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Vibrating Syn Progasm or Vibrating Syn Progasm Jr. Poll is created on Jul 07, 2022

Poll results: Vibrating Syn Progasm or Vibrating Syn Progasm Jr.
Voter(s): 7
Poll is created on Jul 07, 2022
Vibrating Syn Progasm  -  votes: 7 / 100%
Vibrating Syn Progasm Jr.  -  votes: 0 / 0%

Any Interest In a Vibrating Syn Progasm/Progasm Jr.?

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While I like the vibrating helix syn v its just doesnt have the girth/length I would prefer. Would anyone like them to produce a vibrating syn progasm or progasm jr. ?

Illustrious Member Customer
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The Aneros Vice2 is essentially a vibrating 'SYN' version of the Progasm.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @rumel

The Aneros Vice2 is essentially a vibrating 'SYN' version of the Progasm.

Good Vibes to You!

In comparison to the progasm jr. for instance the vice 2 is  0.4 inches longer and 0.15 inches more girth. I think a vibrating syn progasm jr would probably be a good in between size from the helix syn v and the vice 2

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Mmmm... vibrating Progasm!  As if my ass doesn't go crazy as it is.  Butt too close to Vice?

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  1. I'm going to pick up a Vice 2 very soon. Eager to experience that. If it's better than the HSV than OMG!

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