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Aneros verus partnered sex Poll is created on Sep 08, 2010

Poll results: Aneros verus partnered sex
Voter(s): 5
Poll is created on Sep 08, 2010
I can reach extasy without a woman and my need for one is greatly diminished.  -  votes: 1 / 20%
I can reach extasy without a woman, but I need one as much as before buying the Aneros.  -  votes: 3 / 60%
Aneros is great for the times when I am single, but is forgotten when I have a woman.  -  votes: 1 / 20%
Aneros is great for the times when I am single, and I miss it when I have a woman.  -  votes: 0 / 0%
Any woman I have/will ever have will have to put up with my Aneros. Aneros before a woman.  -  votes: 0 / 0%
I will give up the Aneros if a a woman asked. Her pleasure matters more to me.  -  votes: 0 / 0%
I hardly need a woman for sex whatsoever, just companionship, family, etc  -  votes: 0 / 0%
I am holding back from getting a woman somewhat, until/to get the hang of the Aneros.  -  votes: 0 / 0%
A woman could never pleasure me as much as the Aneros.  -  votes: 0 / 0%
Sex with the Aneros inside me is the new "sex" for me, I can't go back to Anerosless sex.  -  votes: 0 / 0%

Aneros verus partnered sex

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I've been wondering if the Aneros is a tool for male empowerment. Long have men been slaves to women's beauty. Men find it irresistible. Women benefit from men's desperation. Could the Aneros be a turning point?

If you think of the whole attracting-dating-marriage thing, it is, IMO:

* man selects the girl.
* man attracts or woos the girl.
* man seduces the girl.
* man pleasures the girl.
* man provides for the girl.
* man protects the girl.

It seems that women are passive entities here to be entertained, adored and pleasured. Particularly, I am interested in how men half-kill themselves in order to pleasure women. Penis size, sex duration, G spot talk, is all about what the man can give to the woman. A woman can go through life without exercising a single thrust but have more orgasms in her lifetime than 5 men. I've seen forum advice telling a man who could no longer erect and have sex with his wife: "you can still use your tongue". It seems the concern was with her pleasure.

As much as a man "selects" (approaches, asks for a date, etc) a woman, she holds all the power. She chooses who she will let attract, seduce, provide, pleasure and protect her. And the man is grateful for the privilege.

Sex always seemed unfair to me. If it were men with the multiple orgasms for laying on our backs, many women wouldn't bother.

But now, a woman's sex (as in, sex with her) is not "the best a man can get", to use a Gillette slogan. Is Aneros a crucial step in men not needing a woman? Men will still want a woman, but now on a much more healthier scale. Sort of how women want men. Will the desperation will be decreased? Will the pedastooling of women will be downplayed a little?

Will men change their ideology, their thinking from: "I'm going to fuck her hard and make her have 100 orgasms" to: "by having sex with you, I'm doing you a favour"? Could the Aneros be the first step in tackling male desperation somewhat, men's seeking women's approval and "congratulations" (there's a better word for that!) for being able to please them?

If Aneros is more pleasurable than partnered sex, could men, in the future, not demand of their girlfriends who aren't keen on their boyfriend's Aneros play: "Either we have sex and I have my Aneros in me, or I'll Super O on my own"?

If Aneros became widespread, do you think it would cause women to question what they offer us? Would they become more open to selecting us, wooing us in a sort of attempt at redeeming themselves in the face of the Aneros in a world where men are quite content to spend a few months single as long as they have an Aneros?

I don't know where I'm going with this to tell the truth. There's a point in here somwhere. I'll end with a poll for no apparent reason.

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I think it's all irrelevant. Heterosexual males are predisposed, wired if you will, to desire women, even if this desire is contrary to common sense or any kind of rational consideration, so (unfortunately) Aneros won't change this.
I think what the Aneros will change is the sexual leverage women have. Sex is, has always been one of the few (perhaps only) powertools a women has had to use and manipulate man. This IMO should change with the advent of the prostate massage.So, in a sense Aneros has started a sexual liberation of heterosexual males.It won't change the need for intimacy though. But I guess we're on par with women here.

