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Newbie Question about involunteries

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Hi, everyone!


I am completely new to aneros and have been doing nothing but reading for 4 days straight now. Started learning how to separate base and center(pc) but I have a question.

Someone mentioned in the testimonies that they had an orgasm by pushing the aneros out and pulling it back. Now do you do that by holding base and lushing witth pc muscle out? And this method supposed to create the involuntaries? 

On my first session(after completing mindgasm lession one and two, I managed to reach involuntary pc constructions by squeezing both until the pc gets tired and then just hold base. But after like a min or two base gets tired and cant hold anymore and the involuntary pc squeezes that feels amazing stops.

Could someone please explain the muscle work required to start and keep involuntaries?

How involuntary are we talking? Is it gonna be legit auto pilot and I would not have to do anything or I will have to induce or restart/keep going with pc and base squeezing?

An other thing, I got a shake on my ass cheeks and thigs which felt good, but when I leant in it and started rotating my hips the involuntary pc squeezes stopped even though I aas still holding base.

Would appreciate any advice or clarification on the involuntaries and how to induce and keep them going.

Thanks in advance, have a good experimenting and journey to all!!



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@sonictron IMHO you may be approaching things too encumbered with details. You have obviously done your homework and that's fantastic. Focus on the pleasure itself and add little tweaks from your research and focus on how subtle twitches and gyrations change how your prostate is massaged.

Try to maintain that feeling when you are taking a pee and "open" with pee streaming out (it's why being emptied bladder and bowel is key to such relaxation).The super O's will find you my friend!

Welcome aboard! 

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Welcome to the Forum ! 

Don't try to understand how everything works for now, as this might be counterproductive at the beginning. I've been digging for a long time and still don't quite know all the ins and outs. 

About the invols, what works right now (exhausting the muscles) might not work later as you get stronger and can hold for longer and longer periods. And things will feel different as you gain more control and separate the muscles better. Then the next Mindgams sessions, if you continue to follow along, will introduce more muscles and flexes. 

Invols can be true auto-pilot or you might have to hold a little tension, or even quite a bit, depending on your point of reference, how hard you think you're flexing versus how hard you are actually flexing, and how relaxed the other sets of muscles are, or even waht model you're using. For example, if you clamp hard with the PC muscles, then you can push quite a bit at the sphincter without the device moving, and very little will happen. It's quite a balance act. 


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First off, welcome to the weird weird wonderful world of aneros. You have a good start, do keep reading though. Involuntaries are only part of the reactions, you will expierence. Try not to foxhole yourself looking for a set reaction, like involuntaries. Allow your body to set the course, with a little help from you. As I have said before, unfortunetly like most of us its not plug and bang, super o. Like the rest of us you'll need to be patient, manage your expectations, it can be a lng slow process. But its lots of fun along the way. Know that even when you don't think anything is happening,there is, your body is learning a new language, eventually it will translate, into sensations you can feel. There are many methods, choose one, stick with it, long enough to know if its enhancing things. A mistake ppl make is switching techniques, before giving it a real chance to work.

  Your off to a good start, I would forget trying to push and pull for now, and just stick with your anchored tension. Thats holding your sphincter and PC at 20%, you can go up if you want but keep 20% as your base flex. You can also try this in reverse.Pretend you are trying to pee, and you want increase the flow, with this this you never want to push much harder than 30%, with you PC muscle and the muscle at the base of your dick. You can add your sphincter, by trying to hold the bomb door open, again very lightly. You can also try this muscle by itself. Most of all be patient and keep your eyes open for any new sensation. Frustration only slows the process.

 Good luck and have fun




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Thanks for all the advise and replies.

Have a lovely holiday and p waves to everyone!

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