With chat down for so long, thought maybe a poll showing how important it is
It was hard to decide which one I should vote for - they are all true statements so maybe I should vote multiple times??????????
Three weeks ago I figured that it would be a quick repair. Two weeks ago I figured that Aneros was waiting for the appropriate moment in the "Trident" campaign to raise the curtain and have an all-night chat like they did for Tempo. I've now made my decision on which Trident it will be for me (Trident-Eupho).
This delay has allowed my thinking to drift more toward price than, "lustful anticipation." Not good!
I've been a Chat-guy for over 8 years. I think it's been a helluva good marketing tool and our enthusiasm really bubbles over onto the general public. Sorry to see Chat stalled on dead center.
The latest from support as of 10:20 this morning
We have received the various inquiries about the website chat being down and assure you that we know of the issue and are in the midst of installing a new chat.
The goal was to have this up by Thursday or Friday, due to the nature of the back-end of the website and the need to iron out any bugs this has taken a little longer than planned.
We are currently having our developers finish the last bit of code required to get this up and running.
We do know that it is down, we are getting a new one up and running and this should occur in the near future as we are on the last steps to make this happen.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Aneros Tech Team
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I feel for the developers. Being a developer myself, it is always soul crushing when management cracks the whip and makes demands (and development work can sometimes be very difficult and time consuming).
And from some of the comments in a number of threads / emails, it does sound a bit challenging to work on the systems they have. Hopefully the devs can get it sorted and enjoy a bit of a bonus and some nice cold beverages to celebrate.
Regarding the Trident, I'm thinking of emailing Lovehoney UK and asking whether they will stock them.
@rook Interesting what you wrote about the Tempo chat. Did an Aneros representative actually join in the chat and was engaging with the Aneros community? That sounds really cool - I hope if they do that for Trident that I could synchronise and go on chat at the same time (timezone differences).
Maybe the Systems back end needs a Pro Ice Red..... 😮