It is interesting to speculate on the consequences of this. Basically the striving for woman's liberation from the 60s onwards has given women the rights men had. But because of the sexual power women have over men, this lead to women basically having what men had while retaining their this still wasn't equality, at least for men. Now with the Aneros it's going to get interesting.
Will women adapt or are they hardwired to keep using this 'power' even when it has become obsolete? 😉

Still I think the will to please a women is also hardwired. This is derived from the sexual. When a women is pleased/satisfied/orgasms there is more chance 9 months later she's going to crap out a kid. So I believe men are hardwired to derive pleasure from a women's pleasure.

But as I said the compensationary factor is in that book I gave you.

The above doesn't change what I stated already. I believe as much in monogamy as I do in love and I don't believe in deluding myself

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Agree with nothing to add. Well said Helixer!

rook (wiring: monogamous breeder -- by vow)

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I think it's all irrelevant. Heterosexual males are predisposed, wired if you will, to desire women, even if this desire is contrary to common sense or any kind of rational consideration, so (unfortunately) Aneros won't change this.
I think what the Aneros will change is the sexual leverage women have. Sex is, has always been one of the few (perhaps only) powertools a women has had to use and manipulate man. This IMO should change with the advent of the prostate massage.So, in a sense Aneros has started a sexual liberation of heterosexual males.It won't change the need for intimacy though. But I guess we're on par with women here.

You just said in a paragraph what I was trying to in about 7. Thanks!!!

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Interesting thoughts and poll MyTurn; and replies Helixer and rook.

Interesting that until you vote in the poll here, you can indeed see who voted in each question. Curiously, after you vote, the system detects you whether logged in or not and does not allow you to see the others names at all. For those who can see the names of others, my answers may seem confusing:
• yes to question 2 (ecstasy without woman, but still need woman {along with two other voters}),
• yes to both questions 5 and 6 which are on the face of it contradictory (5 being Aneros over a woman {I'm only voter at this point}, and 6 being a Woman over aneros {along with one other voter}), and finally,
• yes to question 10 (Aneros forever even if alone {I'm only voter at this point}).

Neither true love nor aneros use need be an addiction absolute. They are not for me. And so my answers above are all wrong since the questions seem to go in the desperate need/manipulation/addiction direction.

My love for mrs. a is deep enough that I will never not love her the way I do now, regardless of whatever life's strange possibilities ahead. If nature has her die before me, her love through our life together will live on with me with great energy, and mine with her if I go first.

I do not experience life with women as being quite the manipulative meat market or male oppression that is implied above. I respect the fact that many other men and women do experience what is described. I don't believe that I would ever be attracted to a woman who was not naturally inclined or willing to explore in mutual respect as mrs. a and I have and continue to expand. And I find many women attractive, but not in the sense of needing to "have them". I have quite a number of very good female friends, both straight and lesbian, a number of whom I do energy work and healing with using all these energies, but without any sexual contact.

I am straight sexually monogamous with ease, from having had bi experience as a youth. Prostate massage for over 50 years more than satisfies what made me bi-curious and explore that in my youth. In the life of conversations with mrs. a, my orientation is known/discussed as bisexual. If anything happened to her and I was interested in another partner, the chances are very heavily that it would be another woman. That is why I declared as straight-bi in the Male Sexual Orientation Here poll. Having been approached aggressively by other females and males on occasion, if it gets to accepting a dinner invitation meaning I am happy to be friends with limits, I invite mrs. a to knowingly join us, and that makes the startled would-be paramour clearly understand what I been saying all along.

