Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

newbie question
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newbie question

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Hello all,

I'm a new user, with 3 total sessions so far.  I'm puzzled by something and wanted to get some opinions.  I've read the new user info which was very helpful, but something is still strange.  So far my sessions give me some brief instances of feeling very good, but no waves.  I realize it will take time.  The good feeling comes right at the moment of contraction and localized to the prostate.  Or it comes at releasing the contraction but fades quickly.  I would say in a 60min session, only about a total of 5min gives me this pleasurable feeling.

Now between sessions, I noticed I can sit in a chair while practicing my breathing and PC contractions. I could generate a long lasting pleasurable feeling. I've read a lot of people talk about this.  I would describe it as a tingling or pleasure ache that can last while I continue to do the exercises.  It is better than my session!?!

What I don't understand is why I can't generate this during a session.  I mean, I feel like I can get more pleasure without the device than with it.  So far I haven't found anyone describing that. what does that mean?  Anyone have an idea what might be happening?

Thanks for the help.



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Posted by: @percos

What I don't understand is why I can't generate this during a session.  I mean, I feel like I can get more pleasure without the device than with it.  So far I haven't found anyone describing that. what does that mean?  Anyone have an idea what might be happening?

What you have described (going "Aless") is not all that unusual. Many members have reported a similar phenomenon over the years. Some members have even reported having "Chairgasms" due to this phenomenon. Why this happens as far as I know is unknown. This may change as you become more experienced with your Aneros device. As long as you are getting some pleasure from your Aneros usage I wouldn't let it trouble you. You are on a journey of learning about your body and its capabilities, just stay curious and open to all that unfolds for you. 

Good Vibes to You!

This post was modified 2 hours ago 2 times by rumel

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