Does Aneros Use Mak...
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Does Aneros Use Make You Feel a Bit Feminine? Poll is created on May 08, 2021

Poll results: Does Aneros Use Make You Feel a Bit Feminine?
Voter(s): 51
Poll is created on May 08, 2021
It takes a real man to stick something up his butt  -  votes: 37 / 72.5%
I become a delicate flower, ready to submit  -  votes: 14 / 27.5%

Does Aneros Use Make You Feel a Bit Feminine?

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@aneros_user121858 first, welcome to the forum!


My answer to your topic title is no, not me

To your point #1, 'a real man'?  to me, it takes someone that has a purpose; for health, pleasure or both,

To your point #2, not me.


Good vibes to you.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by aneros_user121858

Fred27, Helghast, Helghast and 1 people reacted
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My aneros journey,pegging and femdom antic make me feel submissive. Feel that I depend on my wife for pleasure. Love her for the pleasure I receive. I don’t feel feminine though.

Fred27, eagerbeaver, eagerbeaver and 1 people reacted
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All of my activity has me feel enlightened as a male from the pleasure God put in the male body,  but feminine ? ?  Not in the least ! ! !

Fred27 and Pablito1963 reacted
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no not at all

when I put on a pair of panties that does.

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I responded with no.  In my Aneros progress, good things have come from being receptive to what pleasure inbound from places-unknown comes my way, like I’m an antenna or lightening rod, as well as sensitivity.  Sensitivity, as in being a blank slate for different parts of my body coming to my awareness along with their initially subtle reactions and uses.  There is a mental component too of letting go: of muscular and mental tension, of unhelpful or restrictive socialization about related topics, of shame, of fear about our bodies or what this activity “makes us”.  My old model was receiving penetration or receiving pleasure not through my penis = feminine, but I’m not so worried about it nowadays.  Besides, if it is feminine (so what?), because femininity in itself is not shameful.  I’m not changing my masculine life-ways and comfort in walking/talking/dressing/relating to others in traditional masculine patterns.  Some can think of the anal tract as just a necessary portal to access the pleasure of the prostate or like putting a log in the stove is just a prerequisite to generate heat (@zentai).  Maybe my seeing it as a portal is a temporary mental crutch I’ll have no need for eventually, I don’t know.  It is interesting to see how Aneros can prompt those receptive to doing mental work of self examination, myself included (loosely paraphrasing @rumel).

Yes, welcome to forum.  Do post thoughts if you like.

gregger, Fred27, oldfart and 2 people reacted
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I will agree on the difference it makes to go across the doorway, then you feel your butt bitting on this toy. Soon you are lying there thinking of how that feels when you get a push in your thoughts. I fell asleep with the trident in me, woke up with a wood moment. My nipples were very sensitive that day I got my first big O. It lasted about 15 minutes. I have a bunch of anal orgasms. I will admit while I was in the throughs of the O, my mind was scrabbled; I was a mess. If you want to try out your fem side, start with a pair of panties. Maybe some pantyhose are sexy feeling.  

Regal13, Ggringo, Ggringo and 1 people reacted
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No, it did not make me more feminine.

However, I think I have a better understanding of how women should feel when they have an orgasm. Of course, no one will be able to confirm if this is correct, but I like to think so.

And as far as submission is concerned, I have learned to appreciate it, I like to be submitted to this pleasure! It must be said that submission is essential to trigger a Super-O.

Fred27 and Pablito1963 reacted
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Not more feminine. But submissive. Maybe even vulnerable.

gregger, eagerbeaver, eagerbeaver and 2 people reacted
Bill Bately
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I feel the two options are too extreme. Could there be gradations?

Tbob, eagerbeaver, eagerbeaver and 2 people reacted
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When I'm having a good session I fantasized that a smoking hot woman with big soft tits is having her way with me with her 8 inch strap on.  I'm on my back with a sex wedge raising my hips for her to have easy access to my ass. My legs locked around her hips as she pounds me while she alternates between sucking my nipples and French kissing me.  Not a feminine feeling as much as a submissive one. 

techpump reacted
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Submissive . But not feminine.

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I voted the "real man" one but I have tended to be half and half at times. There have been a few sessions during which I have envisioned that I have a vulva and I finger my perineum with that image in my head. This provided some good arousal. 

Ggringo reacted
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Submissive for sure.

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In order to avoid feeling feminine, I’d rather have difficulty urinating, have a doctor perform a digital rectal examination, find an enlarged prostate, cut me open on the operating table, find cancer, endure chemotherapy, best case scenario survive to tell my loved ones that I ain’t no girly man!

Now that’s a Real Man!