Prostate ecstasy as part of a man's own living with his body certainly does free his attitudes and sense of needs in relations with women, enabling those relationships to be far more equal and mutually respectful rather than manipulative, in the equal rights world we now inhabit. This is one reason that I believe that eventually, after dealing with the legal issues, all young men should be introduced to the healthy complete male benefits of prostate massage and given their free first aneros, along with the public health free toothbrush in late public school.

I thank God regularly that I found my prostate and experienced some of these great possibilities at about age 13, and for the rest of my life to date, and onward. It has made all the difference in my full spectrum relations with all women.

Germaine Greer famously said; "Any man who hasn't taken it up the ass isn't fit to be a husband (or woman's partner)". And I have agreed, given the results of too many marriages and relationships we've seen, often reflecting the life fears induced by the Rolling Poison of the Playgrounds; the vicious bullying of young males about sexual orientation issues. An free aneros and the awareness through sex education of the male prostate G-spot would revolutionize for the much greater good, male culture in North America in particular.

all the very best integrated ecstatic whole male being in oneself and in mutually respectful relationships with sexual/life partners all


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I mostly agree with 'Helixer's thoughts on this topic. Our evolution has 'hardwired' certain instinctual behaviors into our DNA and Aneros use is not going to alter that fact. The drive to procreate for species survival is not going to disappear. Temporary pair bonding during a child's formative years is usually a benefit to the survival of the species, but is not a necessity from a biological point of view. I don't believe that a woman's 'power' in this area will become obsolete unless we begin an era of 100% 'test tube babies' being gestated in tanks and our evolutionary process alters our DNA.

However, a male's satisfactory use of Aneros devices does change the interactive dynamic of male-female sexual relationships. When the pleasure factor from traditional intercourse is equaled or surpassed from the male's adoption of self prostate massage techniques, the perceived 'power' of the woman is diminished. This fact is likely to be threatening to some women who will distinctly feel this loss of 'controlling power' to manipulate male behavior. This fact is also empowering for the male when he knows his pleasure is not derived from the actions of a woman but from being in tune with his own body.

This change in relationship dynamics is a double edged sword for both sexes, the equality of pleasure potentials can be divisive for those individuals who have 'controlling' personalities, but it can also be unifying. When we understand and accept the fact our pleasure is always self generated and not dependent upon the 'other', then we can begin to enhance the level of pleasure with the 'other' by combining our life force energies. IMHO, this combining/sharing of energy will develop strong, compassionate, emotional bonds between the sexes, obviating any need for power play games.

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Put another way: Aneros pleasure cultivates a strength to say "no thanks" to women's bullshit. :-p

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Put another way: Aneros pleasure cultivates a strength to say "no thanks" to women's bullshit. :-p


I agree with everything said in this thread. The reality is that there are 2 big reasons why this question/matter will never be widespread enough to matter:

1) The Aneros is not plug and play. Many will give up and focus on immediate, smaller, penile gratification.
2) The Aneros is not seen as "heterosexual". Bi women are "cool", heck, even Lesbians are "cool". Women's anal accounts for 80% of Internet porn. Men's anal is seen as gay.

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...However, a male's satisfactory use of Aneros devices does change the interactive dynamic of male-female sexual relationships. When the pleasure factor from traditional intercourse is equaled or surpassed from the male's adoption of self prostate massage techniques, the perceived 'power' of the woman is diminished. This fact is likely to be threatening to some women who will distinctly feel this loss of 'controlling power' to manipulate male behavior. This fact is also empowering for the male when he knows his pleasure is not derived from the actions of a woman but from being in tune with his own body.

This premise statement rumel and the conclusion is the only thing I question in your otherwise great post: "the pleasure factor from traditional intercourse is equaled or surpassed from the male's adoption of self prostate massage. Please note that: 1. This practice opens the female and the male to many hugely satisfying practices well beyond "traditional intercourse", and

2. The [COLOR="purple"]sharing of these energies and ecstasies further equalizes the relationship, [COLOR="purple"]strengthens the individual practices and self-responsibility in shared shared orgasmic adventures and spiritual orgasmic possibilities, [COLOR="purple"]lessening both partner's dependencies and allowing mature truly profound love to blossom and grow so much stronger, and

3. The focus shifts to [COLOR="purple"]sharing, mutual empowering, and mutual compassion, as well as [COLOR="red"]passion.

