is shielded from contact in everyday life.
I know that when I sometimes rub the glans directly, using precum as lube it is almost unbearably sensitive.

I've never had any issues with self esteem or feelings of being different due to not being circumsised, but I think it maybe isn't quite as common in Australia as it is in America.
The argument of circumcising your child so that they don't feel different is just plain stupid. If most people refused to circumcise their children, then it would be the circumcised ones that stood out as weird.

Anyway, congratulations to those of you who are restoring your stolen foreskins. I wish you the best of luck.

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A.W. and Others,

I am circumcised but I guess they left enough skin for me to be able to masturbate without lubrication. I had never heard of guys having to do that. I guess I am one of the lucky ones.

I would hope that we are all advanced enough to not be embarrassed about what we have. I know it is not true, but I think we have come a long way. Good luck to all in the restoration process. I enjoy bantering with you guys about subjects that are not just about Aneros and prostate massage. I am glad that we have this forum to do so.

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I myself am circumcised. I really envy the men who are not circumcised. The thought has crossed my mind a lot of times about the restoration process. Back in the day when I was born, boys were almost always just circumcised. Us who were cut do not have the forskin for the extra stimulation and protection of the head and surrounding areas. I have tried masturbating "dry", no go. Not enough skin left either. Oh well, my experiences with the aneros are excellent and forth going. I'm happy with my "package", and it always amazes me how a guy can have so many orgasms. It's just awesome. Nood

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This thread and subject facinates me.

I was born with a birth defect called hypospadias and I'm pretty sure that I had to be circumcised because of all the surgeries I've been through dealing with that though when I was born most all children in the US were being circumcised anyways so either way I would had most likely been circumcised. When I was in my teens I used lube for masturbation and it was the only way. With out lube it was just so much less pleasurable. But when I was 18 I had to have more surgeries because the ones I had when I was a child just wouldn't "hold up". But after these set of surgeries my penis became too painful to masturbate with lube and eventually had to "settle" for non lube masturbation (because I had to grab lower on the shaft where there were no scar tissue).

The amazing thing is how well the body adapts. I feel that the non lube for me feels much better than when I used to use lube with the added benifet of easier clean up(I'm 28 now so no lube for 10 years). Of course I have to have a tight grip with no sliding my hand over my head or anything. I've tried using lube every once in awhile but just doesn't feel as good as a tight grip with no lube. Again the body and mind can adapt quite well.

Anyways with all that said this thread is the first I had ever heard about foreskin restoration. Would had never even thought that could be a possibility. Amazing. I went to that site "" and it seems pretty legit. This is something I may be interested in but that's a lot of everyday dedication to have to wear that device so many hours everyday. Plus I wonder if once the foreskin is restored can you stop using the device. Will it stay that way or eventually will it start pulling back the other way? My guess is that it will stay?

Plus I wonder what kind of effect using that device everyday has on the "rewiring process"? Like if it could be a hinderance at all?

But even still I think I'm in the same boat as Darwin on this one. Since the aneros has come in my life traditional masturbation has been kinda going out the door. It's been over a month since I've even masturbated (or used the aneros) using my hands or any penile stimulation of any kind (except for my mind and PC or should I say BC contractions). And these mind induced orgasms are getting better and better (which I will be posting about soon).

I think the main reason I would go through the foreskin restoration process is if it would make sex more enjoyable for my girl and me. My girl is very orgasmic as it is and I'm kind of scared to see what would happen if sex became even more enjoyable for her 😉
I guess really I would do it more for me because I feel it would feel better with that skin moving around the penis. Hard to imagine since I've never experienced that.

Okay I've ranted long enough 😉

I think if I had found out about this before the aneros had changed my view on how to experience pleasure and orgasms I think I might had been game (plus not sure how healthy it would be personally for my penis after so many surgeries on it) But sill I think it's great for all those that choose to go ahead with the restoration... And please keep us updated as to how the restoration is going and what effects it has psychologically and sexually.

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So...why do they call a penis in its native state 'uncircumcised'? Doesn't that promulgate the misconception that circumcision is normal and that the other option is 'un-normal'? I think we need a new word for a penis that hasn't been butchered...rather than "uncircumcised". Something penis.

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This is what religion does to people. If I had my way I would not be circumcized. When we are born we do not have a choice. Religion doesn't like pleasure by masturbation so they figure the way to take it away is by taking away skin, little did they know people still managed and discovered it. I sincerely believe that circumcision was used to deter masturbation in boys. Good thing they didn't figure out the clitoris on girls back then.

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(Note : Underlined Text is a Hyper-Link)
Unfortunately there are still tribes in Africa that do practice a form of circumcision on women. Only they sometimes actually cut off the woman’s clitoris. I think it is a barbaric practice.

Thanks for the acknowledgement but beware you're making my head swell, 😆
I just encouraged you to get this information on record so it would be available to everyone who reads this Forum, if it had remained in the Chat room only a few of us would have been exposed to it. Thank you for taking the initiative to put this great post together. I’m sure there are a good number of men in similar circumstances who would like to regain their foreskins as well.
I know this is not strictly on topic as far as being Aneros related but it is important. Men should know they have some options if they choose to regain their birthright.

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Free range penis 😆 LMAO!!!!

Sometimes laughter can heal the pain. 😀

My circumcision had nothing to do with religion. As I recall from what my mother told me years ago, the doctors told her it would make me not feel different among the other boys. What a load of shit. Did I say that? Yeah I know, I feel strongly about not having had the choice to have been mutilated and modified. And now as I research on the Internet on the emotional repercussions of male circumcision, the horror of it all becomes very clear. The following link has a lot of good information. Do some of your own searches. There is a lot of good information out there.