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by StingRey

exodus reacted
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@stingrey Tell them you stick things up your ass for pleasure and see if they beleave you. lol

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 I caress my self like I do with women, and tell it to fuck me. I would have to say yes it brings out my feminine side. 

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@tbob Funny that you respond such. 
Several of my most intimate friends & family are following along on this new journey of self discovery. One even rolled her eyes at your posted reply. 

Knowing details of my history, a gay friend and a trans woman friend both told me that they’re proud of my attempts to face & tackle personal demons. They then went on to share graphic details of their own experiences with prostate massage. A woman with whom I have no boundaries wanted to feel my device inside herself. My closest buddy says that there’s still no way that he’s ever going to try. Several family members are curious about the results, especially medically, since we’ve lost loved ones to the effects of prostate cancer. One friend compared it to herself getting wet from feeling the vibrations of the ultrasound wand when she was pregnant. 

Interestingly though, no one has seen this as feminine, I guess because biologically females simply lack the internal parts. 

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by StingRey

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@stingrey Your definetly the exception, to have ppl around you who are so accepting, and you have such an open relationship. Definetaly not the norm.

Or its not a strecth for them to see this in you. No offense. You are lucky.

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Not lucky at all. 
Made a major life adjustment a few years ago. 
Just decided to live as authentically as possible
This is the result. 
Stay blessed!

This post was modified 2 years ago by StingRey

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We are a community of men who share something very special. Using a massager makes me feel strong and also a bit feminine and I am down with that.The image of being penetrated is very arousing to me.

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I could not feel more masculine than when the aneros is pressed deeply into my prostate and my penis is stiff, throbbing, and oozing precum.

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I absolutely feel more feminine, but I don't feel like any less of a man. We're all made of many parts. In my opinion, embracing your whole self, including the feminine parts, makes you more of a man, and denying those parts makes you less of one.

I am not saying that being penetrated is inherently "feminine", but by being  penetrated, I feel like I've touched a softer, more flexible, more sensitive, more emotional part of myself that I thought I lacked.

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I'll put it this way (and I missed this thread and didn't vote when it originally posted), my wife said "its so cool you feel a lot of what I feel when you cum this way" after being with me in so many sessions. Not "feminine" that's not what or how I feel. I think I feel, to put it in Tantric terms, more of the balance between male and female polarities that has to happen to reach inner peace, harmony within, and union/unison of male/female energies so that enlightenment can occur.

All men and women have a percentage of the other sex within them, some men have more female in them than others, some women have more men in them than others, but its never over 50% of their core sexuality and gender/sex identity. Bringing it closer to 50%, through acceptance of one's self, brings that person, male or female, closer to enlightenment. Its that hermaphroditic nature that all men have within them that I think Aneros and prostate orgasms help bring about and realize, or almost "taste" if that can be used here.

Like, I can say "I can taste some essence of female sexual energy and female orgasm" while having a prostate orgasm and definitely after having one--but its just a taste, not a meal; I whet my appetite, but I'm not getting full from it. I've ingested enough of it to know how it feels inside of me, but I'm not eating enough of it to truly know every nuance and component of the food. I can eat just enough of it to say "oh, I've been to [x] restaurant, their ceviche is amazing" but I don't know the full menu back and forward; I'm like a tourist who really appreciated one or two things on the menu telling a local that the "food is really good here" but I haven't been there enough to have privilege of the use of the word "here". 

That's my take on this!

This post was modified 10 months ago by techpump

gregger and rumel reacted
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Not a bit more feminine - if anything more masculine! We men have a prostate which enables us to experience even more pleasure! I enjoy the feminine mystique in all its beauty! 

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I think the outside world is going to have that initial perspective that anal penetration is an effeminate thing to do, but I've read enough comments here and elsewhere by women that make me think it's more societal pressure.  When most women think it's hot that men are secure enough to explore in this area, it's a good sign.  And I think real men are centered in their identity of who they are and not so worried about what others might judge them for, that they're scared to try. 

techpump and Fred27 reacted
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I don't think I have any idea of what it feels like to be feminine, beyond my own imagination of it, which could be a total fiction for all I know. So I don't label it as such. I think there is a lot of wiggle-room, and I just feel like I'm "me", with what ever else goes with that.

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It makes me super-masculine! SOs seem to channel my ‘ancient Briton’ . My voice turns into a guttural growl that even I don’t recognise. It’d have the Romans running to the hills! 

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I understand the guttural growl.

It happens to me and I start speaking jibberish.

I also have the opposite. A high pitched laugh.

I also moan low and moan high.

I had a first this morning. I was flying. I have had flying before but not like this. My arms and legs were flapping frantically. My mouth was gaping open and my brain was frozen. It was awesome. I think I had the Helix in. I am continually amazed by Aneros. I am 72 and Aneros makes me feel 18.

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