This change in relationship dynamics is a double edged sword for both sexes, the equality of pleasure potentials can be divisive for those individuals who have 'controlling' personalities, but it can also be unifying.

When we understand and accept the fact our pleasure is always self generated and not dependent upon the 'other', then we can begin to enhance the level of pleasure with the 'other' by combining our life force energies. IMHO, this combining/sharing of energy will develop strong, compassionate, emotional bonds between the sexes, obviating any need for power play games.

These last two sentences are the Gold Nuggets here, IMHO. Thanks so much R!


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I agree with your three points of clarification. I did not mean to imply traditional intercourse was the only form of interaction to be considered, the statement was intended to allude to that as the most commonly understood form of interaction. Thanks for stepping in and adding needed clarity.

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Being a gay man, None of the above! It's a pity you didn't substitute the word 'partner' instead of 'woman'

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Being a gay man, None of the above! It's a pity you didn't substitute the word 'partner' instead of 'woman'

True. And that did go through my mind...but I suppose it would have had to be in the context of "is the Aneros safer than a gay relationship because so few are faithful?", "does it target the prostate better than a partner could?", "safer physically?", etc, whereas this was in the context of women's "stranglehold" over men's brains.

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"Empowering for the male when he knows his pleasure is not derived from the actions of a woman but from being in tune with his own body".

That comment and so many others from this post make it the most intellectual and informative one I have read on this forum.

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An Empowered male (straight one) desires, savors, and delights in exchanging and experiencing Energy from his woman. Although one can pleasure oneself, nothing is as delightful as a woman . You should give one a try. And stop being so MACHO about male empowerment. Women rule!

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"Empowering for the male when he knows his pleasure is not derived from the actions of a woman but from being in tune with his own body".

That comment and so many others from this post make it the most intellectual and informative one I have read on this forum.

Either you haven't read much... or... LOL.

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On second read, Artform posted some valuable comments indeed. But I still don't think much good of the rest of the discussion.

And even these good comments have been made in other discussions too and are far from the best infos on this forum (there is some gold, man! Keep searching... You don't even have to dig that far, just the stickies and Rumel's introductory links are on another league already).

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@artform had interesting points.

What if all young men were introduced to the healthy complete male benefits of prostate massage and given their Aneros at a young age. This is a beautiful idea and I totally support it, although I think we're miles away from that. Just to spread information to young men that this world of pleasure is available to us men would already be a big step forward. Unfortunately, there are many cultural barriers preventing even this from happening such as the vicious bullying of young males about sexual orientation issues as written by @artform.

@MyTurn's initial post had many valid points. There is constant talk in the media about the female orgasm and it's clearly underlined in many articles in a comparative and somewhat competitive tone that men are a one and done phenomenon, whereas women can enjoy multiple orgasms and endless pleasure. This is marketed as the truth and I feel sorry for all young boys, who have to find their sexuality in such a world. If boys and men only were aware that this is not the truth and also that exploring prostate pleasure does not make a straight person gay (which is a great cultural fear instilled in boys and men), the world would be a very different place.

@rumel also wrote well that as the power of the woman is diminished, this can be threatening to some. This is true as I have experienced that. The question of homosexuality surfaces because of female insecurity: "do you not enjoy sex with me, am I not enough or why do you then stick items in your ass, it gives birth to assumptions that perhaps you are indeed gay and not straight".

God made it tricky when he created man's and woman's sexualities.

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I don't see anything tricky here.

People keep saying nonsense, being jealous, impatient and paying no attention to themselves or their partners... No wonder.

No reason for a calm and sound mind not to experiment in his life all the pleasures he should. Just not all at any time. But hey, what did you expect ?

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