I'm amazed at the anger in me that swells up over the loss of my foreskin. I was going to say more. But I would rather focus on the good and positive aspect of life. So here is my attempt.

A quote from the following link:
Nevertheless, foreskin restoration can greatly enhance the sexual experience, and will improve daily personal comfort. Restored men have reported feelings of wholeness, empowerment, and "taking back their bodies from the circumcisers."

What a pleasant thoughts to focus on...
wholeness, empowerment, and taking back our bodies from the circumciser's.


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So...why do they call a penis in its native state 'uncircumcised'? Doesn't that promulgate the misconception that circumcision is normal and that the other option is 'un-normal'? I think we need a new word for a penis that hasn't been butchered...rather than "uncircumcised". Something penis.

How about we change both terms?
We could go with Mutilated (Circumcised) and Natural (uncircumcised).

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I one were to wear a condom a lot, do you think that would act as a temp. foreskin?

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When I was in the chat room last weekend, I mentioned that I had undergone foreskin restoration. I used an 'o' ring method. You pull your skin over your penis head and through an 'o' ring which keeps it in place. Over the course of about 6 months, more skin grew and I now have enough to cover the head, unless erect.

I had done this to counteract the effects of SSRI's I need to take. The head of my penis has gotten more sensitive. For some weird reason, I also feel more relaxed in locker rooms/showers, as my penis is more 'dressed' if you will. I feel less naked and vulnerable (weird, yes, but noticeable to me).

I could post some pix if rumel could help out with that. They aren't before and after shots, but would be the amount of coverage I have, given that I was circumcized at birth as was the custom in the 50's.

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Crazy! if the foreskin wasnt meant to be there we wouldnt have one!

Its like saying 5 fingers on a hand are too many, lets cut one off.

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Stats: 58 years old; 73"tall; 220lbs; 5" soft; 7.5" erect.
circumcised at birth; restoration via 'O' rings over a 6 month
period about 3 years ago

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was it worth it?

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There is no downside to restoration. It was simple, painless, and I had the benefits listed in my previous posting.

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What type of o-rings, nitrile - silicon - rubber?
And where to buy?

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Crazy! if the foreskin wasnt meant to be there we wouldnt have one!

Its like saying 5 fingers on a hand are too many, lets cut one off.

Over the years, at a birth of a boy child, parents were told by health care professionals that it was easier to keep the penis "clean", AND the other reason was doctors "charged" for the procedure.
WOW. What a trade off, a bit-of-skin for a BMW!!! 😀

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What type of o-rings, nitrile - silicon - rubber?
And where to buy?

I got them from a restoration site located in Hawaii. Sorry,
can't remember the name of the place. I believe they were
silicone. IMHO, I would look for them in a hardware store.

During 'training', I kept it on during the day, and took it
off at nite. Also, when getting an erection you want to
take it off, and when urinating too.

Size wise, get several and get the smallest that will permit
you to pull skin through and retain it. The friction from the
ring will keep it in place.

I will look around and see if I can find the web link, but it
was two computers ago.

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You say it only took 6 months for you to achieve this result using the O-ring method? Well I guess everybody's different maybe in how long results take to happen.

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You say it only took 6 months for you to achieve this result using the O-ring method? Well I guess everybody's different maybe in how long results take to happen.

Well, no one was more surprized than I was, except perhaps my wife.

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Wow cody, that's an impressive result!
And in only 6 months too. Well done!

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According to my online research, there are over 20,000 nerve endings on the foreskin of a penis and 4,000 nerve endings on a woman's clitoris. Sadly, these are gone for good.

Yep, I am so happy I have my foreskin. Wow I didn't know this though! Guess that explains why lately I have a tendency to just massage the outside of the topside of my penis on the foreskin. There is also a pressure point there that if you press it will eventually give your orgasms. I love them. Good luck in your quest.

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If you're against circumcision, the US anti-circumcision movement needs your help NOW.

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) is considering recommending circumcision to fight HIV (which doesn't work, see The circumcisers keep finding excuses to justify a procedure that hurts boys and men.

If you're an Aneros user you should be especially aware of male sexuality and the importance of not suppressing it in any way, especially in helpless babies.

Please help by signing a petition at and consider donating to this new umbrella organization.


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Thanks for your alert, Phoenix --- I just signed the petition! I'm one of the fortunate men who was never circumcised as an infant. I didn't know what a blessing this was until I came to depend upon masturbation as a satisfying method of release. 😆 I believe that God, in all of His infinite wisdom, would never have created men to have their equipment so comfortably located within hand's reach, if He hadn't expected us to use it! This arrangement actually provides a viable way for young men to remain virgins until marriage - at least it did for me at 39!

All through my life, however, I've never found anyone who would discuss the issues of circumcision. Not knowing anything about the subject, my wife said she simply did what her doctor told her to do when her son was born (prior to our marriage). When her son fathered a boy, 8 years ago, he said all his friends were circumcised and he didn't want his son to be different from himself. When I brought the subject up with my son-in-law, at the time, he also stated that he was circumcised and went along with my wife's son on the subject. Obviously, neither of these two men had a clue about the benefits of being uncut; and, they were too hard-headed 😉 to dare learn more on the subject.

Since I introduced Aneros to our marriage this May, my wife and I have had our first meaningful discussions on the benefit of a foreskin. Now, and only now, does she really seem to understand AND enjoy the many pleasures a foreskin can offer. As with most learning, one has to be open to learn; and, then through experience, reap the benefits.

Fear and ignorance still abound; but, hopefully discussions and efforts such as this will ensure that more and more little boys will be allowed to keep what God originally planned for them to have. My encouragement is extended to all you men who are in the process of restoration --- your efforts will add a wonderful dimension to your life. 😀 God bless!

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