Aneros horniness an...
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Aneros horniness and how do you deal with it? Poll is created on Aug 01, 2019

Poll results: Aneros horniness and how do you deal with it?
Voter(s): 37
Poll is created on Aug 01, 2019
Does the Aneros make you horny? Yes!  -  votes: 30 / 81.1%
Does the Aneros make you horny? No!  -  votes: 2 / 5.4%
Is your Aless laden with Aneros horniness? Yes!  -  votes: 11 / 29.7%
Is your Aless laden with Aneros horniness? No!  -  votes: 3 / 8.1%

Aneros horniness and how do you deal with it?

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Hi guys,

I have began my Aneros journey on Sunday evening, June 3, 2012 with Helix Syn Classic. It took about five years before I achieved major breakthroughs with Super-O's and MMO's in mid September 2016. Those breakthroughs enabled me to have Aneros sessions that are laden with pleasure and amazing Aless with which I interact most nights in bed with nipple diddling and wearing jocks and cups. 😉

There are times now that my Aneros sessions make me incredibly horny. When I am Aneros horny in the daytime, I sublimate it with intellectual endeavors, such as foreign translation projects.

Does using the Aneros make you horny? Does this horniness spill out your Aless times? If so, how do you deal with your Aneros horniness?

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Does it ever. I started having good luck with mine a couple of days ago after going years with nothing. Now, after that first experience I have been so horney using it and not using it. I just want to feel the ecstacy it brings me when it makes me moan. I try to give my body at least 12 hours to recover from a session but my prostate is craving it now. I am also trying to not masturbate at all as some people on the forms say it takes it to another level with not masturbating at all for days. With dealing with it, I just go about my day but in my head I know a session is coming later that night. Good luck. 

oldfart, oldfart, oldfart and 3 people reacted
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I’m not sure how to answer this poll. As I progress in a full Aneros session, I get hornier and this state remains for a period of time after the end of the session. At that point, if I opt to engage my penis, traditional orgasm could come quite quickly but I abstain from indulging most of the time. It is a perfect time to engage in an edging session.

On the other hand, at the end of a session, after pulling out my massager, I'm extremely prostate horny and I often indulge in an Aless session where I experience great pleasure waves.

For the same reasons as described in WIKI instructions, at the rewiring stage I'm currently at, I'm easily able to separate my penile horniness and activities from my prostate play and Visa versa.

This means that I have a few choices available to me at the end of a full blown session; a nice position to be in. It's worth noting that after an Aneros or an Aless session, my prostate usually quivers for a few hours and by that time, I'm in bed for the night.

I voted for the first option but I wish it was a multiple choice poll as option 3 is also applicable.  I’m anxious to read other member's response to @bigglansdc ‘s poll.

Be safe everyone!



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The sky is blue, the grass is green, the Aneros [and aftershocks] makes me horny. Not much else to say.

oldfart, BigGlansDC, oldfart and 3 people reacted
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@poseidon, I enjoyed reading your short poem on Aneros horniness which for me or any guy provides a salient subject for reflection and meditation. For guys of all ages, that resides in the seat of his manhood!


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I still get hornier (at 66). I have stopped having sex with my wife. She had a stroke, so I now solo my sex. The Aneros help me with anal enjoyment. It is cool for you to have it in you. So could you put it in you? Enjoy it, and I do. I have three mgx , a helix syn trident, got my first big O with it, then the progasm then some other plugs to wear sitting down, but you lay down with one of the arouse in you, just writing this I have the erg to putting something in my ass. And do you play with your nipples?
