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Completely New to This

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I had never even heard of a prostrate orgasm until just about a week ago. Now I cannot stop reading about it and want to try it. 

I have no idea now someone can do this by their self with a finger, unless they are extremely flexible. So started looking at these toys. My partner would not be open to this right now, having a hard time even getting her into kink, so it might be something I have to use by myself. 

But I am sooo excited to try this!

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Welcome! If there's one thing I know for certain it's about the journey not the destination, so relax, don't take yourself too seriously.  I'm convinced it's not the toy itself that does everything but the mindset that can be cultivated through developing your own Aneros practice.  Read the forum and ask plenty of questions!

Fred27 reacted
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I can't even believe that we were just out getting groceries and I somehow got brave and brought this up to my partner and she said 'OK, yeah I'll so that for you if you would like!'. Yes! I cannot wait, I have to give her the link to this site. Even if I never get an orgasm from it, it would add a new kink to our bedroom, which I am all about. 

Yoyo23 and Faith-Manages reacted
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@rickhyperion nice man!  Can I recommend The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure by Charlie Glickman and Aislinn Emirzian?  Excellent guide geared toward couples.  I don't know that this forum necessarily has much on prostate massage from fingers, certainly not too much recently.  There's always the couples' corner, however, and I'm sure we're all eager to read about your own experiences too!

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Posted by: @rickhyperion
... I am sooo excited to try this!

Welcome to our little community. That's great that you and your partner are willing to explore this new path to sensual pleasure. If you want to accelerate your learning I highly recommend you first read all the Sticky Threads in the Newbie's Notebook Forum, doing so will well prepare you for the journey ahead. @Faith-Manages suggestion for you and your partner to also check out the Aneros Women & Couples Corner is an excellent idea.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thank you so much for the link!

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Not exactly new to this - i've been trying to achieve an orgasm via the prostate for 9 years without any success. I discovered this site by accident so now i am going back to basics.  One quick question though - am i meant to do anything after my aneros is inserted other than clench / unclench my pelvic muscles?  Should i be masturbating or holding my penis (i haven't been doing this).  Thanks
