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Your most public cum

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now that I’ve gotten pretty good at Aless, I’ve been able to get some p-waves or even an orgasm in some public places. I can go into detail with a hot sexy story but I’d love to hear everyone’s sexy stories of cumming in public

so far I’ve had an aless orgasm
1. At a nude beach
2. On an airplane
3. In my house while the house had 4 contractors in there painting.

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During a staff meeting at work - that I was running. 😉

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@Tevoro I did that today but it was a conference call. Rock hard. Shaking. On mute.

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@Shavedyng - I've also done it at a Super Bowl party. I had one of the strongest, most pleasurable sessions of my life while my team was winning - hard. 😉

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@Tevoro and @Shavedyng
Just very curious...after reading your stories "literally."

Do you mean literally that you (not only enjoyed the "aless" high but also) ejaculated vigorously or emitted gently your male juice "CUM" out of your penises?
On a nude beach, it is fun but very few would notice!
But if the episodes happened on an airplane / in a party / a staff meeting, would not all that CUM wet your trousers? (unless you were not wearing...)

Then I guess you mean the 4 contractors / fellow party goers / fellow passengers on airplane / fellow staffs
witnessed or noticed your ejaculation or wet "CUM" spots on your clothes? So, it then became "most public"!
(or perhaps the party was so wild that everyone got wet...! Enjoy!)

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Dry orgasms. No cum came out. Though I guess there is that risk that you could have a HFWO, which like you said on a beach wouldnt be horrible and you could clean up before anyone noticed but through your clothes could be a problem. I guess that’s part of the thrill!!

i flop around quite a bit when I have prostate orgasms so for me it’s fun to contain them and control them as well. On the beach I got hard and was twitching but the beach wasn’t busy and I don’t think anyone noticed.

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@Shavedyng Many thanks for your message! Dry Os are cool! Twitching on a beach is hot!

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My favourite was during a concert. I was dancing, high from the music and emotional from the lyrics. Then perfected with a dry-o.

Beside from that, nearly every place where I could come to rest: beach, park, public transportation, the office, cinema...

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I've been on a long sabbatical, hope to be able to rewire again soon!

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I went to a live performance of a full orchestra playing music to the entirety of the Jurassic Park movie. Towards the end of the movie, there's the scene of the T-rex making its grand entrance and destroying the raptors as the music begins to swell. I was in the front row and it caused chills which my body misinterpreted as p-waves which grew until the orgasm washed over me during the end credits. Yep, a T-rex made me cum.

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@Mumbo - I think I love you. LOL

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@GulliverPlus --- @Shavedyng is right. Most of my Aless orgasms are dry (meaning I don't ejaculate) but I do leak precum like a bad faucet. On days that I think I'm going have a public Aless session, I'll place a folded paper towel over my cock inside my underwear to absorb the precum. Otherwise, my orgasmic ecstasy becomes apparent through my clothes pretty fast. 😉 Like Shavedyng, if I'm having a good strong orgasm, I tend to move around a bit - and I can be quite vocal. I also find it challenging and fun to put on my poker face, if I'm blissing in the presence of others. The most anyone has ever said to me about it is, "are you OK? Your face is bright red." LOL Little do they know my prostate is pleasuring the living crap out of me.

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